Not pulling or ejecting disc

Console is no longer pulling in or ejecting the game disc anymore. Had to manually eject disc now it Is no longer does either function apps and fully downloaded games work but the disc tray seems to be the only issue.

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4 commentaires:

Does it READ the games? Or does it not function whatsoever?


Hi! You should open up the drive. Maybe the rubber belt is done. And make sure it's all dust free before you continue. But also important to know as Med_tech said, does it read something? Or does it remain dead?


So it’s not pulling in the disc at all so I don’t know if it can read it. I guess I am going to have to pop it open to check the disc driver and clean it.@dan0


Yeah, it’s the only way to check where it goes wrong. Open up the drive and see what you can find :)


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