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Charge port coming loose
Even though your Jambox is in good shape, the charge port came loose.
Charge port is in correct placement, but is loose inside the cavity
If the charge port is loose, this requires soldering the part in place. We offer instructions on how to do this here.
Charge port is lost
If the charge port came loose and has been lost, altogether, then you must buy a new charge port and replace it. We offer instructions on how to replace it here.
Charge port has fallen within the speaker’s guts
If the charge port has fallen within your Jambox, you must take apart your Jambox in order to retrieve the missing charge port, or buy a new charge port. We offer the directions on how to take apart the outside casing and replace your charge port.
Speakers are not working correctly
There is no sound coming from the Jambox, or it does not sound right.
Low volume
Turn up the volume on your phone/computer, then turn up the volume on the Jambox.
Volume is muted
Try pressing the plus volume button or the play/pause button to check that the volume is not muted or paused.
Jambox out of range
Make sure your device is within range of the Jambox (approximately 33 feet).
Low battery
Check for low battery by pressing the circular button, then charge the Jambox as needed.
Speaker is malfunctioning
It is possible that you may only need to restart your Jambox. See the "Additional Information" section of our device page for a link to Jawbone's factory reset directions.
Blown speaker
One option is to take apart the Jambox and put rubber cement around each of the speakers to seal the edges. The other option is to take the Jambox apart and replace the speaker. To replace a speaker follow the Speaker Replacement Guide.
Jambox not fully charging
You’ve charged your Jambox, but but it is not holding a charge.
Battery is dead
Fully charged, the Big Jambox should be able to play 10 hours of music (although this decreases with increased volume). If the speakers are not holding a charge, then you may need to purchase a new battery and replace it with the new one. Click here for access to the battery replacement guide.
The charger is not functioning correctly
The Jambox should take 2.5 hours to fully charge via microUSB from a wall socket, and several times longer to fully charge via Laptop or desktop PC. If charging takes longer than this, your charger could be the problem, and will need to be replaced.
Micro USB port not functioning correctly
You’ve tried multiple times to connect your Jambox via the Micro USB cable, however, the USB port is damaged or not functioning properly.
Jambox does not charge through Micro USB port
If you’re having a problem with the Jambox not charging through the USB port there are multiple ways to charge your device. You can either charge it via the charge port, using the wall charger that Jawbone provides. If you still want to charge it through the Micro USB port, there is either a problem with the connection cable, or with the port itself. We have a guide for replacing the Micro USB port here.
Updates are not registering to your Jambox through the port
First, ensure that the Jambox is properly connected using the USB cable. If it is, make sure that your computer is up-to-date and that all software updates have been properly installed. If your Jambox is still not updating, then the problem most likely lies in the Micro USB port itself, and it will most likely need to be replaced using the Micro USB Replacement Guide.
Micro USB port is damaged or lost
The only solution is to replace the Micro USB port within your Jambox, which is also linked to an amplifier board. We provide step-by-step directions on how to do this within our replacement guide here.
Buttons are not responsive
The volume on my Jambox neither increases or decreases when I press the volume buttons.
Buttons have an underlying software issue
First, try resetting the Jambox by clicking the link to Jawbone's factory reset directions under the "Additional Information" section of our device page. If this does not work, then try updating your Jambox using the MyTalk function through the supplied USB cable.
Buttons have either fallen off or are jammed
This problem is hardware-based and you will need to replace the button circuit board. We have a step-by-step guide on how to do this.
17 commentaires
ware do i buy replacement parts
peterbilar - Réponse
if my big jam does not work can you recondition it for me at a charge
peterbilar - Réponse
Why can’t I get my iPhone to pair with my jawbone?
corbitt.michele -
this is confusing
peterbilar - Réponse
this looks like a black hole
youu ask questions but get no answers
peterbilar - Réponse
hey guys please I lost my big jambox charge how can get new charge ple??
mamadicamara713 - Réponse
How can I by another auxilar bord (usb, charge and audio)
molioze79 - Réponse
no power at all
joshuamikelfields23 - Réponse
podria alguien ayudarme se actualizo mi bocina big jam box y ahora al repoducir musica desde mi celular la musica se escucha cortada alguien me puede ayudar mi correo es espero y alguien me pueda ayudar
eduardorodriguez150394 - Réponse
Albert Einstein - Réponse is here of all your electronics repair needs. Just fill out our repair form and get these sent in!
Ed Poltavskiy - Réponse
Battery wasn't charging. Big Jambox works while plugged in. Bought new battery and installed but still won't charge
denjim22 - Réponse
Big jam box battery pack is dead, shall I continue listening to music without replacing the battery pack?
mannypons - Réponse
My Big Jambox the only way I can get it to turn on is if I use the micro USB plug because I lost the other one I have to plug the power in and push the power button at the same time in order to turn it on it will not turn on on its own it states it's charged at 100% but it only works until about 70% and then it just shuts off on its own and will not turn back on what do I need to fix a new battery or is there something else wrong I don't want to waste money but I would like to fix it
Patrick Whalen - Réponse
Will not pair with iphone
Vickie Abrahamson - Réponse
My volume is way low. Computer volume is max, battery charge is max. How do I fix this
Allen Leonard - Réponse
no working with windows 11
tsav1982 - Réponse