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Version actuelle par : Tim D


-This is a general error given that the car detects something is wrong. Most auto parts stores (Autozone, Advanced Auto, O'Reilley's, etc) can plug a handheld computer into the car to check the specific error code that is causing the service engine soon light to come on. With that error code, they will be able to tell you what you car is detecting as wrong.
+This is a general error given that the car detects something is wrong. Most auto parts stores (Autozone, Advanced Auto, O'Reilley's, etc) can plug a handheld computer into the car to check the specific error code that is causing the service engine soon light to come on. With that error code, they will be able to tell you what your car is detecting as wrong.
Additionally, you can buy the handheld computer and check the code yourself. Here are some on Amazon:
You can even buy a connector that communicates with an app on your smart phone that can tell you the error code. For example:



Contribution d'origine par : Tim D


This is a general error given that the car detects something is wrong. Most auto parts stores (Autozone, Advanced Auto, O'Reilley's, etc) can plug a handheld computer into the car to check the specific error code that is causing the service engine soon light to come on. With that error code, they will be able to tell you what you car is detecting as wrong.

Additionally, you can buy the handheld computer and check the code yourself. Here are some on Amazon:

You can even buy a connector that communicates with an app on your smart phone that can tell you the error code.  For example:

