Créer une clé USB bootable pour Mac OSX El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, macOS Sierra, macOS High Sierra, macOS Mojave, macOS Catalina, macOS Big Sur, macOS Monterey, macOS Ventura et macOS Sonoma.
(Le processus est également décrit sur la page de support Apple à l’adresse )
Ce dont vous avez besoin
Téléchargez le fichier d'installation dans le Mac App Store
À la fin du téléchargement, quittez l'installation qui se lance automatiquement.
Cliquez sur Installer OS X puis Quitter installation d'OS X.
Il est également possible de passer par le soft “DiskMaker” pour faire cette clé.
Il est gratuit, le prendre en fonction de la version de l’OS.
Merci Frédéric !
La solution à ce problème peut être très simple, comme vous l'avez écrit.
Câlins de Barcelone
Mit über die Entstehung der Entstehung der Arten gelang Darwin im Jahre 1998 kein großer Erfolg. Karl Heinz Darwin schildert über seinen Bruder Johannes Darwin seine dümmliche Idee der Natürlichen Zuchtwahl. Es gelang ihm der wissenschaftliche Beweis, das alles Negative wie Wirtschaftskrisen aufgrund der natürlichen Habgier von Managern, Bürgerkriege und Völkermorde sowie Rassendiskriminierungen biologisch auf Darwin zurückzuführen sind. Sie haben alle denselben Vorfahren, nämlich Charles Darwin.
You actually have to run the InstallMacOSX.dmg, then the InstallMacOSX.pkg
When downloaded from the web, yes.
Malheureusement aujourd’hui il ne sert plus à rien de créer une clé bootable pour MacOS X 10.11 El Capitan, les serveurs Apple refusant de valider les paquets à l’installation…=> on se retrouve avec une brique inerte en guise de Mac !
Insérez votre clé USB dans le port USB de votre Mac.
I just formatted mine as a GUID Partition Map, OS X Extended. Then I named it MyVolume, to avoid dragging the volume into Terminal
Faites une recherche avec le Spotlight ou allez dans "Applications/Utilitaire" pour lancer le Terminal.
Cliquez dessus pour lancer le Terminal.
Excellent tuto. Bien plus clair et efficace que le tutoriel Apple : un comble !
Dans le Terminal, insérez une des ligne de commande suivantes (Le nom du système d'exploitation est celui que vous voulez installer sur la clé. Pas celui du système de votre Mac) :
Pour El Capitan : sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\
Pour Yosemite : sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\
Pour Mavericks : sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\
Pour Sierra : sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\
Suite à l'étape suivante.
Are these referring to the OS you're making the bootable device for or the one you're making it from?
Looks like it is probably for the OS that you are installing.
Yes it's for the OS that you want installing on USB key.
Add ““ at start “/Applications/Install OS X El” and at end
definitely copy/paste there are spaces in the command that aren’t obvious in what you see in the instructions. Also, in the replacement of Volumes/MyVolume - only replace the word MyVolume with the name of your USB - this wasn’t clear from the instructions.
If you need to change the name MyVolume you should copy/paste in pieces as you can’t go back and type over what you input in Terminal
Great point. That saved me! Thanks!
what is the application path if I had not downloaded it from the Mac App Store because its not available? I downloaded it from an download-link, but the path is not showed. need help
The best way to make it, is to delete the path after sudo until —volume and to go in your installer with right click, select contents, go in folder Ressources and drag and drop createinstallmedia on your terminal after sudo. after that, check the space after sudo and before —volume.
Easiest way to carry this out is to rename your USB volume “MyVolume” before you do anything else. This lets you copy and pate the Terminal commands without worrying about getting every last keysrtoke and space correct.
You can rename it to whatever you like afterwards.
Worth noting that this generates an installer volume. It won’t boot the Mac with a fully functional OS.
James Demers last comment on this whole process “won’t boot the Mac with a fully functional OS” is a show stopper if true? The title of this page completely leads one to believe the solution will be created after going through this process. Aside from that when running … sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ - (yes I named my USB ‘MyVolume’) After being prompted for this users password and entering it, the terminal is presenting "User is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported’
“"no such file or directory”” this is my response message on this step
bonjour j’ai besoin d’aide… COMMAND NOT FOUND. J’ai téléchargé OS X ELCAPITAN mais il se nomme donc : InstallMacOSX.dmg comment je fais ? Quelle est la bonne ligne à rentrer dans le terminal ? Je sèche, j’en ai besoin pour cet apres midi. Le InstallMacOSX.dmg je l’ai mis ds mon dossier APPLICATIONS car il etait ds téléhargements
Renaming my USB drive MyVolume worked perfectly.
