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Cette vue éclatée n'est pas un tutoriel de réparation. Pour réparer votre PlayStation 3 Super Slim, utilisez notre manuel de réparation.

  1. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim, Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 1, image 1 de 1
    • Pronta a scoprirsi e dimostrare la sua validità, la PlayStation 3 Super Slim contiene molta potenza in una forma compatta. Le specifiche notevoli sono:

    • Output HD 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p e 480i

    • Suono surround LPCM 7.1ch, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, DTS-HD, AAC

    • Cell Broadband Engine™

    • RSX® GPU

    • RAM XDR da 256MB e VRAM GDDR3 da 256MB

    • Disponibile con una memoria flash interna da 120, 240 o 500 GB (aggiornabile!)

    Beware of step 8! Failing to remove the torx screws on the side of the console first will result in broken bezels!

    Name - Réponse

  2. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 2, image 1 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 2, image 2 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 2, image 3 de 3
    • Non per lamentarsi, ma abbiamo dovuto prendere la nostra PlayStation 3 Super Slim come parte di un bundle. Sembra che, dopo innumerevoli avventure, finalmente Nathan Drake abbia trovato un tesoro degno del suo nome.

    • Che cosa contiene esattamente questo bundle? Siamo contenti tu l'abbia chiesto:

    • Una PlayStation 3 Super Slim da 250 GB

    • Un Controller Wireless DualShock 3

    • Un cavo composito AV (sfortunatamente il cavo HDMI non era incluso in questo bundle)

    • Un cavo d'alimentazione AC

    • Un cavo USB (richiesto per caricare il controller DualShock)

    • Una copia di Uncharted 3: l'Inganno di Drake (Game of the Year edition) + Dust 514 (DLC incluso)

    Beware of step 8! Failing to remove the torx screws on the side of the console first will result in broken bezels!

    Name - Réponse

  3. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 3, image 1 de 2 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 3, image 2 de 2
    • Abbiamo voluto confrontare la PS3 Super Slim con il modello standard, quello che va a sostituire.

    • Chiamateci sciocchi, ma la nostra prova ha confermato i risultati che ci aspettavamo. la Super Slim può avere un nome più lungo, ma ha perso molte taglie.

    • Anche se il retro della console sembrano simili, ci forniscono molte informazioni sulle modifiche fatte per la Super Slim.

    • Per iniziare, le prese d'aria sono molto più piccole, il che probabilmente significa che anche la ventola è più piccola e quindi deve gestire meno calore.

    • In secondo luogo, la disposizione delle prese è spostata leggermente, rispondendo così ad una domanda che ci è stata posta diverse volte: No, non potete scambiare le schede madri tra Slim e Super Slim.

    Beware of step 8! Failing to remove the torx screws on the side of the console first will result in broken bezels!

    Name - Réponse

  4. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 4, image 1 de 1
    • Probabilmente la modifica più importante nel nuovo modello (e quella più influente per gli utenti) è il ritorno ad un lettore CD manuale.

    • La porta del lettore è in plastica sottile e sembra economica, inoltre significa che questa PS3 richiede dello spazio al di sopra per cambiare il disco. Non sarà più possibile infilarla su una mensola.

    • Pensiamo rimuovere il sistema automatizzato sia stato necessario per ridurre sia dimensioni che costi nella Super Slim. Questa è una scelta progettuale che ha riscontrato parecchie critiche, anche se ci ricorda di un recente cambio di dimensioni consapevole.

    • Oltre agli immediati benefici nei guadagni di Sony, abbassare i costi di produzione ha reso la PS3 a prova di futuro. Quando la PlayStation 4 verrà rilasciata, molto probabilmente la PlayStation 3 Super Slim sarà venduta affiancata alla nuova console, ma ad un prezzo molto più basso.

    Beware of step 8! Failing to remove the torx screws on the side of the console first will result in broken bezels!

    Name - Réponse

  5. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 5, image 1 de 1
    • La parte inferiore della Super Slim sembra simile a quella della console precedente, a eccezione di una luce indicativa per il WiFi mancante.

    • Non temere, il fatto che manca questa luce indicativa non significa che la Super Slim non ha il WiFi.

