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Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6

Ce dont vous avez besoin

Vidéo d'introduction

  1. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Vis Pentalobe: étape 1, image 1 de 1
    • Avant de désassembler votre iPhone, déchargez la batterie en dessous de 25%. Une batterie lithium ion chargée peut s'enflammer et/ou exploser si elle est percée accidentellement.

    • Éteignez votre iPhone avant de commencer la réparation.

    • Retirez les deux vis Pentalobe P2 de 3,6 mm de long, situées de part et d'autre du connecteur Lightning.

    When reconnecting be VERY careful not to over tighten. The connectors on the screen that these 3.6mm Pentalobe screws lock with are notorious for breaking off

    Blair Tryba - Réponse

    what do i do if ive managed to tighten them too hard and now they wont come off?

    kristian686 -

    Before opening the phone, I gently warmed it using a buckwheat heating pad. This made removal of the adhesive strips (steps 20 to 24) easy.

    Howard Bales - Réponse

    Exactly what I did as well, the gently warming made the adhesive removal work like a charm. The heat as well help to lift the screen easily, no need for the prying tools for me to open te phone.

    For the adhesive removal just pull it slowly to the bottom of the phone and keep in under tension.

    On reassembly, turn on the phone after getting all connectors back in place to verify all is working fine before putting all screws back in their spot.

    Maarten Vergauwen -

    Thanks for the suggestion! I heated up a hot/cold pack, and it worked great.

    Linda Chandler -

    I put mine back together but mine looks very different than this one. Why is it that when I make a call I cannot hear through the ear piece and have to put it on speaker. Also my screen doesn't go black when my face touches it

    Bailey Wilson - Réponse

    Hey Bailey, which repair were you attempting? Is it possible you have a 6s, or maybe a 6 Plus? You may have better luck with faster troubleshooting if you post in our Answer Forum!

    Sam Goldheart -

    See its a long time ago you had this issue. You can try to remove the cable from front camera/sensor/earpiece from the motherboard port and gently push it back on. All the problems you relate to is thru the same cable. If this dont solve your problem, check if the earpiece is correctly placed onto the polarity poles, and that the proximity sensor is lying right down into the corresponding socket. If something is blocking the sensor, yeah then the screen wont turn on/off when you put it onto your ear.

    Kenneth Hilstan -

    I see in the preamble that when you replace your logic board, you would lose touch id functionality, so my question is what if you have the homebutton and thus the fingerprint reader for the logic board replacement, would touch id work?

    socratesmens - Réponse

    The guide for the iPhone6 battery replacement needs to be revised. There are a couple of issues.

    1) While the battery cover has two screws, they are different lengths. Since they are very small, it can be hard to see the difference (until one tries to screw the smaller one into the longer hole). The video needs to mention this.

    2) The application of the adhesive strip if very different from what is mentioned. Also, there is a “one piece plastic” applique, and it is very unforgiving. The video should show this process in more detail.

    I believe the attention to this detail would help folks correctly install their iPhone 6 batteries, and with the recent Apple disclosed battery problem, would continue to show that iFixit is very committed to the end-user.

    Gary Long - Réponse

    I felt a bit silly getting stuck at the end of a long repair, unable to screw one of these last screws back in. What worked was gently pinching the phone above and below the screw, to make sure the screen and back were perfectly aligned.

    Matt D - Réponse

    Apple edits posts on their Communities website that link to this fix page justifying as follows:

    “We’ve edited your post because following the procedures at the site you provided may lead to damage to the user’s device.”

    What is certain is that following Apple Support’s advice of resetting our phones again and again never works whereas this fix works. Apparently Apple does not want people to know that their hardware fails and can be fixed, because then they would need to explain why they don’t offer neither the fixing service nor the fixing advice by directing us to this website.

    Brice - Réponse

    Before you get started, I suggest you confirm you are replacing the correct camera. If you are thinking of a camera, the front is the side of the device with the main lens. On an iPhone this is actually known as the rear facing camera. Once the phone is disassembled your orientation can be distorted and it is not that hard to fail to realize your are replacing the wrong camera. Doh!

    William Miller - Réponse

    I found it very useful to use a magnet sheet when doing these repairs. I use electrical tape or a sharpie to make a grid, and place each micro screw in a separate box on the grid.

    I work directly over the magnet sheet, so that if something drops I have a better chance at not losing it.

    If you do lose a screw, go over the work area with a fridge magnet. It will pick it up if it hasn’t popped too far away.

    Megan Telliano - Réponse

    I agree. The Magnetic Project Mat makes your project incredibly easier and keeps your screws/parts organized. Here is the link for anyone interested:

    Magnetic Project Mat

    Cooper -

    or some masking tape with sticky side up and the ends folded underneath on a piece of paper, then you can write notes like

    “1.4mm for FOO bracket →”

    “7x2.3mm for EMI cover, different one by camera →”

    The arrows point as appropriate.

    If you drop something, put a flashlight on the floor & shine it across the floor — Turn off ceiling & other lights off to maximize the shadow from the flashlight.

    Bass Clef -

    These screws are tiny, and the first two are the biggest of the lot. Get a magnifying glass or good reader glasses.

    Jennifer Porter - Réponse

    Which torx is this T?

    klemenecanze - Réponse

    The screws are no torx screws they are Apple Pentalobe screws. You need to buy a Pentalobe screwdriver seen above.

    Claes -

    I have to use the P2 right?

    Aman Singh - Réponse

    The best advice I can give is not to perform this operation over carpet.

    Bruce codding - Réponse

    I'm an amateur, but I was able to replace the parts almost perfectly while looking at this explanation, thank you very much.

    irichin.3.26 - Réponse

    was fairly easy more nerves than anything, one thing one should have on hand is alcohol just in case its needed. also if one doesn’t get the entire tape strips out, use the alcohol like suggested and lift the battery up. Then can grab the remaining tape strips with tweezers and pull it out. Easy to put back together just make sure the connectors are in. The screws are tiny so take your time. I plugged it in and it started charging and it worked. Great to have my 6 back for a trip as I wanted to use it for the camera, also my game phone so nice to have a battery that lasts. Yes having a flat place to put the parts and put them in separate area so they don’t get mixed up. It took about a hour with hunting for a spare bottle of alcohol.

    Greg Wischmeyer - Réponse

    The first step should always to be to backup your phone as there is always a slim chance that even a simple battery replacement may render the phone inoperable and data on it lost.

    Jim - Réponse

    Please do not forget to remove the SIM-Card tray!!

    Steffen Albrecht - Réponse

    I didn’t need to remove my sim card tray when I did my iPhone 6 battery replacement. Why do you suggest to remove it?

    Jim -

    You dont need to remove sim card while battery replacement

    bertan - Réponse

    Did mine today, with iFixit battery and iFixit tool kit. Did not need suction cup, to open case, as it had partially sprung open on left, as a result of a badly swollen battery. Supported base and screen with a bookend and rubber bands. This kept these parts at a 90 degree angle, so that screen did not need to be removed. IFixit screwdriver tips were perfect fit. Somewhat difficult to remove battery adhesive strips, but slow and steady got it done, after mild heating with hair dryer. Took about 3 minutes to reposition battery connector…just a wee bit tricky, to position correctly. Was careful to place top of screen in place first, and remainder snapped into place with light pressure, and replaced the 2 pentalobe screws.

    Will highly recommend iFixit for such a repair. Repair kit and battery, are first rate. I give this an 11, out of 10.?

    Len Drasin - Réponse

  2. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Sécuriser l'écran avec de l'adhésif: étape 2, image 1 de 3 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Sécuriser l'écran avec de l'adhésif: étape 2, image 2 de 3 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Sécuriser l'écran avec de l'adhésif: étape 2, image 3 de 3
    • Si votre écran est fissuré, n'oubliez pas de le sécuriser de manière à éviter d'aggraver la fissure ou de vous blesser durant la réparation.

    • Déposer des bandes de ruban adhésif transparente sur l'écran de l'iPhone en les faisant se chevaucher jusqu'à ce que la surface soit complètement recouverte.

    • Ainsi, les éclats de verre seront fixés et vous pourrez faire levier et retirer tout l'écran.

    • Portez des lunettes de protection pour protéger vos yeux de tout éclat de verre non fixé.

    • Si vous avez du mal à retirer la vitre cassée avec une ventouse au cours des prochaines étapes, utilisez un morceau de bande adhésive solide (par exemple du duct tape) plié en deux pour fabriquer une poignée et soulever l'écran.

    In case of broken glass you can make the suction cup much more effective by covering the glass with a broad piece of translucent tape which eliminate air leakage through cracks in the glass.

    lionno1 - Réponse

    Il n’est pas nécessaire de mettre beaucoup de scotch.

    Au contraire plus vous mettez de scotch, plus il y aura de défauts et la ventouse ne collera pas.

    Une bande bien positionnée suffit.

    Chloé Bossuette - Réponse

    I’ve used hot glue on low setting to remove all types of crystals. The hot glue will release with a little iso alcohol. No damage to glass or plastic faced crystals or screens. Use a narrow piece of wood as a prying handle.

    Emilio Gonzalez - Réponse

    I recently had issues with removing the glass with the suction cup. I have done this many times with older generation iPhones but this time the glass seemed sealed on quite solidly. I told myself that the last option would be to use the screwdriver tip. After all my attempts, I transitioned to the option of using the screwdriver tip. Surprisingly, it was the easiest thing ever. I placed the 1mm flathead screwdriver at the interface between the glass and the cover (normal start location) and pried up very gently. Voila, the glass came up and I can’t even notice any dents or scratches. It felt much easier than the suction cup technique. If the suction cup is giving you a hard time consider using that 1mm flathead.

    forhereyesonly - Réponse

    This is definetly the best option to open this thing up. I’ve spend 30min with trying to heat it up and remove it using the suction cup. I needed 3sec with the 1mm flat screwdriver and i t was’nt scary at all. No dents nor scratches here too. Thanks for your comment.

