iPhone 5 rebooting when taking a photo after charging port replace

After replacing a loose charging port in my iPhone 5, I've been experiencing some problems.

First of all, the home button doesn't work, which I've narrowed down to a faulty part after putting the old part back in and trying that. But I've ordered a new charging port assembly so hopefully that fixes it.

I've had a bad speaker for some time now, but after doing the replacement now it doesn't work whatsoever. I can hear a crackle like it's trying but that's it. I've ordered a replacement speaker as well so hopefully that fixes that problem.

My main problem is that now whenever I take a photo my phone restarts. It instantly goes to Black and won't reboot until I press the power button. Does anyone have any solutions for this/ know what I did to cause this? Thanks!

UPDATE: I've found out the problem lies with the loudspeaker- when I turn my phone on vibrate I can take pictures fine- but if I try to take a picture, or even music, when it's off vibrate it sends it to reboot. Looks like the loudspeaker so I'll replace that and reassess

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3 commentaires:

Did you take out the logic board or unplugged the battery while doing the replacement?


Ben, I did take out the battery! However, I did not remove the logic board.


Anyone have any idea?


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