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Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5

Ce dont vous avez besoin

  1. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5, Carte SIM: étape 1, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5, Carte SIM: étape 1, image 2 de 2
    • Insérez un outil éjecteur de carte SIM ou un trombone dans le trou à côté de la fente de la carte SIM, juste en dessous du bouton de marche.

    • Appuyez avec l'outil dans le trou jusqu'à ce que la carte sorte.

  2. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 2, image 1 de 1
    • Retirez délicatement la carte SIM avec vos doigts, ou avec une pincette si le tiroir n'a pas été éjecté complètement.

    • Assurez-vous que la puce est orientée vers l'arrière du téléphone quand vous réinsérez la carte SIM.

  3. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5, Coque arrière: étape 3, image 1 de 3 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5, Coque arrière: étape 3, image 2 de 3 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5, Coque arrière: étape 3, image 3 de 3
    Outil utilisé dans cette étape :
    iFixit Opening Picks (Set of 6)
    • Utilisez un outil d'ouverture en plastique pour ouvrir les clips sur le dessus et sur chaque côté de la coque arrière.

    • Le bas est fixé avec un peu d'adhésif. Vous devriez finalement pouvoir retirer la coque arrière en utilisant un médiator.

    • Il vaut mieux éviter de faire levier autour de la fente de la carte SIM. En effet, le plastique est très fin et risque de se casser si vous prenez appui dessus.

    Wireless QI and NFC.

    Once I have put everything together with the new battery in place, I have as last replaced the plastic back cover, snapping all the clips back around the edges of the phone. Alas, I was quick to realise the QI Wireless charging has ceased to work.

    I almost blamed the battery, or worse, me.

    QUICK TIP: there is actually another clip in the middle of the plastic back cover - just press with your thumb just above the 'S' in NEXUS emblem and, voila! Snaps back in.

    Wireless charge and NFC - works, once again.

    cwioro - Réponse

    you just saved me like 30 bucks. thank you so much.

    Robert Nolan -

    + 1, had the same issue and pressing just near the S fixed it! Thanks a lot!

    nicco82 -

    Just a me too, I had to press above the S and it was quite a snap

    Erik Karlin -

    There seems to be two contacts that snap into place. One is in line with the led pretty much in the middle of the phone and the second one in line with the camera lens on the opposite side to the lens. The middle one for me snapped pretty lightly, but the side one required a bit more pressure. After that the nfc started working again. Thanks for posting this!

    Dennis Millner -

    Is it hard to remove the battery door? Worried I might damage it.

    Ash - Réponse

    When I openend the back cover I damaged two clips. One about 2.5cm (1 inch) below the volume controls and one on the other side about same height. The cover fits good without those two but on one side there is a small gap where the clip broke. But I have a hard cover protector on my phone so it's not that bad.

    simonlwheeler - Réponse

    The case around the sim slot is pretty thin and easy to break, best to avoid using the pry tool at this point.

    Aled Morris - Réponse

    Excellent tip, should be included in the main guide.

    fprades - Réponse

    Hey Author, i need to ur expert advice...i replaced my nexus 5's back cover. since the new one did not have the vibrators battery i had to take it from the old one and connect it to the new one...on removing i noticed that it was stuck to the cover by a glue

    Question: what glue to use to hold the battery to the cover?

    suwaid akbar - Réponse

    Any adhesive will do. I used a hot glue gun. You shouldn't need expert advice to figure that out. Use your head.

    tjt263 -

    The case around the volume control is also pretty thin.... I broke mine prying so avoid the pry there too.

    Also my back had glue at the bottom and I haven't seen mentioned

    kornerson - Réponse

  4. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5, Châssis: étape 4, image 1 de 1
    • Retirez les six vis cruciformes #00 de 4 mm qui fixent le châssis au téléphone.

    • Si vous souhaitez remplacer l'écran LCD et la vitre tactile, retirez également les quatre vis de 4 mm du cache de la carte fille, avec le même tournevis.

    I had a bit more success with the Phillips #000.

