elictric window won't go down
electric window wont go down
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There are a number of things that could be causing a malfunction of your power window.
First off, is it only one window that won't go down? If so, it might be a single connection, switch, or motor that's not working.
If all power windows aren't working, then it might be a fuse or relay. Check the fuse box that contains the power window fuse and see if the fuse or relay is intact.
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both power windows when out at same time how do check to see if relays are bad?
Having same issues. Fuse gets hot neither window will roll up or down when buttons are pushed, does not matter the door either drivers side will not roll the drivers side window or the passengers window and the passenger's side will not roll up its own window? Any other ideas on fixes? I checked the fuse and it is ok. Relay? where do i find the relay?
I have a 99 3 quarter ton Suburban I can't control the windows from independently like the passenger window the two back windows that they work from the driver side control what causes that
Did you find a solution?
Windows motor good switch roll up some time put in new switch in windows and doors locks still don't work
A wiring diagram,,better yet some pictures showing where the relay and fuses are. Found the fuses easy enough but not the relay!
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Where is the fuse box on 1986 Chevrolet Full size
Truck! Both electric windows won’t roll up or down????
in either direction but there's no movement it's the track or the gear. If there's no sound check fuses and then the switch (remove the switch and jump the terminals)
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Good Luck,
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One window has sound and gave me 2” opening the passenger side and rear l nothing!
Almost forgot as of last week my fob to unlock the doors no longer works and my car now goes unlocked by rear doors!
I replaced the passenger side window motor on my 1995 2 door Tahoe and plugged it in to test and moved for a second then just stopped I can feel the motor clicking but no movement anyone know what my problem is here?
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I purchased a 1991 Silverado for my son and the windows worked fine for a month and then they started to stop and go at times. I replaced the switches and checked the relay and all were fine. I then took the panel apart and it looks like the previous owner made speaker holes in them and damaged some of the wires in the process. I checked to see if the switches were getting any juice and the lock switch is and the window switches would go on and then dim to off. I touched the relay and it was very hot. So I'm looking at replacing the door wiring harness to see if that is a fix, problem is that the harness is an obsolete part at the stealers and at any aftermarket supplier :O( Any help would be appreciated :O)
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I believe I got one for my 93 at rock onto electrical wiring repair or something
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I have a 2005 Chevy equinox The front passenger side and driver side window or messing up going down really really slow and it won’t go up to the door panel off both sides to figure out what was wrong got to the passenger side saying there was open wires so I unplugged and take that why are yo The front passenger side and driver side window or messing up going down really really slow and it won’t go to the door panel off both sides to figure out what was wrong got to the passenger side seen there was open wires so I unplugged and tape wires up and now none of the windows won’t work and Winchell wipers don’t work what can I do
Alright, there are some different things going on with all the vehicles in this thread. Let me try to go thru a few issues that I have run into over the years.
First off, as was said before, check your fuses. Most of the time you can find a diagram for the fuses in the owners manual or on the back of the cover(s) for the fuse box(es).
Next, you need to check for power at your window switch. If you are not getting power to the switch, the problem could very well be in the harness where it goes thru the door jamb. This is a very common place for the wires to chafe and break or corrode. I have found the problem in the wire harness more times than not.
Next, using a wire diagram and a connector pinout chart, check that the switch is working by looking for power going toward the window motor.
Before blaming the motor, try all of these other problems. A great deal of the time, the motor is not the problem. No sense tearing the door all apart to change the window motor if you don’t have to. It can be difficult.
If more than one window is giving you trouble, the problem is most likely in the switch and wires. If your motors are running slow, there is most likely an issue with the wiring, particularly the ground.
I think I might have covered most of the issues.
Good luck.
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I have a 1992 Chevy Silverado. I had a short through the system. Now my windows are not working or my power locks. Change the wiring harness inside. Everything seems to be working fine except the windows. Driver side window works with key off.
Did you find the problem cause I have a 95 1500 that’s doing the same thing drivers window works with key off but my passenger side or door locks don’t
If you decide that the power window motor is bad (which is very common), be sure to inspect the faulty motor. If you take it apart, you may find that there are 3 disintegrated nylon plugs that have deteriorated between the plastic gear and drive gear. If they have gone bad, you can replace them with new plugs found at NAPA (about $8. I think they are only listed for fords, but they aren't rocket science. They can be trimmed to fit) instead of spending $50 on a new motor.
These plugs are found on power window motors and headlight motors (older pontiacs).
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today i was driving and i put my window down a bit and had my blowers on. i got to where i was going and when i went to drive my car again the windows wont go in either direction and the blowers wont turn on. this happens at the same time and when this happens the check engine light comes on. What is going on with my car and is it expensive to have fixed?
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Having a problem with my 01 savana it started about 2 months ago windows would work sometimes other times wouldn't now none work I replaced switch and motor still nothing went out on my way home I tried it worked fine got out the van went back a bit later now nothing works I'm thinking a short or bad ground on the harness any suggestions?
i have a 1998 chevy k1500 shortbed. single cab. driver side power window does nothing . no sound no movement at all.. Passenger side is fine. Should i try fixing switches and wiring first ? or is replacing motor best option common with this year and model ?
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14 commentaires
My son has the same problem on his 1995 chevy truck. Both drivers side and passenger side windows will not go down. We looked at the fuse/relay which is on the left hand side of the drivers area. The rely/fuse is a silver rectangle two prong fuse. When he turns the key on it gets very hot. I am assuming there is a short somewhere, the question is where? Anyone have this same problem? If so how did you accomplish the fix?
par tim ferrall
Hey Tim. I'm having the same problem with my 1995 Z71 . Fuse is getting very hot and neither window will move. Did you find out what was going on with your son's truck? Any help would be appreciated.
par Jeff Gardner
Did anyone figure this out ? I'm also having the same problem and I have replaced the fuse/ relay and that isn't the problem my powers mirrors also used to work and they don't work anymore either the fuse gets very hot when I press the switch replaced the whole switch and everything and that isn't the problem either there has got to be a short somewhere I just don't know where or how to check that.
par Chris bowen
Chris, look at the solutions below. It could be that your entire switch assembly is bad. Can you put the passenger window down using the passenger side button?
par Cameron
I have a 1989 Silverado and have had numerous issues possibly due to age/time. As for windows and locks not working, I found a multi to single ground inside the rubber guard that protects the wires from driver door to cab. The single wire had broke from the connection.
par Ed50
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