Ce tutoriel va vous montrer comment remplir le liquide des enceintes à eau en passant par le bouchon en dessous de chaque unité. Ces appareils ayant tendance à fuir par ce même bouchon, ce tutoriel va vous expliquer comment les démonter, remplacer l'eau et refermer le tout de manière hermétique. Utiliser de la colle forte à la place du bouchon d'origine va permettre une bien meilleure étanchéité, tout en étant simple à mettre en place.
Ce dont vous avez besoin
Vous allez avoir besoin d'un espace libre, d'enceintes à eau, de la colle forte, de l'eau minérale ainsi qu'un tournevis cruciforme.
Une fois les quatre vis dévissées, faites glisser la partie inférieure afin de la séparer du réservoir d'eau.
Posez ensuite le réservoir d'eau à l'envers.
I have got the same speakers, and You should refill it with water but one inch of the top so almost full. Just correcting your stupid mistake You smarty pants. Thank You!!!
Bonjour, soucis avec une de mais haut-parleurs ou il manque énormément de liquide, pouvez-vous me donner la référence du liquide qu'il faut mettre car j'ai essayé avec de l'eau démoralisé cela ne fonctionne pas, merci par avance en attente d'une réponse.
En dessous du réservoir, vous trouverez le trou par lequel il a été rempli d'eau. Ce trou est fermé par un bouchon en caoutchouc noir.
Faites levier avec le tournevis pour retirer le bouchon.
Remplissez ensuite les enceintes. Ne mettez dans chacun d'eux que 2,5 cm d'eau.
I tried prying it but it didn't work and I ended up breakin the little space it was in.
Mine didn't have a plug, and I had to use a very small bit to drill the hole open. added water and glued. works okay, except it makes a random 'grinding' noise and the liquid in the refilled one doesn't cascade like the original - almost as if the original liquid was not water - at least not plain water. Any thoughts?
it's mineral oil
Just bought these speakers; there's only about an 1/8" of water in them. Took it apart with your instructions and found water plug... It's tiny! How did you add water? A syringe? Also in the picture the water tank appears full, you say add one inch. We don't understand (duh), could you explain please?
Only the inch of water in the bottom of the water tank is shot up into the air in the water tank.
Elijah -
when and how much mineral oil do I add to the water?
Le bouchon ne se retire pas du tout, je voulais le remplir a nouveau mais comme dit le bouchon ne s'enlève pas 😕
Une fois la colle sèche, ré-assemblez le réservoir et le reste de l'enceinte.
Reposez ensuite le panneau arrière et revissez les 4 vis cruciformes.
Répétez les étapes 2 à 6 pour la seconde enceinte.
Can you showe me how to fixs my water speakers
Just got mines on sale for $15 soeakers works great n loud but the water its not dancing don't want to return it back but how can i make the water to dance kinda mad about it someone helps me plz thanks
Just purchased this set of speakers. (I appreciate the instructions you provided on how to add the water…as this info did not come in the box!!!
Bonsoir, je tombe sur votre TUTO super intéressant, mais le problème pour moi, est que je trouve pas l orifice pour l eau….pas de bouchon noir…et 2ème chose, peut on remplacer la colle forte, par de la colle chaude, d après vous’ car une fois refroidit, elle devient dure…! Merci de votre aide
ha oui, mon enceinte n est pas tout à fait pareille que la votre, elle est ronde et c est une Polaroïd (sans vouloir faire de pub)
Is a hot glue gun an effective glue substitution?
Vos enceintes à eau sont maintenant prêtes à l'usage. Merci d'avoir suivi ce tutoriel.
Vos enceintes à eau sont maintenant prêtes à l'usage. Merci d'avoir suivi ce tutoriel.
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36 commentaires
the pump is defective how to replace
I couldnt get plug out either so I drilled a hole in back and filled it with mineral water and sealed it with a small strip of scotch tape and duct tape on top of that in case I had to get back in. It works, but now it looks different. Sometimes the water clings to the inside and it looks a little foggy. Is it mineral water, or mineral oil? If it leaks again I'll prob try the oil.
The original liquid has a lower surface tension than water. I used odorless mineral spirits.
If the pump is noisy, try a drop of oil in the motor.
My speakers keep spraying even though their is no music playing, is that a good thing?
That means that the speakers are broken. You might need to replace it. If not, then its a probelm with the board, which I have no idea how to fix.
good it worked with me, thanks for guidance.
I got one of these for Christmas at five BELoW for $5. I figured out why they were selling it. Someone lost the black plug on the bottom that plugs the hole and they used hot glue to fix it, but it still leaks somewhere. I will probably drill a hole in the top or back and fill it with water and cover it up and then use some sealing tape to make sure it stops leaking.