    Berggorilla -

    thank you!!!!!

    Adrian Phan -

    Great suggestion to use the screwdriver!! Thanks, it really helped

    obo12759 - Réponse

    Duck Tape worked great for me. Thanks for the great instruction!

    Michael - Réponse

    Tried several types of tape but finally used this screw driver solution. At first I wasn't pushing hard enough for fear of damaging things but with just a bit of extra force I was able to open it right up. Everything is fine with only a slight scratch on the frame.

    Wesley Shank - Réponse

  3. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Instructions pour Anti-Clamp: étape 3, image 1 de 3 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Instructions pour Anti-Clamp: étape 3, image 2 de 3 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Instructions pour Anti-Clamp: étape 3, image 3 de 3
    Outil utilisé dans cette étape :
    Clampy - Anti-Clamp
    • Les deux étapes suivantes montrent comment utiliser l'Anti-Clamp, un outil conçu pour faciliter la procédure d'ouverture. Si vous n'utilisez pas l'Anti-Clamp, sautez ces deux étapes pour une autre méthode.

    • Pour des instructions complètes sur l'utilisation de l'Anti-Clamp, suivez ce tutoriel.

    • Tirez la poignée bleue vers l'arrière pour débloquer les bras de l'Anti-Clamp.

    • Insérez le côté droit ou gauche de votre iPhone entre les bras.

    • Positionnez les ventouses en bas de l'iPhone : une sur le dessus juste au-dessus du bouton home, l'autre sur le dessous.

    • Appuyez sur les ventouses pour écarter à l'endroit désiré.

    • Si vous trouvez que la surface de votre appareil est trop glissante pour que l'Anti-Clamp y adhère, vous pouvez utiliser du ruban adhésif pour obtenir une surface mieux adhérente.

    I found that the single suction cup from the kit worked very well. It didn’t take that much force to separate the front panel from the phone. I think any suction cup that you are able to get a firm grip on will probably work as well. There isn’t any adhesive holding the front panel in. It just snaps in and out. If you have a cracked screen and no screen protector, it may be hard to get a good suction seal. If that’s the case, someone else here suggested applying clear tape to the front glass to get a good surface for applying the suction cup. In my case, I already had a screen protector that was still intact so the suction cup sealed easily.

    fiftysomething - Réponse

    WORKED PERFECTLY… easy, no harm at all…. thanks a lot

    carlos restrepo -

  4. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 4, image 1 de 3 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 4, image 2 de 3 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 4, image 3 de 3
    • Tirez la poignée bleue vers l'avant (loin de la charnière) pour verrouiller les bras.

    • Tournez la poignée de 360 degrés dans le sens horaire ou jusqu'à ce que les ventouses commencent à s'étirer.

    • Assurez-vous que les ventouses restent alignées entre elles. Si elles commencent à se désaligner en glissant, relâchez un peu la tension sur les ventouses et réalignez les bras.

    • Insérez un médiator en dessous de l'écran lorsque l'Anti-Clamp a créé un espace suffisamment grand.

    • Si l'Anti-Clamp ne crée pas d'espace suffisant, tournez la poignée d'un quart de tout supplémentaire dans le sens horaire.

    • Ne tournez pas la poignée plus d'un quart de tour à la fois et attendez quelques secondes entre chaque quart de tour. Laissez l'Anti-Clamp et le temps faire le travail pour vous.

    • Sautez les trois prochaines étapes.

  5. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Procédure d'ouverture manuelle: étape 5, image 1 de 1
    Outil utilisé dans cette étape :
    Clampy - Anti-Clamp
    • Si vous ne disposez pas d'Anti-Clamp, utilisez une ventouse pour soulever la vitre :

    • Appliquez la ventouse sur l'écran, juste au-dessus du bouton home.

    • Assurez-vous que la ventouse adhère bien.

    • Si votre écran est très fissuré, le recouvrir d'une couche de ruban adhésif transparent peut aider la ventouse à adhérer. Il est également possible d'utiliser un ruban adhésif très résistant à la place de la ventouse. Si tout le reste échoue, vous pouvez coller la ventouse sur l'écran cassé.

    This is nearly impossible on a screen that is shattered

    Erik Madsen - Réponse

    You can put clear tape over it. it works.

    Owen -

    Try putting a strip of packing tape on the screen. That will make the surface smooth and help keep the suction.

    Joanna - Réponse

    Argh!! Don’t put the suction cup over the home button to pull. While it works, it also breaks the screen at the weak point below the home button. Ask me how I know.


    tombuy - Réponse

    How do you know Tom>

    Shawn - Réponse

  6. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 6, image 1 de 1
    • Tout en tenant l'iPhone, tirez sur la ventouse pour séparer légèrement l'écran du boîtier arrière.