    Ross Light - Réponse

    Step 4 (removing the screws in the protecting plate) needs to happen before Step 2 ( removing the connectors)

    Esteban Valles - Réponse

    These were Y0 screws for me.

    Benjamin Hollway - Réponse

    Same here, Benjamin

    Ítalo Masserano -

    Me three on the Y-type screw heads.

    Jamoross -

    Same for me. I had more luck with the two screws in the middle with #000.

    Rewarp - Réponse

  5. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 5, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 5, image 2 de 2
    • Retirez le châssis du téléphone.

    There's also some adhesive holding the motherboard cover plate in place, below the camera. Has to be pulled a little stronger than expected.

    tkatona - Réponse

  6. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5, Batterie: étape 6, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5, Batterie: étape 6, image 2 de 2
    Outil utilisé dans cette étape :
  7. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 7, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 7, image 2 de 2
    Outil utilisé dans cette étape :
    • Utilisez le côté plat d'une spatule pour déconnecter la nappe de la carte fille et l'éloigner de la batterie.

  8. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 8, image 1 de 3 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 8, image 2 de 3 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 8, image 3 de 3
    • Enlevez la batterie de son compartiment en faisant levier avec un outil d'ouverture en plastique.

    • Vous pourrez avoir besoin d'un pistolet à air chaud pour faire légèrement chauffer l'adhésif sous la batterie.

    • Veillez à ne perforer ni plier la batterie.

    This part is very delicate. The adhesive is pretty solid and I did puncture the battery. It is dangerous and the battery should be replaced with a new one.

    Christophe De Wolf - Réponse

    Thanks Chris for the notice. I have added a warning on your advise. Do you think about any better way to unglue the battery?

    Gaetan -

    Like another user, I had already taken my cover off plenty of times prior to. The issue of course was removing the battery. I purchased the opening tools and spudger and used them but to no avail. I ended up using a flat tip screwdriver and got the battery out within seconds with no puncturing.

    gnewton16 - Réponse

    I'll second the flathead screwdriver. Tried different plastic tools only to damage both the battery and a spring connector on the phone. With the flathead screwdriver battery came out quite easily lifting from the bottom end. There is an adhesive tape holding the battery firmly in place that retains the adhesive surface after removing the battery, so the new battery should attach properly.

    Dennis Millner -

    Why do you need to remove the battery at all? Just replaced my rear camera without removing it. I mean, I realise that removing the power source would have been safer, but would it be enough just to detach the motherboard connector?

    eyusupov - Réponse

    This guide is about the REPLACEMENT of the battery, and for that it seems necessary to remove it first. ;-)

    biharikristof -

    Do you need to apply adhesive to the new battery to keep it in place?

    Ross Light - Réponse

    no there is generally glue remaining and it stays in place pretty good

    mmoodley10 -

    This was fantastic, thank you! I had never done anything like this before! You just saved me some money and also taught me something :D

    anagarciasebastia - Réponse

    to make Qi work, you have to press the cover really everywhere afterwards. The contacts for Qi are between th Nexus "S" and the camera. Sometimes the Qi loading needs some time to work - I assume the battery needs to expand after a few loading cycles...

    Apeiron - Réponse

    The first time I tried to replace the battery I ended up breaking off the tab on the new battery. It needs to be bent properly to fit into the socket on the phone. The second time, I connected the tab t the socket BEFORE placing the new battery into the area of the phone where it sits. Then I was able to use the plastic tool to correctly bend the connector.

    John Goldin - Réponse

    I have replaced the battery and after doing this there is a flashing red light. does this mean its just charging from empty or have I done something wrong? Do i need to press any buttons to make sure its charging properly? do i need to re open it up to check connections? what do i do? there is no mention of whether it should turn back on or what it should do/how long it will take to be up and running again.

    Bambipeach - Réponse

    I had the same "problem", though I had misplugged the battery. Just wait for a couple of minutes and your phone should start to charge. Also, I've been told to fully charge and discharge the battery 2-3 times before using it.

    Steve Simard -

    Be extremely careful while prying out the battery. I had damaged a Nexus 4 battery while trying to do this, and smoke started coming out. If you search youtube you can see how a punctured Li-ion battery can explode in seconds.