The mistake I made was dragging instead of Copy and Paste. Once I did copy and paste it worked.
Apparently there’s a problem with the Sierra installer downloaded from Apple recently, making you end up with a Terminal response “MyVolume is not a valid volume mount point.”
After searching through the Internet I found the solution here
Something’s wrong with Apple’s new installer, so you need to fix it first, with the following command:
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\
Then follow the instructions in step 5.
Bonjour, s’il vous plaît par quoi remplace t-on le chemin du fichier qui ce trouve après "applicationpath"?
Il n’y a rien a changer après "applicationpath"
I downloaded El Capitan directly from the Web & not the AppStore. How can I get the path to work properly?
On the Terminal, write “sudo” and after drag and drop your El Captain file.
Paste after “.app” this “/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume“
Put a space after volume en drag and drop your USB key.
Put a space again and paste it “--applicationpath”.
Put a space again and drag and drop your El Captain file.
Thank You very much Jeff, you solved my problem !!!
Make sure that Finder or any other app doesn’t access the USB drive, otherwise the deletion/formatting may fail
Hi I have a mid MacBook Pro 13’ mid 2010 with Mac OS High Sierra 10.13 on it trying to create a bootable usb done all the steps but when it comes to terminal it advise Sudo : command not found… please help
Remplacer le chemin "/Volumes/MyVolume" par celui de votre clé USB, Pour ce faire, supprimez le chemin actuel puis faites un glisser-déposer.
Comment connaître le “chemin de ma clé USB” ? Qu’appelle-t-on le “chemin actuel”? Merci d’avance.
Le plus simple c’est d’effacer /Volumes/MyVolume et de faire un glisser déposer
Ich bekomme die Fehlermeldung:
No auch file or directory
First you should make sure you replaced "MyVolume" with the actual name of your device, if it doesn't appear on your desktop when you insert the drive you can easily get it by opening Finder and checking under "devices" in the sidebar. As Ich63 pointed out you will need to copy/paste in pieces as the terminal will not allow you edit the text that much. Alternatively, just rename it "MyVolume" as suggested by @jpdemers and copy/paste the command as is.
Simone -
I keep getting a command not found in terminal even though i copied and pasted exactly as written after replacing the volume/myvolume
I'm running a 2016 MBP running Monterey and looking to create an installer for el capitan so I can resurrect my old 2007 Imac 24 that I have Ubuntu running on. Where can I get an installer for El Cap. Every one I get has the dmg but won't go any further.
You can download the El Capitan image here :
I have a M1 mac and cant install intel macOS, I dont know how to install El captain or Yosemite any way else. I need it to install some sort of macOS on a 2008 iMac. I saw the link someone posted above but when I tried doing the command it said "the developer cannot be verified".
Have you tried to open the image by right click and open, before launch the command in the Terminal ?I just tried that and now it says that it is too old to be opened.
Jeremy T -
Ok now, put the El Capitan image in the Applications folder and try to create your USB stick by the Terminal.
anyone have the solution when we downloaded El Capitan from the web? I don't know how to target the file when it's not downloaded from appstore? -
Pour High Sierra : sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\
Pour Mojave : sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
Pour Catalina : sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
Pour Big Sur : sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
Pour Monterey : sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
Pour Ventura : sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
Pour Sonoma : sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
For what OS ? I remind that, it’s for the system that you want install on your USB Stick not, the one that you’ve on your Mac.
Did not work I get a message that ot had to run on root
For versions of Mojave 10.14 and higher, the proper command is:
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
I want install High Sierra on usb. Get this error
“sudo: /Applications/Install macOS High command not found”
für die mojave version führt folgender befehl zu erfolg:
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/stick
das usb medium in stick umbenennen oder den namen im befehl editieren zb in notizen
The terminal command posted here to create a bootable drive installing High Sierra is not valid! Not a valid mount point.