    • Prenez votre temps et tirez de façon ferme et continue. L'écran tient beaucoup mieux que la plupart des composants.

    • Utilisez un outil en plastique, commencez à pousser le boîtier délicatement vers le bas tout en tirant sur la ventouse vers le haut.

    • Il y a plusieurs clips qui attachent l'écran au boîtier, il vous faudra probablement utiliser et la ventouse et l'outil en plastique pour libérer l'écran.

    Pulling up on the suction cup helped get me started, but what worked for me was pulling up gently while sliding the plastic prybar gently along the seam towards the top of the phone (on both sides), and it came open without having to put excess pressure on the suction.

    lauren carroll - Réponse

    Same here, just open the gap a little with the suction cup and then use the opening tool on both sides.

    Tobias - Réponse

    Along with the suction cup I used some Command adhesive strips to hold the bottom of the phone to a workbench as they easily pull/stretch away when you need to remove them!

    Dion Sosa - Réponse

    That’s a very clever idea, thank you!

    Megan Telliano -

    I did this too and left it throughout the repair. Super easy, and prevented phone from slipping and damaging the display cables.

    Felicia Johnson -

    Suction cup pictured here is the older version (with ring). I have one from my previous battery replacement on iPhone 5 and used that instead. The new one (gray with blue handle) kept on popping off. Overall, popping out screen was not as hard as it seems with these instructions, but do proceed with caution.

    youmingc - Réponse

    Dion's idea to use removable adhesive strips was great, even better, use it to attach the iPhone to a clipboard. This will allow for a sort of Lazy Susan function while you work. I also used adhesive strips to attach my iPhone box to the clipboard as well and used that as a back rest (with rubber band) for the screen as pictured in steps below. This allowed me to very comfortably skip steps 13-19 as others have commented.

    Adam - Réponse

    The new suction cup (plastic handle) is not so suctiony. Prepare for this thing to pop off a couple of times when opening the case.

    Chet Seidel - Réponse

    Be very careful because it feels that it holds very tight but with the last pull it can fly away.

    Kristaps Grinbergs - Réponse

    Be very careful when you pull up the display! Do not keep your other hand on the display surface or you can broke it!

    Luke Man - Réponse

    I did all the suggestions here and it just wasn’t moving until I repositioned the suction cup up over the home button for more leverage. It finally came up enough to slip the plastic opening tool under the edge.

    Alan Derrick - Réponse

    Well, my glass immediately and easily shattered. The only reason I’m attempting this is because Apple didn’t have time and the kids at Best Buy, while they accepted my appointment, admitted they had no idea how to actually do it. So… I’m off to Apple to spend a gazillion dollars I don’t have on a new iPhone.

    scottrell - Réponse

    dont have a panel so idk know cant buy one help please !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kemonie Elliott - Réponse

    Suction cup with blue handle is so stiff it would not hold a suction. I ended up putting it in very hot water for about 5 minutes before I was ready to use it, that did the trick.

    lgjerry - Réponse

    The MORE iFixit plastic tools you have available for this step the merrier. It was effortless with two.

    Michael Russo - Réponse

  7. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 7, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 7, image 2 de 2
    • Tirez sur le bouton en plastique pour relâcher la pression interne de la ventouse.

    • Décrochez la ventouse de l'écran.

  8. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Ouverture du téléphone: étape 8, image 1 de 3 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Ouverture du téléphone: étape 8, image 2 de 3 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Ouverture du téléphone: étape 8, image 3 de 3
    • Ouvrez l'iPhone en soulevant la partie de l'écran avec le bouton home tout en utilisant la partie supérieure du téléphone pour faire charnière.

    • Le long du bord supérieur de l'écran, plusieurs clips créent une charnière partielle.

    • Lors du remontage, alignez les clips correctement sous le bord supérieur du boîtier. Puis insérez l'écran jusqu'à ce que son bord supérieur soit au même niveau que celui du boîtier.

    It's not clear from the instructions but it is shown correctly in the pictures: when the front panel assembly is just open (at a small angle with the rear case) pull the top edge clips out of the rear case to slightly separate the two components, then swing the front panel assembly away from the rear case. I assume not doing so would potentially damage the connecting ribbon and/or the alignment clips. Just a guess...

    ethanlust - Réponse

    Yes! I wish I had read this before working on my phone. I read the instructions as they are and slowly started to open the case. This is when I heard my screen crack. So in the future, slowly open and when you are about 40% of the way, pull the screen forward so that the top clips pull away (we are talking a cm at most). Sigh just ordered a new screen

    Albert -

    Ein Tipp zum Zusammenbau: Das Display ca. in 45 Grad halten und vorsichtig an die obere Kante des Gehäuses drücken, bis es bündig und glatt anliegt.

