If the microphone or audio jacks are not working on your Sony TCM-450 or TCM-450DV, then this guide will tell you how to replace them. The microphone input and audio output are some of the two most important parts of the TCM-450, as the microphone allows you to record yourself or other objects on the tape recorder and the audio output port allows for the use of headphones.
When desoldering the audio output and microphone input you should use some kind of clamp to hold the PCB.
You must be careful when desoldering as there are components that are very close to audio output and microphone input, and you can end up desoldering the components. If this happens you will have to solder the components back on, which can be very difficult even for the most experienced professional. You must be careful when removing the parts as you don't want to rip anything out in the process. The order does not matter, and you do not need to remove one before the other.
Remove the two 3.5 mm Phillips #00 screws from the bottom of the device.
Caution: Ensure the device is off and unplugged if using the power adapter, as it is unsafe to remove the cabinet while on and will cause damage and potential harm to the user.
Open the battery cover, and gently remove the back cabinet with the iFixit Opening tool.
The device will make a popping sound when removing the back cabinet. The back cabinet may feel as if it is not loose. However, as long as the back cabinet looks disconnected from the lid, it is safe to remove.
Carefully desolder the last two groups of connections and gently remove the wires.
Caution: Desolder all three marked connections at once before attempting to remove the wires, as they will not fully disconnect and cause damage to the device.
For both the microphone input and audio output, use a desoldering pump for all three solder points. Use the technique here for all of the soldering points.
To use the desoldering pump create a suction over the solder point and after the solder has melted press the button on the pump like shown in pictures.
Desolder the first and second point connecting the audio output port.
There will be 2 Solders with white lines under the solders and a label of SP these are speaker solders you do not need to solder/desolder them for this guide.
There are resistors near this piece be careful not touch them with the soldering iron or you will have to put them back in place using the soldering iron.
Desolder the third and fourth point connecting the audio output port.
After removing all of the solder, gently remove the audio output.
There are resistors near this piece do not touch them with soldering iron or you will have to put them back in place using the soldering iron.
There will be 2 Solders with white lines under the solders and a label of SP these are speaker solders you do not need to solder/desolder them for this guide.
If the device does not feel like it can be removed there may still be solder on the audio output. You will need to go back to the previous step.