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Version actuelle par : jayeff


Hi @em111 ,
First check that the AC adapter’s various voltage outputs are OK.
Here’s the [|hardware maintenance manual] for your laptop. Go to p.21 to see how to do this and what the voltages should be.
If you haven’t got a DMM (digital multimeter) or know someone who has and knows how to use it, try getting hold of a compatible AC adapter and check what happens using it. (read the specifications that should be printed on the adapters and compare to make sure and obviously the plug has to be the right one)
If the voltages measure OK or if a compatible replacement adapter causes the same symptoms, then there may be a problem with the power supply circuits on the motherboard.
-The laptop would have to be opened and tested to determine what the problem may be. The manual will help you to open the laptop and at least to a quick visual of the motherboard, to see if anything obvious is wrong, e.g. burnt out components etc. If you decide to do this and see something or you’re not quite sure post some close up images of the motherboard back here. Here’s how to do this on ifixit [guide|21499]
+The laptop would have to be opened and tested to determine what the problem may be. The manual will help you to open the laptop and at least to do a quick visual of the motherboard, to see if anything obvious is wrong, e.g. burnt out components etc. If you decide to do this and see something or you’re not quite sure post some close up images of the motherboard back here. Here’s how to do this on ifixit [guide|21499]
Has the laptop gotten wet or been dropped at all?
If doing all this seems too daunting, contact a reputable, professional laptop repair service and ask for a quote to repair the laptop.



Modifié par : jayeff


Hi @em111 ,
-First check that the AC adapter’s voltage outputs are OK.
+First check that the AC adapter’s various voltage outputs are OK.
Here’s the [|hardware maintenance manual] for your laptop. Go to p.21 to see how to do this and what the voltages should be.
If you haven’t got a DMM (digital multimeter) or know someone who has and knows how to use it, try getting hold of a compatible AC adapter and check what happens using it. (read the specifications that should be printed on the adapters and compare to make sure and obviously the plug has to be the right one)
If the voltages measure OK or if a compatible replacement adapter causes the same symptoms, then there may be a problem with the power supply circuits on the motherboard.
The laptop would have to be opened and tested to determine what the problem may be. The manual will help you to open the laptop and at least to a quick visual of the motherboard, to see if anything obvious is wrong, e.g. burnt out components etc. If you decide to do this and see something or you’re not quite sure post some close up images of the motherboard back here. Here’s how to do this on ifixit [guide|21499]
Has the laptop gotten wet or been dropped at all?
If doing all this seems too daunting, contact a reputable, professional laptop repair service and ask for a quote to repair the laptop.



Contribution d'origine par : jayeff


Hi @em111 ,

First check that the AC adapter’s voltage outputs are OK.

Here’s the [|hardware maintenance manual] for your laptop. Go to p.21 to see how to do this and what the voltages should be.

If you haven’t got a DMM (digital multimeter) or know someone who has and knows how to use it, try getting hold of a compatible AC adapter and check what happens using it. (read the specifications that should be printed on the adapters and compare to make sure and obviously the plug has to be the right one)

If the voltages measure OK or if a compatible replacement adapter causes the same symptoms, then there may be a problem with the power supply circuits on the motherboard.

The laptop would have to be opened and tested to determine what the problem may be. The manual will help you to open the laptop and at least to a quick visual of the motherboard, to see if anything obvious is wrong, e.g. burnt out components etc. If you decide to do this and see something or you’re not quite sure post some close up images of the motherboard back here. Here’s how to do this on ifixit [guide|21499]

Has the laptop gotten wet or been dropped at all?

If doing all this seems too daunting, contact a reputable, professional laptop repair service and ask for a quote to repair the laptop.