    Dann das Display langsam und vorsichtig anklappen und die Clips von oben nach unten festdrücken.

    SAS - Réponse

    This entire process went smooth. Final step of re-assembly , the assembly does not seat into the framing. The white gasket seats on one side not the the volume button side. Alignment looks good. How much pressure does one apply on the reassembly?

    Bruce Fournier - Réponse

    My problem is the front panel does not want to joint together with the rear panel… it feel like the front is too big but it look perfect but does not clip in place… Help…

    Tony Chicoine - Réponse

    same problem, in the final step, the screen does not fit entirely. it looks like the size is not 100% correct, but 99%… one side of the case stays open…

    Andrea Andreoli - Réponse

    Same thing here, with a new screen it doesn’t fit quite right during re-assembly. It sits just a little bit higher and doesn’t look seated.

    Adam Carl - Réponse

    Some people have noted that the screen doesn’t seat properly on the case. Here’s how I solved it:

    The issue is that rectangular brackets on the back of the display aren’t latching with the corresponding clips in the base. I think the brackets are missing the gap between the spring plate and bracket with the latching bumps on it on the base. Here’s my solution:

    Position the top of the display slightly below the top of the case so the clips on the back top of the display start to engage with the phone case. Important: don’t push it all the way up!

    Now press both sides of the top part of the display until the display seats on the back. Make sure both sides are flush with the case.

    Repeat for the middle of the display. The bottom of the display will remain bent up because it will interfere with the bottom edge of the case.

    Now push/slide the display up so the top of the display lines up with the top of the case. The bottom should then snap into the base, and the display should be flush with the case all round.

    nigel - Réponse

    Yes - important to get those two rectangular brackets in place first but not all the way as you say.

    JustinO'Brien -

    Hola soy de Guatemala Me pueden ayudar a saber si puedo cambiar las partes de un A1589 a un A1549 iPhone 6

    alvarezgarcialuizfernando - Réponse

    Good thing am reading this prior to beginning any disassembly or re assembly. Thanks guys for the great tips

    Anthony Arenas - Réponse

  9. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 9, image 1 de 3 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 9, image 2 de 3 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 9, image 3 de 3
    • Ouvrez l'écran à un angle de 90° par rapport au boîtier et calez-le contre un support pendant que vous travaillez.

    • A la rigueur, une canette fermée peut vous dépanner.

    • Rajoutez un élastique pour bien maintenir l'écran lorsque vous travaillez. Ceci évite de forcer inutilement sur les nappes.

    A picture is worth a thousand words! This idea at Step 9 is perfect and you can definitely do the entire rest of the battery replacement WITHOUT having to disconnect the display from the rear case. Just leave it secured exactly as shown in this picture and you're good to go. I just completed the repair and the most difficult part was just lining up the new battery connector! Excellent instructions and generally EASY repair because this step was so helpful!

    Ryan - Réponse

    I did the same. Made the work go so much smoother!

    dcommins - Réponse

    I do NOT recommend leaving the display and the rear case connected during this repair. If you run into any resistance removing the battery, or slip in the least removing it, you risk tearing the ribbon cables that attach the two pieces. I did and now I've got to replace the Front Camera and Sensor Cable. Sadness.

    Ergolad - Réponse

    This procedure does not require the removal of the battery, so your comment is not applicable unless the batter is being replaced.

    Douglas Fichtner -

    I'm going to try it this way, because the odds of damaging the connector during removal seem greater than the risk of ripping the cable, however, I plan to cradle the phone in the "L" of simple, sheet metal bookend, and secure it using blue painter's tape. Seems more stable.

    bobcloninger - Réponse

    If you do this step carefully- (rubber band the front panel, and carefully peel away the battery adhesive) you can SKIP 13 THRU 19!

    Larry House - Réponse

    Rubber band and a large can of soup held the front in place. Go slow, steady firm pressure. Take the vibrator out though. Makes pulling the adhesive tape out much easier. Great video and written instructions!

    Sherman Homan - Réponse

    I do NOT recommend leaving the display and the rear case connected during this repair. If you run into any resistance removing the battery, or slip in the least removing it, you WILL tear the ribbon cables that attach the two pieces. I did and now I've got to replace the Front Camera and Sensor Cable. MUCH Sadness.

    todd adelman - Réponse


    Bunny -

    I decided to do the repair on my iPhone 6 without detaching the screen. I ended up screwing two pieces of 3/4” x 3” x 6” wood together at right angles. I used 2 rubber bands to secure the screen to the vertical piece and 1 rubber band to secure the base to the horizontal piece. One of the two adhesive strips broke and I had to really work to get the battery out. The rubber bands held everything together nicely. The wood pieces were slightly wider than the phone which made it easy to hold everything together while I was working the adhesive strip out.

    brian - Réponse

    Mine worked great install went perfect. Was like a new phone… for a couple months. Phone may be failing for other reasons, but there’s a ghost image in the shape of the battery in the display now. Very strange. The ifixit kit did give life to it for a while though.

    smahar - Réponse

    Hey Smahar! If you still have your tools, I’d recommend opening your phone up to make sure the battery isn’t swollen. If it’s pressing against the screen, it’s possible that is the case. If it is swollen, I highly recommend you replace it, it can be dangerous to leave it in place.

