I have a Dell Inspiron that will boot up into window, but the keyboard and mouse will not work; including usb keyboards and mouses. The keyboard and mouse will work in bios. I have tried reinstalling window 7 on the HDD using another computer then putting it into this computer. The Keyboard and mouse still does not work. After some research, I found that you have to reinstall window 7 on the actual computer for the drivers to connect to the keyboard, mouse and usb. I have found a possible solution that will install the drivers at window setup. The solution I found comes from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzTwM6h1NN0. The biggest problem is I cannot test this solution out because: after setting the bios to boot from USB, it asks press any key to boot from USB. I cannot press any key because nothing works. I am now stuck as to what to do. If there is a solution or better solution to the problem I have and the one I provided, please let me know.
Here are some images of the Bios that I can move around in.