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Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement

Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement


iRobot et 2 autres contributeurs

Dernière mise à jour le March 26, 2014

Aucune estimation

This guide will show you how to remove the cylinder that encases the traveling valve and foot valve.

  1. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Head and Handle (Ndembele): étape 1, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Head and Handle (Ndembele): étape 1, image 2 de 2
    • Linga ukusebenza kwepompo ngokupompa amahlandla ama-40.

    • Ipompo ekungiyo fanele ibuyise nanyana malitha ali-10.

  2. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 2, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 2, image 2 de 2
    • Susa amaphini amabili ahlanganisa isibambo esitjhelelini.

  3. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 3, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 3, image 2 de 2
    • Dosa iimbambo ezimbili zomgqala kude nesitjheleli.

  4. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 4, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 4, image 2 de 2
    • Phakamisa amaphini amabili abambene nesakhelelo sepompo nesibambo siyephezulu, kusukela esakhelweleni sepompo.

  5. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 5, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 5, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 5, image 3 de 3
    • Ngokuya ngegadangweli, yenza mbala bona ulekelela isibambo nehloko ngananyana ngezandla ezintathu.

    • Tjhelelisa ibheringhi yentonga ngaphandle kwehloko.

    • Hlola ibheringhi yentonga nehloko ukobana ayikasinyeki nanyana ayikarathuki.

  6. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 6, image 1 de 1
    • Susa ihloko nesibambo, uzibeke endaweni ehlwengekileko ukuvimbela ukusilaphazeka.

  7. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Riser Main Slider (Ndembele): étape 7, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Riser Main Slider (Ndembele): étape 7, image 2 de 2
    • Ngokuqina phakamisa isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi, ngezandla zombili.

    • Thlogomela ukobana ungawisi isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi ngombana lokho kungona ipompo nesilinda.

  8. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 8, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 8, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 8, image 3 de 3
    • Sebenzisa isipanere sephayiphu ukulenza ligedle ubungaphezulu bephayiphu esikhuphukeleni.

  9. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 9, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 9, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 9, image 3 de 3
    • Phakamisa isitjheleli nesikhuphukeli nephayiphu edlulisa amanzi.

    • Beka ipompo nentonga bese uyayiqinisa kuzungeza intonga, uyibophe uyiqinise hlangana nepompo nentonga.

    • Ngokutjheja yehlisa isikhuphukeli nephayiphu edlulisa amanzi nesitjheleli ukuvumela bona izithekghe phezu kwentonga kuqina.

  10. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 10, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 10, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 10, image 3 de 3
    • Gedlisa bese ususa zombili ipompo nentonga bese uminyezele endaweni encani ngokungasikinyeki imbumbulu phezu kwesitjheleli.

  11. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 11, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 11, image 2 de 2
    • Susa ingaphezulu lesikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi, bese uyihlola bona ayikasinyeki nanyana ayikarathuki.

    • Beka isitjheleli endaweni enelanga ukwenzela bona ingasilaphazeki.

  12. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Above Grade Riser Pipe (Ndembele): étape 12, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Above Grade Riser Pipe (Ndembele): étape 12, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Above Grade Riser Pipe (Ndembele): étape 12, image 3 de 3
    • Susa ngaphezu kwebanga wesikhuphukeli sephapiphu.

    • Ngokuqinileko krufela isibambo saka-T phezu kwepompo yentonga.

    • Nawujamisela iphayiphu elidlulisa amanzi nesikhuphukeli ngaphezu kwephasi, lisa isibambo se-T sibambelele kufikela ulungele ukufaka esinye isitoki esijamiselako.

  13. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Spout (Ndembele): étape 13, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Spout (Ndembele): étape 13, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Spout (Ndembele): étape 13, image 3 de 3
    • Sebenzisa isikrufu sephayiphu ukugedlisa nokususa itjhubhu yepompo

    • Hlola itjhubhu bona ayithikamezeki nanyana isilaphazeke.

    • Beka itjhubhu endaweni ehlwengekileko ukuvimbela ukusilaphazeka.

  14. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Riser Main (Ndembele): étape 14, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Riser Main (Ndembele): étape 14, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Riser Main (Ndembele): étape 14, image 3 de 3
    • Beka isikrufu sinye phezu kwepompo yesikhuphukeli sesitja samabowhudu.

    • Beka esinye isikrufu kuzungeza ngaphasi kwebhowudu.

    • Dosa iinkrufu uzihlukanise bona zigedlise amabhowudu.

    • Buyelela isenzekwesi emabhowudwini amathathu aseleko.

  15. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 15, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 15, image 2 de 2
    • Susa iimbumbulu ezine namabhowudu avikele isikhuphukeli sepompo sesitja uzibeke esiphathweni esibona ilanga esinjenge bakhede.

  16. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 16, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 16, image 2 de 2
    • Zungezisa isitja sepompo amadigri ama-45. Lokho kuzokwenzelela ukubamba okuncono nawuphakamisa isitja.

  17. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 17, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 17, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 17, image 3 de 3
    • Ngokuvikela phakamisa isibambo se-T amanungu ambalwa.

    • Lokhana abantu ababili basekela isibambo se-T, susa ipompo yentonga.

    • Yehlisa isibambo se-T ngokusihlenga ipompo yentonga ikwazi ukuzijamele.

  18. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 18, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 18, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 18, image 3 de 3
    • Umhlobo lo wepompo usebenzisa ipoto yennyawo ezintathu nesivimbo noku tjhewa ukuphakamisa isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi. Isikrufu se-C singasebenziswa ukuphakamisa isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi.

    • Ngokuvikela bamba bese uqinise isikhuphula phayiphu esikhuphukeleni sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi ngaphasi kwetjhuba letjhubhu.