    Sam Goldheart -

    I feel like I just pulled off a minor miracle, successfully detaching and reattaching those four connectors. In the past I have also used the lean-against-a-box variant. Now I carefully apply several short pieces of painter’s tape to create a temporary “hinge,” in combo with the lean-against-a-box variant. If the bottom piece could be SUCCESSFULLY SECURED [painter’s tape loops?] to my work surface this should avoid needing to deal with the four connectors. IMPORTANT NOTE: At the end of the day this repair will ALWAYS be about pulling the white stretchy adhesive tape out from under the battery. And again the painter’s tape comes into play. This last battery replacement when I started to pull out the two adhesive strips I also, several times, applied enough tape to combine the strips and form a single grab point. Also, removing the “vibration” block allowed the the pull angle to be insanely shallow. Slowly-but-surely, both strips successfully emerged and battery was totally released.

    Michael Russo - Réponse

  10. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Retrait des vis du cache du connecteur de la batterie: étape 10, image 1 de 1
    • Retirez les vis cruciformes suivantes du cache de connecteur de la batterie :

    • Une vis de 2,2 mm

    • Une vis de 3,2 mm

    • Lors de la réparation, notez bien l'emplacement de chaque vis et assurez-vous qu'elles soient remises exactement au même emplacement pour éviter d'endommager votre téléphone.

    #000 needed here

    Dave - Réponse

    ok well what exactly does 2.2 mm and 3.2 mm mean if a #000 is needed? why even mention those numbers?

    Cory Berends -

    Those are the screw lengths. They’re important to mention so that you don’t put the longer screw in the wrong place. If you start mixing up screws, you can end up with permanent logic board damage.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    I replace the antenna in the upper left-hand corner an in the bottom middle with the lightning connector because After disassemble it completely i lose my ability to have Cellular. After i replace both antennas i can find i nevertheless have cellular. anybody an idea ?

    kupies2011 - Réponse

    With the phillips screwdriver included in the repair kit I cannot unscrew any of the interior screws because it is not the right size even though according to these comments all of the screws are #000 and on the product listing it says that the screwdriver I got is #000. Any suggestions?

    Wilson Styres - Réponse

    Sounds like you need to adjust your technique. The included PH000 driver works fine; I’ve done many many phones with it.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Upon reassembly I found the Red 2.2 mm screw won't seat. Is it possible it sheared off? The Orange 3.2 is solid in both holes but 2.2 doesn't securely fit in either.. Should I just leave off the 2.2?

    smcgreg - Réponse

    My phone was missing this screw also!

    Gail Starr -

    Duh, had the cover on the wrong way. Switched it around and the screw fit. (:

    smcgreg - Réponse

    When I insert the 3.2 mm screw... The phone shuts down, very weird because am not seeing what could cause this short...

    Juan Monge - Réponse

    I’m having the same issue. Thinking about just leaving that screw out. Did you ever get your’s working?

    Cavell Blood -

    Using the Phillips 000 screwdriver included in the kit, I am able to remove the 3.2 mm screw, but not the 2.2 mm one.

    Dan Solovay - Réponse

    None of the screwdriver heads in this kit are big enough for these screws!!! I now have an open iphone and i have to go to the store to buy a different screwdriver..I do not recommend this

    Elaine Eason - Réponse

    I was unable to unscrew the 2.2mm screw with the provided screwdriver. I was able to unscrew the 3.2mm screw but not the 2.2mm

    Jameison Martin - Réponse

    what did you do, i have the same problem i don’t know what to do. I should have read the comments at first now I am left with an open phone

    Francky Maemble -

    I'm stuck in the same boat here. The one screw came out no problem but the second isn't catching at all.

    Brian Adams - Réponse

    Stuck with Jameison and Brian here... 2.2mm won't catch with all three provided screwdrivers.

    Matthijs Rog - Réponse

    Agreed, the screwheads included in this kit didn’t work for me either. Fortunately my own toolbox has an appropriate screwdriver…. Seeing as how we are paying for this kit so we don’t need to purchase extra tools, iFixit should really include screwheads that actually work!

    Priscilla Cheng - Réponse

    When putting everything back together, I took care of steps 10-12 (or, more accurately 12-10) after reinserting the SIM (so between steps 20 & 19). It was easier to do before dealing with reconnecting the screen.

    dhcohen67 - Réponse

    why do i buy a kit from you guys but you don’t provide the necessary tools for unscrewing

    i dont have any screwdrivers at home the 2.2mm simply wont come off its ridiculous now i just have an open phone

    Michael Amara - Réponse

    I had to use Phillips #00 for the 3.2mm (orange) and #0 for the 2.2mm (red). The #000 screw driver came in the toolkit is useless on both screws so I had to go out and buy new ones from a hardware store…

    Tung-wei Lin - Réponse

    My two screws are the same diameter - 1.1mm, taking a Philips PH000 driver. However the one toward the middle is 3.3mm long, the one nearer the side is 2.2mm long.

    Alastair Lack - Réponse

    So my kit didn’t come with the right screw driver, I should have read the comments first before buying.

    My iPhone 6 battery connector bracket has 3.2mm which the PH000 works. But the 2.2mm didn’t work with included Y000.

    What screw driver do I need for the 2.2 mm screw??

    John Palaganas - Réponse

    The heads on both of those screws are identical. The included PH000 is the correct driver. There are no Y000 screws anywhere in the iPhone 6.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    The Phillips in the repair kit worked fine. I did 2 phones with it.

    Eric Craumer - Réponse

    Just a followup to all the comments above for anyone who is confused: the drivers included in the repair kit work fine, assuming you know how to use a screwdriver correctly in the first place. There are quite a few folks who never learned, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of—in fact it’s common enough that we made a guide for it. Those bits were designed first and foremost to work with iPhone screws and have been extensively, extensively tested. You may come across stubborn screws or strip the heads if you’re not careful, and maybe that’s why some folks here are having trouble. In the very rare event that you actually received a malformed bit of some kind due to a manufacturing defect (which should be clear just from looking at it up close), reach out to customer service and they’ll get you squared away.

    Jeff Suovanen - Réponse

    I just completed the battery replacement and I too found that the PH000 did not sit properly in either the 3.2 or 2.2 mm screws. Using a magnifying glass it seemed that the PH000 driver bit did not sufficiently fill the space of the screw. I happen to have the iFixit Pro Kit and used the PH00 driver bit instead, and this seemed to fill the space of both screws much better leading to successful extraction and replacement. My lack of experience with phone repair may have been a factor, but it seemed at least for my particular phone the PH00 was the proper driver bit for these two screws.

    Jimmy Doi - Réponse

    The PH000 screwdriver I received cannot remove the smaller screw…

    Michael Pesenti - Réponse

    So I spend 34 bucks on a kit of tools to repair my phone and they send the wrong sized screwdriver to get the battery cover off. Awesome. I can get the larger screw out but not the smaller one. What a waste of time and money.

    Michael Pesenti - Réponse

    @michael_pesenti Those screw heads are the same; the screws are just different lengths. If you have the right driver for one, you have the right driver for both, unless someone put your iPhone together with the wrong screws.

    Jeff Suovanen -


    Nope. Actually turns out that ifixit just sent me a defective screwdriver that only was poorly sized and only managed to catch one of the screws. I had to order a new PH000 Screwdriver on Amazon and it got the screws out instantly and I was able to repair my phone.

    Michael Pesenti - Réponse

    I used the “Maximum” precision set from Canadian Tire and the PH#00 works nicely for both these screws.

    Matt - Réponse

    Screws in mine required different size drivers also - maybe because refurbished? But have had the same probs on mbps also. Felt silly but followed Jeff’s suggestion to look at the screwdriver best practice guide and realised I was stripping screws by using too small a driver - have a couple either side of the suggested size and use the largest one that catches - I mainly used PH#0 & 00, though some screws needed #000, and there wasn’t any consistency to which screws needed which driver.

    Trish - Réponse

    You’ll want to secure each screw as you remove it - if you sneeze they will fly away and you’ll never find them. I recommend having a small bowl or container for each screw you remove and label them for reassembly.

    Jennifer Porter - Réponse

    I was worried about getting the screws mixed up, so I used Sharpies to color-code each screw before I removed it (red, orange, or yellow - corresponding to the iFixit illustrations) When I marked the screw, the bracket got some color on it too, so when I was replacing the screw, I was confident that I was putting the right screw into the right position.

    I also made a template-board by tracing an outline of the phone in the center of a piece of cardboard, and then gluing pieces of masking tape onto the cardboard, sticky-side up, one piece of tape for each bracket I removed. I drew an outline of the part on the tape, and made a red or orange or yellow dot for each screw that came from the bracket. It made it super-easy to keep track of the disassembly and reassembly. Took a little longer, but I didn't damage the logic board by using the wrong screw, and I was relaxed throughout the repair.

    GPS and WiFi now work perfectly!!!

    Thank you iFixit and commentators

    Paul Austin - Réponse

    Funny my one screwdriver fit all the screws with no problem!

    Thomas Hayes - Réponse

    @Paul Austin: colouring the screws is a galaxy-brain tier idea, I will definitely be doing this!

    povman - Réponse

    Are you just out of luck if you start to strip a screw? The first, 3.2 mm came out easily but the 2.2 mm is a little worse for wear. I’d be grateful for any tips you might have.