Instead of “MyVolume”, input the name of your USB Drive. Need to replace only the Highlighted part of the command
Andy -
Thanks Andy! Sorry, I just noticed your helpful reply. I somehow figured this out on my own.
I’m trying to create a Catalina boot utility on my macbook pro for an IMac that was given to me. The IMac has the flashing screen of file folder with question mark inside of it. I just upgraded my Macbook to Catalina from Sierra last night in order to create this boot disk on my “Untitled” drive. I’ve typed the following:
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/Untitled
And it gives me a command not found error. What am I doing wrong? I have typed my password and it still says not found.
sudo: /Applications/Install macOS command not found
What macOS do you have on your MacBook Pro ? If your Mac is using macOS Sierra or earlier, add
--applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\
Or if you have macOS High Sierra or higher,
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/Untitled
Of course, you must have the Install macOS Catalina on your Applications Folder.
I was getting this error:
createinstallmedia: unrecognized option `--volume /Volumes/HS --applicationpath'
I RENAMED ‘Install macOS High’ TO ‘’
sudo /Applications/ --volume /Volumes/HS --applicationpath /Applications/
Ready to start.
To continue we need to erase the volume at /Volumes/HS.
If you wish to continue type (Y) then press return: Y
Erasing Disk: 0%... 10%... 20%... 30%...100%...
Copying installer files to disk...
Copy complete.
Making disk bootable...
Copying boot files...
Copy complete.
I hope this helps someone
I did it
and the answer is: cannot execute binary file
Fabio -
the path for the El Capitan Version seems to be wrong? I used the path from the apple site “sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\” and that one is working!
I keep getting a command not found in terminal after copying an pasting :
sudo: /Applications/Install macOS command not found
here is what i pasted in: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /seirraInstall --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\
is something missing?
I found this confusing but discovered that only "MyVolume" needs to be changed to the USB name - not all of the bold text. So, to install Big Sur (with the USB called BigSur) one would make the following command: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ --volume /Volumes/BigSur Hope this helps!
For Sonoma:
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolumeThis path to the createinstallmedia was not valid for my download of HIgh Sierra To find the path on my machine, I ctrl-clicked the Install OS High in the Finder and selected Show Package Contents. The createinstallmedia file was NOT here, so I had to hunt for it reading one folder at a time. I found the file: Applications-->Install OS High>Contents-->Resources-->createinstallmedia.
The easiest way I found to enter the correct path into the Terminal is to type sudo, hit the space bar one time, and then drag the createinstallmedia file from the Finder window into the terminal window. Then type --volume [space] and drag the target drive from the Finder window to the Terminal window. This process, authored by mtl6909 is detailed in their response here: -
Après avoir modifier le chemin, appuyez sur la touche "Entrée".
Saisissez le mot de passe de votre session.
Appuyer sur "Entrée" après avoir saisi votre mot de passe.
Vérifiez le nom et le chemin de votre clé USB. Si c'est juste, tapez "y" puis "Entrée".
La création de la clé se lance, veuillez patienter jusqu'à la fin du processus.
I did as suggested and named my USB drive “MyVolume” and copied & pasted command line for El Capitan.
Got these messages about the USB drive erasure failing:
“Ready to start.
“To continue we need to erase the disk at /Volumes/MyVolume.
“If you wish to continue type (Y) then press return: y
“Failed to start erase of disk due to error (-9999, 0).
“A error occurred erasing the disk.
Any suggestions?
Happened with two different USB drives; one was brand new.
Should add that I’m doing this on a 2010 MacBook Air running 10.6.8
I think you have to change the format first of your USB. I did it with a brand new USB and had not trouble. To do so, insert your USB and open Disk Utility and go to Erase in the upper menu. Choose to erase your USB and change the format to APFS or MacOSPlus (with register).
I’ve done all of the steps and unfortunately, Terminal keeps coming back with this response:
“APFS disks may not be used as bootable install media.”
Would you happen to know a workaround? I’d like to be able to use my external SSD usb drive as a boot drive. Many thanks.
Make sure that Finder or any other app doesn’t access the USB drive, otherwise the deletion/formatting may fail
Le Terminal vous indique "Done". C'est que la création de la clé bootable a réussi.