    • Sul fronte della Super Slim sono ancora presenti due porte USB 2.0, una luce indicativa per il disco rigido e una pletora di loghi supportati, incluso il classico logo Blu-Ray Disc.

    Beware of step 8! Failing to remove the torx screws on the side of the console first will result in broken bezels!

    Name - Réponse

  6. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 6, image 1 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 6, image 2 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 6, image 3 de 3
    • La copertura del carrello del disco rigido della PS3 Super Slim può essere rimosso subito rivelando una vite a croce Phillips blu.

    • Dopo aver rimosso questa vite il disco rigido Hitachi TravelStar Z5K320 2.5" SATA II 3.0Gbps 250 GB 5400 RPM può essere sfilato dalla console.

    • In caso non te ne sia accorto, servono solo una vite a croce Phillips e non più di 5/10 minuti per cambiare il disco rigido.

    • Probabilmente la cosa più bella del disco rigido della PlayStation è che Sony ti permette di sostituirlo con qualsiasi disco da 2,5". Nessun firmware o connettori particolari: solo te, la tua console, e tutto lo spazio che puoi aggiungerci.

    The cover SLIDES off to the rear! NOT pop off. Do not pull on it or you will break some tabs

    Todd Dickens - Réponse

    Wow, I wish I would have looked at the comments BEFORE I attempted this!

    Thanks for the warning Todd. Looks like all the tabs on the back half of mine are now shored off. I’ve been coming here to for years and this is the only walk-through that i’ve come across that does a CRAP job of telling where the actual screws are or where the tabs are. Poorly done.

    CharmPeddler - Réponse

  7. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 7, image 1 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 7, image 2 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 7, image 3 de 3
    • I piccoli piedini in gomma nascondono tre delle viti della copertura esterna e forniscono alla PlayStation 3 Super Slim una buona aderenza.

    • Non pensiamo che questi piedini siano un grosso problema: sono facili da rimuovere, sono funzionali e ripuliscono l'aspetto della console.

    • A bloccare l'accesso alla quarta vite, appare un'etichetta Warranty Void selvatica! Ed è andata.

    • Pensiamo che etichette come questa siano fasulle, e dovresti pensarlo anche tu.

    There is only 4 screws and nothing under the two pads on the long left side

    Peter Johansson - Réponse

  8. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 8, image 1 de 2 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 8, image 2 de 2
    • Uno strumento di apertura in plastica si prende cura velocemente delle cornici esterne.

    • Sotto la cornice anteriore, troviamo l'etichetta pericolo raggio laser.

    • Rimuovere le cornice inoltre espone le viti che dovremo svitare per accedere nella Super Slim.

    On my unit, there's a T8 security screw holding the front bezel in place on one corner.

    Jarod King - Réponse

    There are two secure torx screws securing the case at the dvd/bdrom drive; they are visible by opening the dvd/bdrom sliding cover.

    Popek Enterprises - Réponse

    How do I fix the piece next to the laser radiation warning?

    james - Réponse

    Yep, more tabs broken for me.

    Wow, I wish I would have looked at the comments BEFORE I attempted this!

    I’ve been coming here to for years and this is the only walk-through that i’ve come across that does a CRAP job of telling where the actual screws are or where the tabs are. Poorly done.

    CharmPeddler - Réponse

    Two Screws on the side next to the hard disc holder. One is a security I think T8 but don’t have


    Mark Crain - Réponse

    Definitely poorly written instructions that strides more along a hip selling point than an actual step by step tear down.

    Billy McFerron - Réponse

    I followed these instructions and now I have two bezels with three broken tabs on each one. I am SO ANGRY with iFixit right now for destroying my PS3. I also had a torx screw holding down one of the bezels and now that’s broken too. It has been SIX YEARS, Why haven’t these instructions been updated, iFixit?!? There are also two torx screws down by the hard drive and 5 screws that were under the bezels. How do you fail to miss instructing us to remove eight screws? The bezels don’t pop off. They slide off. They slide to the side and then come off. Following your instructions DESTROYS them!

    hidinhim777 - Réponse

    Guys, as stated in the banner at the top of the page, this is NOT a repair guide and should not be used as instructions. There’s a link right there to detailed step-by-step instructions if you need them.

    Jeff Suovanen - Réponse

    ^ Correct, this is not a repair guide. It is a teardown. And following along with this teardown will lead to you NEEDING detailed step-by-step instruction.

