LeapPad2 will not turn on
No matter what you do, you can't get your LeapPad2 to turn on.
Drained/bad battery
If you have been using your LeapPad2 too much, or not been giving it enough love and left it lying around, your battery may be drained. When purchasing non-rechargeable batteries four AA alkaline batteries are recommended. If you instead choose to purchase rechargeable batteries, we recommend NiMH (nickel metal-hydride) AA batteries of 2000mAH (milli-amp hours) or higher. Instructions to replace the battery can be found at Remplacement de la batterie du LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer To optimize LeapPad2 battery for future use, review the instructions found at LeapFrog’s Customer Help Website.
Bad display
It is possible that it appears nothing is happening because the display is faulty. If this is the case, it is possible the screen display is bad and must be replaced. Replacement instructions are available at Remplacement de l'écran du LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer.
Water damage
Whether your kid told you or not, the LeapPad could have fallen in water. Lay the LeapPad on a paper towel, unplug, and remove batteries from your device. Dry the tablet with a soft rag or towel to remove all visible droplets of water. Leave the LeapPad in a bowl of rice or Rice Krispies overnight. Examine the damage the next day; the water could have caused more damage overall. To repair you may have to replace the motherboard or purchase a new device.
Bad logic board
If the above options do not fix this problem, the logic board may be damaged. You may want to either replace the logic board it here or get a new device. Sorry, it’s the only logical answer.
Touch screen will not respond
LeapPad is not responding to my stylus pen.
Dirty screen
Clean the screen from the outside with a dry microfiber cloth (ie. for eyeglasses). Make sure there is nothing blocking connections.
Crumbs in the cracks
Make sure there are no crumbs in the cracks that could cause the screen to not be working. Clean the gaps with an air compressor.
Uncalibrated screen
Your screen may need to be calibrated to the stylus. After powering on your LeapPad, simultaneously hold down the Home button and volume up button to navigate to the Parent Settings menu and select “Screen Calibration” option. Select all five “+” signs one at a time to complete the calibration.
Yellow exclamation mark on screen
If a yellow exclamation mark appears on your screen, then your device is either currently in Tune Up mode or it has been interrupted during an update. To fix, open LeapFrog Connect and connect your LeapFrog to your computer to start a Tune Up. It should take roughly 10-15 minutes (30-45 minutes for slower computers). If this does not help, for further instructions look at the following document.
LeapFrog LeapPad Troubleshooting Guidelines
Cracked screen
If the screen is broken, you may be able to see a crack. Screen replacement instructions are available at Remplacement de l'écran du LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer.
Faulty connection
If the screen is not cracked but is irresponsive, it may not be properly connected to the logic board. You may be you may be able to solve it by reconnecting a loose the cable or re-soldering a loose soldering connection, provided that you have prior experience. Instructions to access the screen are available at Remplacement de l'écran du LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer.
Game cartridge will not read
None of my LeapPad games will work when they are in the game slot.
Dirty slot
Make sure you are on the home screen, and you can see other icons. Remove the cartridge and re-insert firmly. If the cartridge is still not recognized, the slot may be dirty. Use a compressed air duster or Q-Tip dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean the game cartridge slot. Check connection by inserting the cartridge once more.
Bad cartridge slot
It is possible that a user of the LeapPad has attempted to insert the stylus into the card slot. If the information listed above does not help, you may need to replace the game cartridge slot.
Device will not connect with LeapFrog Connect
You are connected to the computer but the device is not recognized.
Missing or improperly installed driver
If your device will not communicate with LeapFrog Connect or computer, you may have a missing or improperly installed driver. Check out LeapFrop Connect Guides to find the driver for your operating system.
Device needs software registration
Check connection with computer and ensure the computer recognizes the device. Ensure your device is powered up. Set up and register your device using LeapFrog connect instructions Connect Support.
No sound or distorted sound
You keep talking to the device, but it won’t talk back to you.
Bad audio jack
The most likely cause of audio output problems on the LeapPad is a bad audio-out jack. First clean the audio jack with an air duster or toothpick. If you continue to experience issues you may need to replace the audio jack.
Bad speaker
You may need to check the connection between the speaker and the motherboard or replace the speaker. Instructions are available at Remplacement du haut-parleur du LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer.
Camera appears black
You try to use the device to take a selfie, but the camera does not like you back.
Camera is obstructed
Make sure nothing is obstructing the camera you are using. Cleaning the lens with a dry microfiber cloth (ie. for eyeglasses) can reduce smudges and dust.
Faulty connection
If the camera is still not working, then you may have an internal hardware issue. Determine which camera appears to be faulty. For instructions to replace the back camera are available at Remplacement de la caméra arrière du LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer while instructions to replace the front camera are available at Remplacement de la caméra avant du LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer.
Buttons will not respond
You see your kid pounding the device keys and crying because he cannot play a game or go to the main screen.
Stuck buttons
First, restart your device. If you continue to experience problems, apply pressure to problematic buttons to see if they do not pop back to proper position you may need to replace the buttons.
Dirty buttons
If the LeapPad buttons seem slow or unresponsive, they could use some cleaning. Remove the front case of your device following instructions found at Remplacement de la façade avant du LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer and use an air duster in order to clean those messy buttons.
19 commentaires
Turns on shows leap frog but then black with blue in right corner like step stones
Pat headman - Réponse
My grandsons made a buzz and stopped working any ideas please as expensive to replace
Pamela Donaghy - Réponse
Where can a replacement game sl
ot be gotten please?
Albert - Réponse
is there any way to reset the LeapPad2
Ashley - Réponse
Yes, but I wouldn't try it before checking out my question first. I did a factory reset as indicated by LeapFrog and now my device isn't working.
leanne317 -