Vous pouvez maintenant démarrer sur votre clé en appuyant sur la touche "alt" lors du démarrage de votre Mac.
Really great guide. Nicely laid out and easy to understand. Nice
Overall iFixit guides are great. This one is just good. The instructions are clear and easy to follow. However they involve typing or cutting and pasting a lot of text. This is cumbersome and highly prone to typos, etc. there are several other sites where you can find instructions that talk about free apps that walk you through creating a bootable usb drive. Another one of them has a nifty trick of simply dragging the icon for the usb drive to the terminal window. So while these instructions are clear and work, there are les error prone ways to achieve the same result.
I’ve created the bootable USB drive with the El Capitan installer downloaded from the app store to my MacBook and successfully booted my 3,1 mac mini with it, but when I try to run the OS X installer I get a message to the effect that it ‘can’t be verified and may have been corrupted or tampered with’ and the process won’t continue. I’ve re-downloaded and tried twice, same thing….. Anyone have any ideas how to proceed?
I really appreciate this guide, as well as the person who took the time to put it together. Personally, the LAST thing I want is to add yet another app to a system when there is a way to do it myself without installing anything. But I am a hands-on kind of gal to start with, & I was a tech dept employee for several years in the school system (right around the time the schools began transitioning from Mac to PC :( )
Thank you.
la ligne de commande :
“sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/nom de la clé”
fonctionne parfaitement !!!!
très très bon tuto !!! merci
Apparently there’s a problem with the Sierra installer downloaded from Apple recently, making you end up with a Terminal response “MyVolume is not a valid volume mount point.”
After searching through the Internet I found the solution here
Something’s wrong with Apple’s new installer, so you need to fix it first, with the following command:
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\
Then follow the instructions in step 5.
Muchas gracias!!! Al fin pude crear el disco!
Everything on is great! I following everything successfully up unitl the part that reads: “To boot off the USB, first make sure the Mac is off and then press and hold the [option] key when you hear the chime/turn it on .” I ejected the bootable drive, as I was creating the bootable drive on my Mac desktop, and the MacBook Pro is what I am doing the hard drive replacement and install on. I did not read the very last instruction until I had already ejected it. Once I powered on my MacBook Pro and inserted the bootable drive, the computer came on and showed me a screen for typing in my password, only my password doesn’t seem to be the right one. HELP!!!
Have you tried with Apple ID and session password ? Otherwise, you can reset your session password with the recovery mode. On start your Mac press the touches CMD + R, when the recovery mode screen appeared, click on Utilities in the menu bar followed by Terminal. On the Terminal enter the following command : resetpassword and press Return
Hi for step 6 it is showing up as createinstallmedia: command not found after hitting enter for my High Sierra OS. let me know what may be some of the reasons why it is not letting me go to the next step is to click “Y” ..
Thanks,installed on an external ssd drive using BigSur,super fast now.
worked perfect, thank you!! Better than Apple’s own support
All went well. The only difference I encountered was in the info at the top of Step 8: using Terminal with Big Sur 11.7.2, the end of the process did not read "Done" but "Install media now available at "/Volumes/Install mascOS Big Sur"." Ejected the flash drive, and installed it on another device without issue. Thanks!
Un desastre esta guía. Poco rigurosa, da muchas cosas por sentado. No sirve para mucho !
Annulation : je n'ai pas terminé ce tutoriel.
222 autres ont terminé cette réparation.
97 commentaires
if it is possible with power iso i have installed this one on my system.
You mean create a USB key from Windows ?
Absolutely possible because I successfully created a Big Sur USB installer on my Windows 10 PC with UUByte DMG Editor.
However, you should download the macOS dmg file first. This software can quickly burn DMG file to USB and you will get a bootable macOS USB disk in a few minutes.
BTW, it also has a Mac version you can try out.
Johin114 -
I'm thinking of using this method to revert back to an older os due to my mac slowing down with Sierra. Will I be able to install just Yosemite or el capitan? Without installing previous os upgrades? This way I can have a fresh mac book.
Yes you can but with this method, we must make a clean install.
So, please sure you save all your data to another hard drive.