    Name - Réponse

  9. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 9, image 1 de 1
    • Ed eccoci qui! Quale meraviglie e sorprese troveremo nella PS3 Super Slim? L'unico modo per scoprirlo è rimuovere la copertura superiore.

    • Sembra che la copertura interna in plastica copra quasi tutte le componenti.

  10. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 10, image 1 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 10, image 2 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 10, image 3 de 3
    • Dopo aver rimosso la copertura superiore, continuiamo la nostra esplorazione rimuovendo il lettore CD ad ingresso manuale.

    • Dite quello che volete su questo lettore CD senza sistema automatizzato nella super Slim, ma è una componente facilmente riparabile.

    • La lente del laser è etichettata KEM-850 PHA 0672 23020A.

    • Abbiamo letto delle opinioni contrastanti sul rumore prodotto dal lettore CD della PS3 Super Slim e abbiamo dato un'occhiata agli sforzi di Sony per ridurne il rumore:

    • Abbiamo visto che il lettore è montato su dei paraurti in gomma molto soffice e circondato da un carrello in plastica per la riduzione del rumore, che dovrebbe ridurre le vibrazioni.

    • Comunque, questo non farà molto per ridurre i suoni che provengono direttamente dalla sottile porta in plastica del lettore.

    Hey I'm looking for the switch right there on his thumb does anyone know what it's called or where to get it

    chris c - Réponse

    Hi, i have a ps3 super slim CECH-4201C and it stopped playing any disk i put in it. So i wanna change it but my lens is a single lens and all the ones i can find is double, will it still work for mine? Also where can i get a single lens and which is better. The console is 500gb came with "The last of us". Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon.

    temidayoabayomizannu - Réponse

  11. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 11, image 1 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 11, image 2 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 11, image 3 de 3
    • Il gruppo dell'alimentatore è facilmente rimuovibile dal retro della copertura della console.

    • Nonostante la chiara disposizione delle componenti, quelle interne dell'alimentatore sono difficili da accedere, in quanto la sua copertura interna è tenuta insieme da quattro viti e diversi ganci in plastica.

    • Similmente a quello della Ps3 Slim, questo alimentatore è progettato per avere come ingresso tensioni tra 100 V e 240 V AC, rendendolo utilizzabile in tutto il mondo.

    • Sembra anche che il consumo generale sia stato ridotto. Mentre la PS3 Slim produceva un'uscita di 12 V a 18 A DC, la Super Slim produce 12 V a 13 A DC.

    Is the CECH 4001B bivolt too? Its sign just say 120V and i'm in Brasil so I have 220 V..... very afraid to fry my PS3 :o

    Daniel - Réponse

    Did you got your answer? Or did you try it on 220v?

    N Manoilov -

    Hello guys

    I bought a ps3 super slim (UC2 Cech-4001C GA), it's 120v,1.5A and 190 W,

    Can i use it in germany with out power converter?In germany 220V and 50Hz

    Amir hossein Ahmadi - Réponse

    Hello Guys

    I bought a ps3 super slim 500gig god of war bundle(UC2 Cech-4001C GA) in the box just write 120V,1.5A and 190 W.

    Can i use it with out power converter in the Germany? in the Germany 220 V and 50Hz

    Amir hossein Ahmadi - Réponse

    Does anyone know if you can use a laptop power cord such as a 125V 7A?

    Tk Garcia - Réponse

    More broken tabs. It would have been VERY helpful to note where the actual locking tabs ARE AT. This thing was so darn hard to get apart.

    CharmPeddler - Réponse

    As stated at the top of the page this is not a repair guide. There is a service manual section for the PS3 Super Slim for actual repairs, this is just taking it apart to see what’s inside.

    Mathieu Rohaly -

    I can’t reply to Mathieu, so here I am. That’s EXACTLY what we are here to do. I’m trying to completely disassemble it so that I can clean it out. I’m not repairing anything but need to know where all that is in order to get it apart. where else are we supposed to go?

    Ember -

  12. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 12, image 1 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 12, image 2 de 3 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 12, image 3 de 3
    • Il gruppo della scheda madre/ventola viene separato dalla copertura inferiore mentre continuiamo la nostra impresa.