    Abhi B - Réponse

    Why not remove the battery by pulling on the small ribbon cable at the top?

    Matt Szczublewski - Réponse

    When you take out the battery, there are some sort of black tape (adhesive) around the inner circle of the empty battery chassis. I might have been too rough and taken the black tape out completely. Now with the newly replaced battery, Nexus 5 won't charge or power on. Does anyone know what the black tape is for? is it the reason or something else?

    Gracie - Réponse

    I found out that the heavy duty suction cup I bought to replace phone screens works quite effectively at removing the battery without bending or damaging it. Of course, this was being used on a battery that was itself a replacement of the original, so the adhesive may have weakened significantly.

    Rewarp - Réponse

  9. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5, Carte mère: étape 9, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5, Carte mère: étape 9, image 2 de 2
    • Utilisez l'extrémité plate d'une spatule (spudger) pour déconnecter le câble de l'antenne gauche.

  10. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 10, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 10, image 2 de 2
    • Utilisez l'extrémité plate de la spatule pour déconnecter le câble de l'antenne droite.

    • Fixez solidement ces câbles lors du remontage. Sinon, la connexion défectueuse des antennes affectera la qualité de la réception et des appels.

  11. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 11, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 11, image 2 de 2
    • Avec l'extrémité plate de la spatule, déconnectez la nappe qui relie la caméra arrière à la carte mère.

  12. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 12, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 12, image 2 de 2
    • Toujours avec l'extrémité plate de la spatule, débranchez la nappe de la caméra frontale.

  13. Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 13, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de la carte mère du Nexus 5: étape 13, image 2 de 2
    • Soulevez délicatement la carte mère et sortez-la de l'appareil.


Pour remonter votre appareil, suivez les instructions en sens inverse.

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Kyle Libby

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12 commentaires

is the motherboard from the 32gb nexus 5, compatible for the nexus 5 16gb lcd??

Vandalismo Teevee - Réponse

It should be, yes. I've chopped and changed loads of Nexus 5 phone around and haven't had a problem.

drunkenmenace -

Thanks for the repy. My Nexus 5 has some bootoop problems and when i go to the boot options, (the hold power and volume down), it says Lock State - LOCKED. so im thinking of replacing the motherboard. or is there a way to fix my problem? Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it.

Vandalismo Teevee - Réponse

My Nexus 5 just switched off while i was recording a video. It isnt switching on now. How to bring it back to life??Any solution will b of great help. Thanks

Jasmine K - Réponse

I just used this guide to quickly get at the motherboard to replace a faulty power button. It's tedious but not impossible with a very clean soldering iron tip, solder wick, and lots of flux. The replacement button and covers from iFixit were an exact match (I checked under a microscope).

Mark Renouf - Réponse

Tip: You do not need to remove the battery to swap or repair the motherboard. I prefer not to use a heatgun and pry against adhesives unless absolutely necessary.

Mark Renouf - Réponse

Pls my nexus 5x stopped working since January and I tried charging but any time I fix the battery it will be till I remove d battery, any help pls.

Abdul Jelil Badmus - Réponse

If I replace the motherboard do I have to flash OS ?

MrSavedby Grace - Réponse

I will want mother board of lg nexus 5x, 32 gb, how can i buy it

Hildegarde Cyril - Réponse

Hello every one My nexus 5 LG screen was damaged and replaced. after a few days the phone died. the repair man told me its motherboard must be repalced to return it to life. Please help me how to get one here Nairobi. They are not available. Kindly help

mutindirose - Réponse

I have problem with the WiFi in my Nexus 5

is just stuck on turning on and it doesn't and Mac address disappeared I tried software solutions but doesn't work so what is the problem should I exchange the motherboard chip ?

ammar basha - Réponse

Is there any way to salvage photos from the memory if you have to change the motherboard? I changed the battery but the phone still does not turn on. When I plug it into the USB the computer says the device malfunctioned. So it knows something is there...but not working properly

Esp Ghia - Réponse

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