Try some JB weld on the area
My water dance speaker still has water. My problem is the water isn't splashing about with the music, any more. What would cause that to stop?
I read somewhere u can use baby oil to is that true. My son got some but there is nothing in there so I have to fill them.
lorirunninglate u would have to get a new motor for the or both speakers if neither work there is no pumps it's three magnetics that are attached to the motor with a wheel try looking up on YouTube on how to replace the motor
Regarding identifying the liquid:
Based on a search for the MSDS, the MSDS (ref: ) calls it "Artware Oil C-300", with a viscosity of 3.6 mPa.s (aka 3.6 cSt).
Mineral oil comes in MANY viscosities, the closest I could find would be Peneteck, the second closest would be 4463 oil (ref ).
Can't find a seller for "Artware Oil C-300", "Peneteck", or "4463 oil" yet. I expect there would be other mineral oils in this viscosity range as well. I haven't found a source for oil yet, but hope this helps in the search.
Will update / add comment if I find a mineral oil in this range.
I'm trying to fill my second speaker and when I open it the plug is like 1/4 of an inch down and I can't get to it.
I dont get it - its not water or mineral water , but oil - mineral oil of a fairly low viscosity so that it runs easily but doesnt stick. So exactly what is it, and when it leaked, where did it go to as if it is oil it wont evaporate.
I have the same problem, but I have the Water Tower BT SC1128BT Model.
I can’t even find the refill area or access the “Guts” of this thing!!
howlbob -
When I opened the box only one speaker had water in it. So I found these directions for filling it. Both speakers had broken pieces in them. When I opened the back of the empty one, there wasn't a plug. Instead, there was a big thick layer of apoxy or something. When I finally got enough of the glue/apoxy stuff off, I put the water in and glued it back closed. Then, while trying to get it back together, three wires broke lose. My husband said he would try to sodder the wires back in place when he got a chance but I'm not optimistic it will work. Luckily, I didn't pay anything for the piece of crap. It was given to me. My husband said if he couldn't fix it, he would buy me another one......don't think I really want to chance money on buying another one though.
I also had trouble removing the plug (I resorted to pushing it in) and eventually broke a wire in the process. The oil that had escaped had made the inside of the bottom piece kind of sticky.
At this point, its no longer worth trying to salvage it. The other one still works, but it looks silly with just one. It was a neat little gift, but very cheaply made…
Can you just use regular water?
Can’t I just put a hole in the top and put tap water in it because I’m too trashy to go through all this &&^&^$ effort
I AGREE with the last comment! my eyes dont see those tiny little holes, black dots…etc got these at goodwill for $2 so im guessing these will sit in a cabinet til i throw them out.
We have the dancing sharks and after a month the stopped floating and just sit on the bottom. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you.
For you know how to fix a speaker that has a hole in the plastic at the top?
its not water , its light oil.
The wiring to the lights fell off while I was refilling! I tried to reattach them, but they keep falling back off when I try to replace the cover . How can I make them stay without a solder?? I was going to use glue, but don't want to damage it beyond repair! Help!?!!
Sadly no. At least not very reliabley. You could try to use a teenie tiny metal clamp.
Zarkex -
tuto non compatible pas de bouchon pour remplir enceinte a eau en forme de verre !!!! tres deçu
Moter wairs point plz
Should I change it before I use it?
Charge it before I use it?
My water speakers have noisy motors … they are brand new Goldman’s… if they aren’t on full all you hear is the motor for the jets… I don’t want to have to take them back but I wanted them for soothing music at bathtime not a disco!
Can I put distilled water in my speakers
i see a tiny hole on top of the glass speakers. but i see no obvious way to open it. it seems to me though that this would be where i should add the mineral oil. Anyone else have the same speakers i have? any ideas on how to open it.. without damaging the glass?
Betty Jo Doney - Réponse
You need to take the clear part with the water off of the black part.
Follow this instructions posted here.
Good luck
Uzibah - Réponse
Using the phillips screw driver remove the 4 screws seen on the back of speakers.
Once the four screws are taken out you will need to slide the bottom piece from the water canister. When the two are separated set the water canister bottom facing up.
On the bottom of the water canister you will see a SMALL HOLE where the water was inserted. There will be a black plug covering the hole. Using your screw driver you can pry the plug out. Once the plug is taken out you can refill the speakers. Only refill the speakers with one inch of water.
After the water is filled to approximately one inch. Super glue the hole shut and let dry.
When the glue is dry slide speaker back on to water canister. Once they are put together place back panel on and insert the four screws. repeat steps 2 through 6 on second speaker.
Uzibah - Réponse