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Informations pour réparer et démonter la version 2020 du MacBook Air. Commercialisé en mars 2020.

104 questions Voir tout

Where is cable for keyboard backlight?

I replaced display ,then my laptop doesn't recognize keyboard backlight.

I might pull it out.

where is it?

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The keyboard backlight connection is via the trackpad cable on the logic board which splits with one side going to mid board to be spilt into two connections. The larger is the keyboards data cable the smaller is the backlight connection. Review this guide Step 9 MacBook Air 13" Early 2020 Trackpad Replacement

I would inspect the cable connections as well as damage to the both the Trackpad cable as well as the keyboard backlight cable on the mid board.

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I am less likely to think this is related to your keyboard backlight and more likely to think it's related the fact that you've replaced the display. I would also check to see if your camera is working properly. Although the screen for the 2018, 2019, and early 2020 MacBook Airs all seem identical, the Ambient Light sensor in the 2018 screen is different, and can cause issues like what you're seeing.

Where did you source your replacement screen from? I presume the whole assembly was replaced and not just the LCD panel?

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@flannelist - Good catch! I’m very careful when replacing display assembly’s, hadn’t encountered a mismatch scenario.


@danj Yes, I tend to run into this when I have cobbled together machines from various bits, or I am testing parts. But Apple is Apple and will be persnickety about things like this across models.


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