I don’t have an answer but possibly some insight. My iPad mini started doing this today when I started it up at lunch time to read my digital paper and the app just kept doing things on its own. Then I realized other apps were also behaving strangely. I tried switching it off (full power down) although it was difficult to do-it was like having a cranky kid saying, “no!”. It didn’t help. I tried to connect it to my laptop for a software update or possible a reset. There was a software update, but that hasn’t fixed it. What I did realize is that I dropped the iPad this morning, a spectacular, bellyflop of a drop that meant the iPad landed flat on the floor. The iPad does have a cover on it. I suspect that this loosened the connector many of you describe. I was able to do a backup but I think the iPad is toast. See? Not an answer but maybe more insight.