    • Siamo restati infastiditi quando abbiamo scoperto che l'intero gruppo della scheda madre deve essere rimosso per accedere alla ventola o al dissipatore, ma ciò rende possibile uno stile molto compatto.

    • Davanti al gruppo della ventola troviamo le antenne del WiFi e del Bluetooth.

    • Inciso sulle antenne troviamo il logo di TE Connectivity. Stando a TE Connectivity, i loro "design di antenne sono stati utilizzati in diversi prodotti, incluse... delle console di gioco rivoluzionarie".

    Can I ask which one is the Bluetooth and witch one is the wifi I want to add an external ariel to mine want to make sure I solder to the right wire Ie white or black wire is bluetooth Thanks in advance

    Shane Winter - Réponse

    It is the white wire that is the Wlan It is written on the motherboard so you cant go wrong

    Shane Winter - Réponse

  13. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 13, image 1 de 1
    • Dietro la porta numero due... la scheda madre!

    • Dopo qualche attimo di tensione, siamo infine riusciti a rimuovere la protezione in metallo dalla scheda madre.

    • Una veloce ispezione ha rivelato un'adeguata quantità di pasta termica sulla GPU, ma una lavoro non proprio perfetto sulla CPU.

    • Margini di miglioramento per degli hacker felici?

    The "CPU" that you are referring to is actually a metal cover that acts like a heatsink. It has thermal paste between it and the actual cpu, as well as thermal paste on top of it. If you decide to pry it off, you will need to buy a heatsink glue/epoxy product to glue it back over the cpu.

    Watcher Watchmen - Réponse

  14. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 14, image 1 de 1
    • Girando la scheda madre di 45°, ci permette di osservare le principali componenti responsabili della potenza di calcolo della PlayStation 3 Super Slim:

    • Cell Broadband Engine CXD2996BGB

    • VRAM Hynix H5RS5223DFA 512 Megabits GDDR3 (per quattro chips = 256 MB)

    • Driver MultiAV Sony CXM4027R

    • Trasmettitore HDMI Panasonic MN8647091

    • XDR DRAM Elpida X1032BBBG-3C-F 1 Gb (su due chip per 256 MB totali)

    The nubers on this step dnt make sense(LEss ram on total than in one chip?)

    masterx246 - Réponse

    Mega"bit" 8 bits = 1 byte. Raw chips are labeled in megabits, systems and memory sticks go by megabytes.

    b4ui8fastfood - Réponse

  15. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 15, image 1 de 1
    • Alcuni IC più... cartesiani sopra la scheda madre:

    • "Reality Synthesizer" Sony RSX CXD530

    • SoC WLAN/chip Bluetooth Marvell Avastar 88W8781

    • Bridge controller Sony CXD9963GB I/O

    • Memoria flash Macronix MX29GL128FLT2I

    • Controller lettore Blu-ray Sony CXD5132R SATA/PATA

    • Antenna integrata PCB Wi-Fi

    It appears that there's no more NEC caps, and the RSX no longer have an IHS too.

    Is the ac jack soldered to the PSU PCB?If yes, it would be harder to replace if you break it.

    One more request:Can you remove the cover of the Cell?

    Honam1021 - Réponse

    i have short electric under the hard disk connector (122932N)

    that make my ps3 super slim not power on (it is light red then when press power button light green then turn of (fan also turn on and turn off, same light )

    ALI ABDALHAMID - Réponse

  16. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 16, image 1 de 1
    • Qualche componente minore sull'altra faccia:

    • SW3-302 SCEI 1220EM42E

    • BD7761EFV 227 T25

    • Intersil ISL6332 MDRZ H223BCC

    • IDT 4227ANLG 1149L

    • Texas Instruments TPS53123 Dual Synchronous Step-Down Controller

  17. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 17, image 1 de 2 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 17, image 2 de 2
    • La Super Slim si scalda un po' mentre rimuoviamo la ventola a ruota per criceti e i due dissipatori.

    • La Super Slim ha perso delle taglie e del peso nella ventola rispetto alla Slim.

    • Per questa (finale?) iterazione della PS3, Sony ha mostrato le nuove tecnologie per rendere la stessa console più piccola, leggera e silenziosa, piuttosto che renderla più potente.

