Have you plugged the controller into the console via usb to manyally sync?[br]
If your Xbox One Wireless Controller is not syncing or connecting to your Xbox console, see the [https://www.ifixit.com/Wiki/Xbox_One_Wireless_Controller_Won%E2%80%99t_Connect_to_Console?revisionid=HEAD|Xbox One Wireless Controller Won’t Connect to Console problem page] for possible causes and solutions.
Have you plugged the controller into the console via USB to manually sync?
Does it stay synced after you remove the cable or lose sync?[br]
Does it stay synced after you remove the cable or lose sync?
Have you got another controller to see if it happens with all controllers or just one?[br]
Have you got another controller to see if it happens with all controllers or just one?
Further information is needed to help you with this, please provide as much info as possible.
Have you plugged the controller into the console via usb to manyally sync?[br]
Does it stay synced after you remove the cable or lose sync?[br]
Have you got another controller to see if it happens with all controllers or just one?[br]
Further information is needed to help you with this, please provide as much info as possible.