iPhone se2 mic1 constant reboot
Hello users, of ifixit. Today, I want to talk about, a device, that I own, that's constantly rebooting due to mic1, I know this issue, is common, with this, specific iphone. Because there's a defect, on the logic board, where the signal, gets lost under, the sim tray. So I took some, diode readings, on the corresponding pins, responsible for the microphone. The following results are 7th pin, gave 0.259, and 8th pin gave 0.279, so I need, second opinion. What do you think, is the likelihood of this issue, the logic board, or the flex charging assembly.🤔
Update (03/04/25)
Update: I tried applying pressure, while testing, the diode readings, on the corresponding pins, for the microphone, there wasn't any significant change, or open line.
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