  18. Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 18, image 1 de 2 Smontaggio PlayStation 3 Super Slim: étape 18, image 2 de 2
    • Riparabilità della PS3 Super Slim: 7 su 10 (10 è il più facile da riparare)

    • Il disco rigido è facile da accedere, riparare ed aggiornare.

    • Il lettore CD senza sistema automatico è modulare, rendendolo facile da sostituire.

    • Strumenti standard, ad eccezione di una punta Security Torx T8.

    • C'è una fastidiosa quanto inutile etichetta "Warranty Void".

    • L'alimentatore è tenuto insieme da diversi ganci. Comunque non ci aspettiamo molte riparazioni interne all'alimentatore.

    • L'intero gruppo della scheda madre deve essere rimosso per accedere alla ventola o al dissipatore.

    • la porta del lettore CD sembra scadente e potrebbe rompersi con l'uso quotidiano.

    The design of the gpu heatsink reminded me about the original Xbox 360 cpu heatsink

    Honam1021 - Réponse

    does it go bad too

    JOE - Réponse

    The lasers are the first to go on most Sony equipment. Just look on eBay for all the "won't read discs" faulty ones, there's loads

    SuperGeekJames -

    As stated above- The main issue with my past 2 PS3's has been the Blu-ray drive going out after about 1500 hours of gaming, a few thousand hours of Netflix and listening to music. Console repair place down the street from me wanted $70.00 to fix it same day and give a 120 day warranty. Glad I read this and can probably do it myself next time there is an issue! :-)

    undeadking - Réponse

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37 commentaires

You write:

> The tray-free disc loader is modular, making it easy to replace.

Are you sure? My best guess would be that the drive assembly is matched against the motherboard so you cannot switch the unit. At least that has been the usual Sony DRM policy. The custom "SW3-302 SCEI 1220EM42E" could well be doing the DRM stuff on the motherboard side, but you didn't disassemble the bluray unit, so it's hard to tell..

You write:

> Power supply is held behind lots of clips; however, we don't expect many internal repairs to the power supply.

With two capacitors (on the left of your picture) right next to the heat sink of two diodes I'd expect a fair amount of capacitor replacing coming in about two years from now..

denmike - Réponse

The tray free loader is modular, and there's no DRM on the mechanism as you wrongly state. The control logic with encryption is built into the motherboard on these, so the whole optical deck including laser can be swapped out and replaced.

The bad thing is, typical Sony style is if the BluRay logic actually goes bad the whole mainboard has got to be replaced unless you know someone who's professional at re-balling (not reflowing) and can replace the circuitry and dump the encryption keys.

SuperGeekJames -

Never seen the V-Ram on the substrate before - won't that make GPU replacement pretty expensive?

Daniel - Réponse

They used this design since the original PS3

This is how the original 90nm GPU looks like after removing the IHS

Honam1021 -

I thougt the super slim ps3 super cheaper for sony to make. I am not talking about rubbish bluray top loading. Look at the logic board PCB. Full of smd rat $#$*. Compare that with original ps3 slim logic board. Thanks to proadlizer, the PCB is super clean without rat @!#*

samabaikbone - Réponse

I hate the way sony keeps decreasing the size and efficency of the fans and heatsinks every time they revise it and only concentrate on making it quieter.

Example the original 60gb's had 19 blade fans with massive heatpipe heatsinks, then the 40gb's with the crappy non heatpipe heatinks and a 15 blade fan, if they had kept the original HS they probably wouldn't fail so quickly.

danguy2009 - Réponse

The RSX Chip is based on G70 Chip in turn based on the NV47[6] (GeForce 7800 GTX) but with only 8 ROPs activated[7] and 128 Bit memory interface. This serie serie of gpu had issues with the substrate, which caused solder balls to break from it. This is the reason of the YLOD. Nvidia produced bad chips in the G70, G79, G80, G86, G84 GPU Series. Just to recall the bad Geforce 8600gt-m in the 2007-2008 Macbook pro's story.

Eric Bert -

Maybe I'm stupid, but where do you need the torx driver? Nothing in the article mentioned torx other than the needed tools section.

firstname lastname - Réponse

can this unit be converted to run on 12v only ?

rob - Réponse

buy an invertor

King -

The one part I mised in this teardown is the meganism for the top-loader, how does it show half of its inside with the touch of a button?

werner B - Réponse

The unit turns on (light stays green) only to turn off seconds later. Anyone else have this problem and could possibly point me in the right direction. Thanks@!