Réparer ma clé usb
clé usb bloquée je cherche à réparer
Comment réparer ma clé USB bloquée ?
quelle solution trouver
Hi, I made a USB bootable drive with el capitan on it. Everything worked fine. I replaced my old hdd with the guide from this site. My iMac is from 2007. But now when I try to boot my computer with the Usb drive while holding the option key I only get a grey screen with a cursor. Any ideas?
You must press the Option / alt key immediately after pressing the start button (no need to wait for the startup sound) and normally you can select your usb key.
That's what I do though. With all the other key combinations I end up with a blinking folder icon with a question mark. i have tried the vpram reset as well so the problem isn't my keyboard. Could it be the usb itself? Or some other problem? If I did something wrong during the hdd replacement I figure I wouldn't have gotten this far, no?
So, it probably comes from the usb key. When you had done it is that the key had the name of the operating system?
If that is not the case then there was a problem when creating.
Try any other usb port though, it's not already done.
If it still does not work, it will be necessary to put back your old hard disk to be able to start your Mac and follow the tutorial above (be careful to respit spaces and characters in step 5).
And check by pressing "alt" that this works well before putting your new hard drive.
I used a PC to make the usb drive. Downloaded the installer from the App Store and then transferred it to a pic where I extracted the .dmg file from the installer. I used a programme called transmac. I will see if it is possible to make the usb on another Mac. I know the whole process of making the usb drive on a pc was a detour but I didn't really have any other options... Thanks anyway for the help. I'll post back with progress.
Sorry about forgetting to post back. I did the whole procedure on the PC again and it turns out I skipped a step so it all worked eventually. Thanks again for all the help. I feel like my youth playing with LEGO Technics has somehow contributed for my success, but this site was wonderful in all its simplicity!
It does not work for me.
MacBook-Pro-6:~ computer$ sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\
sudo: /Applications/Install OS X command not found
MacBook-Pro-6:~ computer$
Do you have Mavericks installer in Applications folder ?
For some reason, terminal will not install to my flash drive. Getting this back from Terminal.
“AudioPhductions:~ Clint$ sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\
sudo: /Applications/Install macOS command not found
AudioPhductions:~ Clint$”
doh! Nevermind, I figured it out :P
Give a try on DiskMaker X if terminal failed. it is an application built with AppleScript that you can use with many versions of OS X/macOS to build a bootable drive from OS X/macOS installer program. The steps you can check out:
I have followed directions (trying to make a boot-able flash drive with High Sierra which was downloaded from Apple App Store and in my Applications folder, I am running El Capitan on my MacBookPro)
but get this in Terminal: “Untitled is not a valid mount volume”.
“Untitled” is the name of my 16GB USB flash drive, erased and configured as Mac extended journaled with GUID partition and renamed as “Untitled”:
any advice?
Did you copy paste of the command line ? Because, the command line is case sensitive.
Hi there,
Question for you. The step 5 am I copying the os code on the computer I currently have active or am I selecting the one that I am trying to download for the computer I just replaced the hard drive for? I’ve tried both and keep getting errors.
Here is an example:
Audras-Mac-mini:~ audracarpenter$ sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --volume /Volumes/BlkBackup --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\
createinstallmedia: unrecognized option `--volume /Volumes/BlkBackup --applicationpath'
Usage: createinstallmedia --volume <path to volume to convert>
--volume, A path to a volume that can be unmounted and erased to create the install media.
--applicationpath, A path to copy of the OS installer application to create the bootable media from.
--nointeraction, Erase the disk pointed to by volume without prompting for confirmation.
Example: createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/Untitled
Audras-Mac-mini:~ audracarpenter$
The step 5 is for OS that you install on USB key not for your actual OS.
Hi Anthony, thanks for the response. Ok, so the example I posted above, I am trying to use for High Sierra, which is the one I downloaded from the app store. But I am getting arguments that it’s incorrect. Does anything stand out to you as to what I have posted above?
You’ve a problem with the path of your Volume.
Copy and paste the command line of tutorial because, there are spaces that are not very visible.
All symbol “@” are spaces.
Hi Anthony, thanks, but there is a space for each of them. I did just copy straight from the page. Any other thoughts what it could be?
So, format your USB key in format Fat32 with more simple name (UNTITLED) by disk utility.
