Utilisez ce tutoriel afin de désassembler toutes les pièces d'une Game Boy Advance
Ce dont vous avez besoin
Enlevez le cache piles en maintenant la languette de verrouillage appuyée tout en soulevant le cache.
Utilisez une spatule (spudger), une pincette ou un ongle pour déverrouiller la nappe LCD en soulevant les loquets gris sur les côtés (vers le haut du circuit imprimé).
Une fois que le port de la nappe de l'écran LCD a été ouvert, la nappe devrait être très facile à débrancher et peut être retirée avec les doigts ou une pincette sans avoir à forcer.
Guide does not indicate that the ribbon cable port should be UNLATCHED before attempting to remove the ribbon cable, I strongly suggest revising this as someone unfamiliar with these style of ports may assume that the ribbon cable is a compression fit and just needs to be "pulled" free of the port.
This is a terrible idea that will potentially result in tearing the ribbon! Please consider revising guide to add a step to indicate the proper method/detail for unlatching the LCD ribbon port! Thanks :)
Utilisez la spatule pour soulever l'écran de la coque avant. Placez la spatule dans l'espace juste à côté de de l'emplacement de la croix directionnelle.
This is a BAD place to pry on a functioning LCD. I used this exact method, slowly and carefully, and my LCD shattered.
Instead, remove the lens (it’s worth it to sacrifice the lens adhesive to save your LCD), and gently and slowly press with a gloved thumb on a corner to push it through from the front of the Game Boy. Let the adhesive release itself, don’t force it. If the room is super quiet, you should be able to hear a faint peeling sound, even if you can’t see anything moving. That means you’re doing it right; just wait and it will release.
Actually you can just pry under the ribbon cable. The LCD has a metal frame there that allowed me to slowly and carefully pry from that point without (re)breaking my LCD.
Yep. Same thing just happened to me :(
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7 commentaires
I dont understand. The items in “Tools featured in this teardown" is different from the tools written on the article e.g. Y0 in “featured" but Y1 in the “article”.
Great guide. My dumb ass didn’t see the screws holding the circuit board to the front shell lmao
What is the cpu
How do you remove the CPU and SRAM chips?