Patrick Beebe - Réponse

I've got the same problem. No fix IO can find. I replaced the PSU and still no go. I'm lost.

Mason Goodknight -

im afraid the way i seen it, it most likely had gone kaput from overheating, making it not complete the whole bootup cycle. in short we simply ran out of luck unless you knew someone who could board it up to life again.

Doc Manny -

I have a ps3 the disc not working where your fix AT my name bj and my number is 225 284 6686 and how much it cost to fox it ps3 super slim 12gb

dinah - Réponse

Do all the super slim use the same blue ray disk driver like in step 10?

temidayoabayomizannu - Réponse

Is it easy to fix the hdmi port for super slim 250gb?

Eighty4 - Réponse

Is it easy to remove the hdmi port and replace with a new one on a super slim ps3 250gb?

Eighty4 - Réponse

I have a kinda destroyed super slim ps3, the disc reader side is mostly destroyed. Step smashed it up and just curious how much itd cost to fix it, most of it is all good just it didn't turn on fully just light up and shut off, and things pretty bent and wont close, i have lotssss of saved things that i dont wanna lose. Is there any way to retrieve it out or can it be fixed, any advise where to ask? Willing to pay as long as its not past the amount it cost.

jovani - Réponse

I was taking my slim apart when all the gears fell out. Is there a diagram or something I can see to use a reference in putting them back together correctly?

Angela Aldeman - Réponse

I bought a PS3 console model number CECH-4001C in the States and was using it in Europe without problems with a voltage converter. A few days ago the converter started heating up and it almost burned the flat down. I want to know if I can use the console without the converter, since I do not want to throw away a good 500GB PS3. Thank you!

grega.ferenc - Réponse

You can not use it without a converter. Check the bottom of your console for voltage rating, you will see that it's 100V-120V. Some units have a voltage rating of 100-240V, those could be used, but yours needs a converter. Or buy an internal power supply which is european and replace it.

exitus0924 - Réponse

Is it easy to remove the hdmi port and replace with a new one on a super slim ps3 250gb?

Quotes pleasure - Réponse

i took apart my ps3 super slim and put it back together and now it has no power whatsoever no red light or anything

pastorjon.m - Réponse

Did you replace the I/O switch and connect the ribbon

David Dimond -

I have a PS3 CECH-4001B I was wondering if it's working with 220v some people says yes some of them says No so I'm confused

Moncef - Réponse

do i can change the motherboard

shams asfor - Réponse

My super slim will spin it and then make three clicking sounds then do it two more time.what shall I do about it?

Kenyetter baker - Réponse

any chance of repairing Wifi/Bluetooth (Marvell Avastar 88W8781 SoC WLAN/Bluetooth chip) without replacing MotherBoard ??

Manpreet Singh - Réponse

really 13 steps because 1 2 3 4 are not teardown info

weaverzachary55 - Réponse

I’m missing many screws mentioned, also, the two side pieces can’t be slapped off without unscrewing a couple of security torx screws on the side where the HDD was. Maybe this is not on every iteration but it’s important.

Dukefazon - Réponse

good guide but incomplete, you forgot to include removal of some screws which may cause frustration or worst damage the casing

Game Flix - Réponse

Gee thanks guide writer, in step 8 a plastic opening tool makes quick work of the outer bezels, if you want to snap them off! Maybe try mentioning those Torx security screws that need removing before you break the bezels instead of writing a spotty, vague fluff piece about all the components.

Name - Réponse

Yes I found out that too late

David Dimond -

Please help me for my PS 3 super slimcause REBalland many technision just trick is' not specializedi see haven't tools and every thingis' not experience,,my best regard,help me

harypamungkas24 - Réponse

Doesn't show how to get the fan off the metal casing, I found that there are two plastic pins going through the case and onto the base of the fan

David Dimond - Réponse

I’m not sure folks will see this down here, but the hard drive cover doesn’t “pop right off” as it says in the instructions. It slides to the right and comes out naturally. I followed the instructions and popped it off and broke several clips that hold it in place— don’t be like me and follow the guide here!

Anthony Gilmartin - Réponse

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