Then copy and paste this command line :
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --volume /Volumes/UNTITLED --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\
Hi Anthony that worked! Thanks so much. QQ.. now that I have that drive, I’ve followed your instruction on installing on a new hard drive for a mac book pro 2010 but I’m getting a ‘This copy of the install mac0s high sierra application is damaged, and can’t be used to install macos.’
I’ve tried it twice, but still getting same issue. Do you have a how to around this that I can take a look at?
It’s an other problem, normally it's because of the time of your Mac that is not fair.
if, you have booted on the usb key. So, you have to set the time of your mac.
So, before click on install macOS, go to utilities/Terminal, enter this command line “date mmddHHMMyy” and change the lettre by the actual date.
mm=mouth, dd = day, HH=hour, MM=minute and yy = year (example = date 0824113518)
How long should the installer files take to load onto the USB? I’m currently copying El Capitan onto a 16gb USB, the file is only 6.something Gb and it’s already taken longer than 20 minutes…
It’s written above Time Required 30 minutes - 2 hours.
It depends on the speed of the usb.
so easy … its making me paranoid.
Unfortunately no
After I enter it all, I get a comment that says “ /Applications/Install macOS High does not appear to be a valid OS installer application.” Any ideas why this might be?
Do you have the file in your application folder ?
If yes, the command line you entered is incorrect. Copy and paste is the better option.
Thanks for you sharing ,i don't know if any of you have ever used Rufus and WizISO ,(Free and fee tools that can be used to do the same thing )
I’ve noticed a lot of people having issues so here is what I done first open terminal and type sudo then a space then go to your OS X app (should be in the application folder) and right click then choose show package contents after that a new Finder window will open double click Contents then Resources and find a file called createinstallmedia and drag it into your terminal window then type a space then “--volume” space then drag then name of your flash drive (should be listed on desktop) to the terminal window then type space then “--applicationpath” space then drag the installer app (should be in the application folder) to the terminal window then hit enter type your password hit enter “y” to confirm then enter
Thank you very much for sharing this, it worked flawlessly!
Will I be able to re-use the USB drive after installing Mac Os?
Yes of course, after a formatting of your USB drive
How much storage do I need on my USB Drive to get the software on it?
You need USB drive with 8GB minimum
so i notice this in the terminal what does it mean?
WARNING: "--applicationpath" is deprecated in macOS 10.14 and greater. Please remove it from your invocation.
Apple improved it’s function with the new macOS Mojave and greater as said above, the function work but, without the part “—applicationpath”.
So, remove this part and try again, normally it should work.
Thank you! for the help
is there any easy solution other than text commands?
is a 8 GB pendrive enough or i nead a 16 GB?
8 GB drives should work fine, I wouldn’t go smaller than that. I believe it’s around 5-6 GB total used for the installer files.
What dows this message mean?
Olavs-MacBook-Pro:~ Hjem$ sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\
Sorry, try again.
WARNING: "--applicationpath" is deprecated in macOS 10.14 and greater. Please remove it from your invocation.
remove --applicationpath and after, normally work again. it’s on Mojave the function is no longer used
After I create the bootable flash drive, can I easily transfer the installer to another flash drive (basically by drag n drop)? I installed it on a large 64gb flash drive, but it’s only taking up about 8gb. I’d like to move it to a smaller flash drive so I can use the 64gb for other files.
Or am I able to add on files with it to the 64gb?
Before create the bootable usb, you can create a partition for it and a other for your files.
You can make it on Disk Utility when your usb stick is connected on your Mac.
Thanks for the reply, Anthony. But, I didn’t do that before I created the bootable usb. : ( Can I transfer the installer file from one usb to another?
Lori -
No, you can’t but, you can format your usb drive and create the partitions and for then create the bootable macOS on a partition.
Please, update the 1st step of the article - in Mojave there is no way to see a list of available OSs. I need a High Sierra image for my old iMac that is not booting up, and I can’t download it. Direct links to the OS update packages to AppStore are not working.
Can you use the drive you just removed from the MacBook Pro as the boot drive? It already has the operating system and all your old files on it. I see that OWC sells a usb connection device for your old drive. This would make things a lot easier if that’s possible.
What about using Time Machine as a backup? As you turn on your Mac, press Command-R, keep the buttons held down until you see something loading on the screen. You will get an option to backup from Time Machine.
