Did you have the battery disconnected from the motherboard just prior to removing/replacing the LCD panel?
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LCD cable (loose connection?)
''If there are images'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are images'' then it is a backlight problem.
The backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (Backlight on). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Check fuse F7 (type 3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
(click on image)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
Did you have the battery disconnected from the motherboard just prior to replacing the LCD panel?
Did you have the battery disconnected from the motherboard just prior to removing/replacing the LCD panel?
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LCD cable (loose connection?)
''If there are images'' then then it is a backlight problem.
The backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (Backlight on). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Check fuse F7 (type 3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
(click on image)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
Did you have the battery disconnected from the motherboard ''before'' you replaced the LCD panel?
Did you have the battery disconnected from the motherboard just prior to replacing the LCD panel?
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LCD cable (loose connection?)
''If there are images'' then then it is a backlight problem.
The backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (Backlight on). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Check fuse F7 (type 3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
(click on image)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
Did you have the battery disconnected from the motherboard ''before'' you replaced the LCD panel?
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LCD cable (loose connection?)
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are images'' then then it is a backlight problem.
The backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (Backlight on). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Check fuse F7 (type 3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
[image|2860606] (click on image)
(click on image)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
Did you have the battery disconnected from the motherboard ''before'' you replaced the LCD panel?
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LCD cable (loose connection?)
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LVDS cable (loose connection?)
The backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (Backlight on). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Check fuse F7 (type 3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
(click on image)
[image|2860606] (click on image)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
Did you have the battery disconnected from the motherboard ''before'' you replaced the LCD panel?
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LVDS cable (loose connection?)
The backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (Backlight on). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Check fuse F7 (type 3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
(click on image)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LVDS cable (loose connection?)
With a lot of laptops the backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (Backlight on). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
The backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (Backlight on). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Check fuse F7 (type 3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
(click on image)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LVDS cable (loose connection?)
With a lot of laptops the backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (Backlight on). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Check fuse F7 (3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
Check fuse F7 (type 3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
(click on image)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LVDS cable (loose connection?)
With a lot of laptops the backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (BL_EN). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
With a lot of laptops the backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (Backlight on). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Check fuse F7 (3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
[image|2860606] (click on image)
(click on image)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LVDS cable (loose connection?)
With a lot of laptops the backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (BL_EN). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Check fuse F7 (3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
[image|2860606] (click on image)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LVDS cable (loose connection?)
With a lot of laptops the backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (BL_EN). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Also some backlight voltages supplies have a fuse in the circuit and others don't so you will need to have the [https://www.laptopschematic.com/lenovo-thinkpad-t450-uma-gpu-schematic-aivl0-nm-a251/|schematics] for the motherboard to know.
Check fuse F7 (3A_32V_ERBRD3R00X) on the motherboard is OK and not blown
If you're on Facebook (I'm not) then here's a [https://www.facebook.com/LaptopRepairSecrets/posts/-lenovo-thinkpad-t450-nm-a251-uma-nm-a252-aivl0-rev10-schematic-and-bios-ec-free/4051246881654477/|free download]
If you get the schematic, go to p.41 to view the display port connector wiring. If there is a fuse and it is blown then the schematic will have the type number of the fuse printed on the circuit under the fuse. All the components are identified in the schematic
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0 schematic'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
Hi @jsnelson
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LVDS cable (loose connection?)
With a lot of laptops the backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (BL_EN). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Also some backlight voltages supplies have a fuse in the circuit and others don't so you will need to have the [https://www.laptopschematic.com/lenovo-thinkpad-t450-uma-gpu-schematic-aivl0-nm-a251/|schematics] for the motherboard to know.
If you're on Facebook (I'm not) then here's a [https://www.facebook.com/LaptopRepairSecrets/posts/-lenovo-thinkpad-t450-nm-a251-uma-nm-a252-aivl0-rev10-schematic-and-bios-ec-free/4051246881654477/|free download]
If you get the schematic, go to p.41 to view the display port connector wiring. If there is a fuse and it is blown then the schematic will have the type number of the fuse printed on the circuit under the fuse. All the components are identified in the schematic
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0 schematic'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
Hopefully a start
Hi @jsnelson
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LVDS cable (loose connection?)
With a lot of laptops the backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (BL_EN). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Also some backlight voltages supplies have a fuse in the circuit and others don't so you will need to have the [https://www.laptopschematic.com/lenovo-thinkpad-t450-uma-gpu-schematic-aivl0-nm-a251/|schematics] for the motherboard to know.
If you're on Facebook (I'm not) then here's a [https://www.facebook.com/LaptopRepairSecrets/posts/-lenovo-thinkpad-t450-nm-a251-uma-nm-a252-aivl0-rev10-schematic-and-bios-ec-free/4051246881654477/|free download]
If you get the schematic, go to p.41 to view the display port connector wiring. If there is a fuse and it is blown then the schematic will have the type number of the fuse printed on the circuit under the fuse. All the components are identified in the schematic
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0 schematic'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
Hopefully a start
Hi @jsnelson
When the laptop is on, try shining a flashlight at an angle close to the screen and check if you can detect any images. They will be ''very faint'' if they are there, so trying in a darkened room may help to see them.
''If there are images there'' then then it is a backlight problem.
''If there are no images to be seen'' and you've replaced the LCD panel and since an external monitor works OK it may be a problem with the LVDS cable (loose connection?)
With a lot of laptops the backlight voltage supply is always supplied to the display and the backlights are turned on and off in the LCD panel by a signal sent on the backlight enable lead (BL_EN). This signal is controlled by the IO chipset (BIOS) and can be caused by events such as the lid closing/opening, screen timeout settings, external monitor display only selected etc.
Also some backlight voltages supplies have a fuse in the circuit and others don't so you will need to have the [https://www.laptopschematic.com/lenovo-thinkpad-t450-uma-gpu-schematic-aivl0-nm-a251/|schematics] for the motherboard to know.
If you're on Facebook (I'm not) then here's a [https://www.facebook.com/LaptopRepairSecrets/posts/-lenovo-thinkpad-t450-nm-a251-uma-nm-a252-aivl0-rev10-schematic-and-bios-ec-free/4051246881654477/|free download]
If you get the schematic, go to p.41 to view the display port connector wiring. If there is a fuse and it is blown then the schematic will have the type number of the fuse printed on the circuit under the fuse. All the components are identified in the schematic
I searched for ''AIVLO NM-A251 REV 1.0 schematic'' as searching online this seemed to be the board number for the motherboard (printed on the board itself)
Hopefully a start