  19. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 19, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 19, image 2 de 2
    • Ngokutjheja ungaphunyukelwa yintambo, sebenzisa isivimbo netjhewa ukuphakamisa isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi kufikela isikhuphula phayiphu sifikelele isivimbo netjhewa.

  20. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 20, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 20, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 20, image 3 de 3
    • Na isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi sifikelele isivimbo netjhewa, vikela ingaphasi bese uqinise hlangana nesikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi.

  21. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 21, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 21, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 21, image 3 de 3
    • Vikela umphasi ngokuqinisa esakhelelweni esiphasi usebenzise ibhowudu.

    • Ibhowudu yinye yanele ukubamba umphasi ukuqinisa umphakathi, ungangeza ngenye ibhowudu nawufuna ukuyiqinisa.

  22. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 22, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 22, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 22, image 3 de 3
    • Nawusasekela umphezulu we phayiphu, ngokutjheja khambisa isikhuphula kuqinisa kude nephayiphu.

    • Yehlisa isikhuphula kuqinasa bese ugedlisa ukuya ehlabathini ukuvimbela iintambo bona zirarane esivimbweni netjheweni.

  23. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 23, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 23, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 23, image 3 de 3
    • Bambanisa isikhuphula kuqinisa esikhuphukeleni sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi eduze naphasi ngokukghonekako.

  24. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 24, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 24, image 2 de 2
    • Na isikhuphula kuqinisa siqinileko, yenza ukugedla entambeni.

    • Nawugedlisa iintambo usekela isikhuphukeli, gedlisa umphasi kuqinisa.

  25. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 25, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 25, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 25, image 3 de 3
    • Sebenzisa intambo ukudosa isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi phezulu kabuthaka.

    • Ynza mbala bona intambo ihlangana nepoto yennyawo ezintathu ukuvikela ipoto yennyawo ezintathu ingaweli phasi.

    • Qala umphezulu wepoto yennyawo ezintathu bona ulinganele nesikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi bona ibe seskhaleni esisekelako.

  26. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 26, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 26, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 26, image 3 de 3
    • Susa ukuqinisa esikhuphukeleni sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi bese ubuyelela amagadango ama-23 ukuya kwama-25 kufikela isihlanganisi sembuke.

  27. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 27, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 27, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 27, image 3 de 3
    • Na isihlanganisi sokuthoma siveziwe, qinisa umphasi ngaphasi kwesihlanganisi.

  28. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 28, image 1 de 1
    • Susa isikhuphula kuqinisa ukusuka esikhuphukeleni sephayiphu esidlulisa amanzi bese uvikela epotweni yennyawo ezintathu ukuyisusa endleleni.

  29. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 29, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 29, image 2 de 2
    • Phatha isikrufu sephayiphu amanungu ambalwa ngaphezu kwesihlanganisi egadangweneli.

    • Usebenzisa isikrufu sephayiphu, uyasikrufulula esigabeni sokuthoma sesikhuphukeli phayiphu edlulisa amanzi ehlanganweni.

  30. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 30, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 30, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 30, image 3 de 3
    • Vikela ipetjhe yegadi phezu kwesihlanganisi ukuvikela amanzi bona arhatjheke na innhlanganisi zehlukanisiweko.

    • Usebenzisa isikrufu sepompo, gedlisa isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi fikela amanzi athome ukuthulukela ngaphakathi kwepetjhe yegadi.

    • Unga gedlisi kuya phambili kufikela amanzi ajame ukuphuma.

  31. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 31, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 31, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 31, image 3 de 3
    • Susa ipetjhe yegadi bese uqedelela ukugedlisa isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi.

    • Susa isigaba sokuthoma sesikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi ngokuyiphakamisa ijame ilinganisele, bese usekela umphezulu wesigaba bese ubeka ipompo uyisekele esikhaleni phezulu kwepoto yennyawo ezintathu.

  32. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 32, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 32, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 32, image 3 de 3
    • Bambanisa bese uqinisa intonga amanungu ambalwa ngaphasi kwentonga yepompo yokuthoma ebambeneko.

  33. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 33, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 33, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 33, image 3 de 3
    • Usebenzisa inkrufu ze-C, krufulula intonga yepompo engcenyeni eseleko.

    • Na isihlanganisi sahlukeneko, ngokutjheja yehlisa isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi ehlabathini.

  34. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 34, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 34, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 34, image 3 de 3
    • Ngokutjheja yehlisa isikhuphukeli sephayiphu, ukuyaphezulu, bese ubeka endaweni enelanga, kuhle uyisame ngaphezu kwehlabathi, ukuvikela ukusilaphazeka.

  35. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 35, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 35, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 35, image 3 de 3
    • Susa isibambo se-T kusuka epompeni yentonga ehlukanisiweko.

    • Bambanisa isibambo se-T epompeni yentonga eseleko.

    • Susa intonga eqinileko bese ubuyelela amagadango ama-29 ukuya kwama-35 fikela isikhuphukeli sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi sisuke soke, nanyana isigaba esaphukileko sifikelelwe.

  36. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement, Cylinder (Ndembele): étape 36, image 1 de 1
    • Tjheja bona ubeka isilinda kude nehlabathi ukobana ingasinyeki nanyana isilaphazeke.

  37. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 37, image 1 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 37, image 2 de 3 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 37, image 3 de 3
    • Usebenzisa amabhowudu wamaphayiphu amabili, skrufulula isilinda esikhuphukeni sephayiphu edlulisa amanzi.

  38. Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 38, image 1 de 2 Bush Pump Cylinder (Ndembele) Replacement: étape 38, image 2 de 2
    • Buthaka dosa isilinda esuka epompeni yentonga bese ulisa ivelifu ekhambako nevelifu yenyawo.


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