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Version actuelle par : jayeff


Hi @pdjray
Disconnect the power from the projector and then open it up and use a DMM's (digital multimeter) Ohmmeter function to check if the T5A/250V fuse on the power board is OK or not.
Here's an image to show where it is located and what it looks like.
If the fuse is blown then you can try replacing it and check if it holds and if the projector turns on, but more likely it will blow again as normally fuses don't fail for no reason.
-When searching for a replacement ensure that it is a ***T***5.0 Amp fuse and not an ordinary 5.0 Amp fuse. The ***T*** in the fuse rating is ''important'' as it denotes that the fuse is a timed (aka slow blow) fuse.
+When searching for a replacement ensure that it is a ***T***5.0 Amp / 240V fuse and not an ordinary 5.0 Amp / 240V fuse. The ***T*** in the fuse rating is ''important'' as it denotes that the fuse is a timed (aka slow blow) fuse.
When the power is first applied to the device there are high inrush currents flowing. These currents can be several times the rating of the fuse but a slow fuse fuse is designed to hold for the ~8mS that these currents last before they subside, whereas a standard fast acting fuse having the same current rating would blow immediately.
(click on image)



Modifié par : jayeff


Hi @pdjray
Disconnect the power from the projector and then open it up and use a DMM's (digital multimeter) Ohmmeter function to check if the T5A/250V fuse on the power board is OK or not.
Here's an image to show where it is located and what it looks like.
If the fuse is blown then you can try replacing it and check if it holds and if the projector turns on, but more likely it will blow again as normally fuses don't fail for no reason.
When searching for a replacement ensure that it is a ***T***5.0 Amp fuse and not an ordinary 5.0 Amp fuse. The ***T*** in the fuse rating is ''important'' as it denotes that the fuse is a timed (aka slow blow) fuse.
-When the power is first applied to the device there are high inrush currents flowing. These currents can be several times the value of the fuse but a slow fuse fuse is designed to hold for the ~8mS that these currents last before they subside, whereas a standard fast acting fuse having the same current rating would blow immediately.
+When the power is first applied to the device there are high inrush currents flowing. These currents can be several times the rating of the fuse but a slow fuse fuse is designed to hold for the ~8mS that these currents last before they subside, whereas a standard fast acting fuse having the same current rating would blow immediately.
(click on image)



Contribution d'origine par : jayeff


Hi @pdjray

Disconnect the power from the projector and then open it up and use a DMM's (digital multimeter) Ohmmeter function to check if the T5A/250V fuse  on the power board is OK or not.

Here's an image to show where it is located and what it looks like.

If the fuse is blown then you can try replacing it and check if it holds and if the projector turns on, but more likely it will blow again as normally fuses don't fail for no reason.

When searching for a replacement ensure that it is a ***T***5.0 Amp fuse and not an ordinary 5.0 Amp fuse. The ***T*** in the fuse rating is ''important'' as it denotes that the fuse is a timed (aka slow blow) fuse.

When the power is first applied to the device there are high inrush currents flowing. These currents can be several times the value of the fuse but a slow fuse fuse is designed to hold for the ~8mS that these currents last before they subside, whereas a standard fast acting fuse having the same current rating would blow immediately.


(click on image)