Pour El Capitan j’ai bien réussi à créer une clé USB bootable . Mais je n’y arrive pas pour Sierra. J’ai bien appliqué tout le process indiqué mais quand je valide l’instruction:”sudo /Applications…..Install\ macOS\” , j’ai bien la demande de password mais après validation , le système me rend la main et il ne se passe rien… J’ai bien vérifié le chemin de “createinstallmedia”
Quelle en est l’explication? Merci pour votre aide.
If you download the .dmg file for El Capitan, there is two extra steps. You must manually open the .dmg file. Then it unpacks a .pkg file, you must run this application too. Then return to step 3.
Does it normally take a long time to copy the installer files to the disc? I’m going on a half hour of just copying. I know its a 5+GB file but i didn’t think it would take this long. I’m making a bootable usb drive for my mid 2012 macbook pro using my mid 2015 macbook pro.
Update: After noticing the estimated time for completion posted at the top saying 30min-2hrs I just remained patient. Process completed after about 55 minutes :)
ottima guida con qualche piccolo aggiustamento in corso d’opera. ottimo risultato
comment faire pour desinstaler la dernière version de iOS pour réinstaller high sierra ?
Thank you for the tutorial,
I already installing a bootable sierra key , but have an error message about the volume :
Volumes/MyVolume is not a valid volume mount point. ??
Any one saw this before ?
Step 5: Instead of "/Volumes/MyVolume", type the name of your USB drive. Type everything else exactly as you see it (or better yet, copy and paste it from here).
VauWeh -
The scripts for Catalina has error…. I found the same error in several sites… so this means the content was copied…
I made a startup disk with a usb flash stick for high Sierra. My Mac OS is 10.11. When I boot from the usb flash stick none of my applications that I installed previously show up. Do I have to reinstall them to have access?
I use "Rufus" for all other USB writing and formatting for Windows systems, it's a great app, but I had previously tried to format the drive as GPT using that, as a Fat32 partition. When I tried to inject the image, Transmac told me that the drive was "write protected". So basically, the USB drive cannot have any high level formatting, the Windows system should detect the drive as "not formatted" for this to work, which it will if prepped right with Diskpart.
Doesnt work anymore — on catalina I cannot find anything but big sur in mac app store
Yes that’s normal, Apple only provides the latest version on the App Store. If you want a different version of macOS, you need to search.
Is it really necessary to use Terminal to create the bootable installer drive? Why couldn't you simply erase the drive using Disk Utility, and copy the installer to it using the Finder?
That won’t work as bootable installation is not written to USB by a simple copy. Besides Terminal, you can also use DMG Editor to create bootable USB from a macOS DMG file. It works on both Windows and macOS.
That is not exactly a bootable system, that is an installation one.
Hi, I currently having High Sierra in my old mac book and downloaded Big Sur dmg. I followed each and every step with the terminal. Even though I cannot find the EFI when I restart by press and holding the option. Can you please guide me with this issue. Your response is highly appreciated. Thank you.
I mean to mention that I can see only the existing High Sierra Macintosh drive. I cannot see the newly created bootable file. Please help me on this. Thank you.
ma se dovete scrivere qualcosa cercate di scriverlo meglio o piu chiaramente senza fare i saputelli....grazie al
bonjour sa me met commande note found ?
sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\
Avez vous bien remplacer /Volumes/MyVolume par le chemin de votre clé USB ?
Et est-ce que vous avez bien le fichier d'instillation dans le dossier Applications ?
my pogram is nit working after copying instalkler files to dddsik is wait over 10 minutes and nothing hapendedn tryddd it many times i do this for high siera on a 16 gigabyste stick
Sous Ventura, impossible d'ouvrir le fichier d'intallation el capitan. Et par conséquent de créer un disque de démarrage. Comment faire svp? Je suis désespéré...
Vous pouvez assez avec ce tuto :éer+une...
Ou sinon en branchant votre Mac en ethernet et en passant par la partition de récupération (CMD + R au démarrage)
ET sinon avec un ordinateur Windows avec transMac (
Hi, I just want to add that the terminal promt for /createinstallmedia isn't usable on newer macs.
Now you need to jump through different hoops.
