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Version actuelle par : jayeff


Hi @marioncaruana,
No question is ever dumb. Not asking questions is dumb ;-)
You cannot run a mobile phone without the battery, on the charger only.
-The charger cannot supply enough current to run the phone and also the voltage it supplies is to high for the phone’s circuitry without the battery in circuit. The charging/regulating circuitry is in the phone, not the charger.
+The charger cannot supply enough current to run the phone and also the voltage it supplies is too high for the phone’s circuitry without the battery in circuit. The charging/regulating circuitry is in the phone, not the charger.
The charger charges the battery which runs the phone.
The phone’s battery supplies the correct voltage to the phone’s components and can also supply the current that is required at the time it is needed
“Floating” the battery i.e. keeping it on charge all the time, may over time reduce the life of the battery so it may be better to check how quickly it discharges with normal usage, with the charger disconnected and then just recharge it when it gets to approx. 50% charge available.
The batteries are designed to be used and as long as you don’t let them discharge too far, too often, then they will go the distance.



Contribution d'origine par : jayeff


Hi @marioncaruana,

No question is ever dumb. Not asking questions is dumb ;-)

You cannot run a mobile phone without the battery, on the charger only.

The charger cannot supply enough current to run the phone and also the voltage it supplies is to high for the phone’s circuitry without the battery in circuit. The charging/regulating circuitry is in the phone, not the charger.

The charger charges the battery which runs the phone.

The phone’s battery supplies the correct voltage to the phone’s components and can also supply the current that is required at the time it is needed

“Floating” the battery i.e. keeping it on charge all the time, may over time reduce the life of the battery so it may be better to check how quickly it discharges with normal usage, with the charger disconnected and then just recharge it when it gets to approx. 50% charge available.

The batteries are designed to be used and as long as you don’t let them discharge too far, too often, then they will go the distance.

