Fusion Drive Failed -- unbootable

Hi — my 2TB fusion drive on my 2017 iMac has failed. It is no longer bootable or mountable. I’m going to replace it, but wondering if there is any way to recover the data off the drive using an external SATA enclosure or similar? I keep most of my data on an external server but had several large video files stored locally.

I’ve booted into a USB drive for now. The old fusion drive shows as ‘APFS Physical Store’ but can’t be mounted (see attached screen shot). First aid returns:

Running First Aid on “” (disk0s2)

An internal error has occurred.

Operation failed…

If I try Erase, I can select a format to use, but have not tried reformatting as I don’t want to wipe the data if it is recoverable.

Any help help or advice would be appreciated.

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