You might want to update this guide with the info below. It worked for me on a macOS Monterey 12.7.1 to create a bootable USB with (High) Sierra on it.
IT 101 has a detailed July 2023 YouTube to create an bootable Sierra Install USB drive. Using their "fix" on the Installer might correct the error we got trying to use tools directly from Apple, but we just ended up using the USB drive. Summary:
Format a USB drive OS X extended. download old macos versions -> first hit (now) *****....
Go to the Sierra 10.12 option in the "Use a web browser" section and get the dmg: ***
Open the dmg and use the pkg to generate an Installer in your Applications folder.
Fix the package (from IT 101's notes):
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\
Now createinstallmedia should work:
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\
I’m running monterey and need to make a bootable install disc for el capitan.
I screwed up wiping the hard drive instead of a reinstall and now it won’t boot, apple no longer offers it through the store, disc repair seems very limited on the apple store. I have elcapitan downloaded, I have two USB drives big enough.
Please help!! Been at this for days…..
All went well w/ these instructions.
On steps 5/6 it helps to know what the original Apple instructions tells:
In the command (e.g. "--volume /Volumes/MyVolume"), the phrase "MyVolume" has to become replaced by the name of the USB drive; the other "volume" labels have to remain. So in case the USB drive's name is "GOOFY", the section to the command has to be "--volume /Volumes/GOOFY".
macOS on a Mac M1 is really waiting for a properly signed and validated executable file, and Apple's program isn't it.
The solution? Sign the executable with the following command.
Put the correct path to the file, usually /Applications/Install\ macOS\
with the correct OS name.
codesign -s -f - /Link/Vers/createinstallmedia
Next, the command should work to create a USB installation key for an Intel Mac.
Bonjour , impossible de télécharger les anciennes version Mac OS sur App Store pour créer une clé bootable MOJAVE , quelqu'un à une idée de l'endroit ou les trouvées ?
Bonjour @powermac22, avez-vous essayé les liens sur cette page : ?
Hey, I would like to throw this out there... I have been working on a script for the past few months that can do this entire process for you: you can go check it out if you like: macOS Creator
I have previously downloaded this file, but it does not show up on my purchased list. Also tried Apple Support downloads, but they only have “Update” versions to download.
Peter Simons - Réponse
If, you’re on macOS Majove, it’s impossible to download previous versions of Mac systems. Excepted, macOS High Sierra but, I don’t know for how long.
Anthony Fassler -
If you have issues logging into the (App Store -> purchased) due to 2FA, get the code sent to your device and append it to your Apple ID password to log in
Joe Verba - Réponse
You can download older versions of the OSX. Here are the download-links (unfortunately an article in german, but you can find the download-links below):
Gerrit - Réponse
If you already have Mojave and just want to download the installer, you might not able to until you disable auto update.
Just head to the Mojave page:
Then click the download button.
Software Update will come up, click Advanced and uncheck the auto update.
You will be able to download now.
Edmar Herrero - Réponse
Does not work anymore :-(
wanda_name -
Hélas , en effet : j’ai été prise de vitesse car je pensais devoir acheter un MAC neuf , et quand j’ai vu les performances à prix égal à celui payé en 2013 , j’ai dit NON !
Comment continuer de me servir de mon MAC BBOK PRO ?
Votre site répond à toutes nos question , même l’assistance en ligne de APPLE est incompétente !
GULLY - Réponse
I’m trying to make a bootable usb for El Capitan for a SSD - my current working mac is High Sierra - is this doable? I keep getting errors because El Capitan is too old to run on my working mac.
Claire - Réponse
Hi Claire did you get any response about this enquiry?
Gabriel Davila -
tidrol_69 - Réponse
Saw this was updated this month, but How're you supposed to grab High Sierra or any of the others when the Apple servers don't actually have it? I download and it says it's not available on the server and if I search for it myself it doesn't even come up at all.
Geoffrey Locke - Réponse
At the following link you can download high by the Mac App Store.
Anthony Fassler -
Here's a way easier method to download macOS:
You can download macOS High Sierra and newer from the App Store, and macOS Sierra and older from the Web as a .dmg image.
Jadon Lyon - Réponse
I have macOS Catalina wanting to know how can down load a newer one than tis one I have
eloko1313 - Réponse