    Andrea Nixon - Réponse

    Turns out the included PH000 head does work with both screws. They are both the same size gauge; only difference is the length. I had the same kind of trouble as most others trying to unscrew them. But if you carefully apply consistent direct downward pressure as you turn, the screw does disengage and unscrew. It helps to stand up over the work for more leverage. And it aids in keeping the screw driver head in full contact with screw head, so it doesn’t slip and strip the head.


    I am surprised by all of the comments about the screwdriver bits being the wrong size - I have done several iPhone repairs now with the tools provided by iFixit, and the screwdrivers work perfectly for me every time.

    Joe - Réponse

    I bought the Ifixit tool kit on amazon for $70 and i don't see any 3.2 mm or 2.2 mm in the black box. does anyone know what screw i am supposed to use because i have no idea what i'm doing wrong. I opened the bottom screws on the Iphone 6 just fine but for the inside screws i dont see 3.2 or 2.2. can anyone help me? i hope I didnt waste $70 on the wrong thing.

    YuhBoiiJay - Réponse

  11. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 11, image 1 de 1
    • Retirez le cache métallique du connecteur de batterie de l'iPhone.

    Why in the YouTube video do you skip removing the battery connector

    mjcoughlin70 - Réponse

    The YouTube video could use an update, but unfortunately YouTube does not allow that. Always disconnect the battery before disassembling anything else.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    One of the screws is longer than the other, use it for the higher inside hole.

    Bobby Slone - Réponse

  12. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Déconnexion du connecteur de la batterie: étape 12, image 1 de 1
    • A l'aide d'un outil en plastique, faites délicatement levier sur le connecteur de batterie pour le soulever de son emplacement sur la carte mère.

    • Veillez à ne faire levier que sur le connecteur de batterie et non pas sur sa prise sur la carte mère. Si vous faites levier sur la prise, vous risquez de casser le connecteur entier.

    I skipped steps 13-19 and just left the front panel rubber banded while I removed the battery. I just made sure to be careful while removing the adhesive strips so as not to move around the body of the phone too much. Skipping the steps made the whole process much faster and easier.

    Tonima Chaudhury - Réponse

    I wish I had done that.

    Gail Starr -

    Thanks for this awesome tip. Made the replacement go much smoother - saved me from removing all those other screws. I also recommend watching the ifixit battery adhesive strip video before proceeding with step 21.

    Andy Milne -

    Me too, no need to detach the screen (when you take care),

    Tom Long -

    In trying to replace my antenna flex cable, I attempted to skip steps 13-19 but eventually gave up around step 31/32 as I simply didn’t have the access I needed - the space was just too cramped with the screen still attached and I was afraid I would break something. If you’re a novice, don’t have good lighting and a magnifying glass, etc. you may just want to go ahead and perform 13-19. (Yes it will take extra time of course.)

    Perrin Haley -

    I also skipped steps 13-19 after reading the first comment.

    youmingc - Réponse

    I skipped those steps too and was successful. Thanks for this tip!

    jaksbackpack - Réponse

    Can disconnecting the battery connector while power is on ruin the backlight? Or can disconnecting the power connector at a different stage ruin the back light?

    mitch Toler - Réponse

    You should power down the phone before disconnecting the battery. That said, the backlight should be fine. A blown backlight circuit is most commonly caused by disconnecting the display when the battery is still connected.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    I did open the lcd without disconnecting the battery and my lcd wouldn't working

    Reza I. Permana -

    Thanks for that tip Tonima! This is another confirmation that skipping steps 13-19 worked out great!

    As an extra measure, in addition to leaving the front panel rubber banded in it's open, vertical position (I secured mine to a can of beans) and being very careful and controlled when removing the adhesive strips; before using the suction cup to separate the front panel from the rear case, I had secured the back side of the rear case to my working surface (kitchen table) with a strip of folded over duct tape (creating double sided tape). Such might not have been necessary as I held the rear case with one hand while removing the adhesive strips with the other, though it just felt safer having the rear case (as well as the front panel) well secured in place to help assure that I didn't accidentally cause any damage to those very fragile looking cables that were left connected, by any possible movements of either of the iPhone's halfs during the pulling to remove the adhesive strips.

    Russ Levey - Réponse

    It happened to me, by prying the battery connector with another tool I broke part of the socket off the board. However, by placing it exactly back in place the connector could be placed correctly and it works. Lucky.

    Udo Schuehle - Réponse

    I'd like a little more explanation on how to re-attach the battery connector. But in the end I lined it up and pressed gently down till it snapped into place.

    Garret Gray - Réponse

    I skipped the steps removing the screen only because I didn't feel confident at all doing this. For someone who is used to electronics I would really suggest removing it because I imagine the whole process would've been easier. If there's a next time, perhaps I'll do that.

    Garret Gray - Réponse

    The suggestions that recommend skipping step 13-19 apply to some other repair. We replaced the display, and to do so, steps 13-19 are, of course, necessary.

    Gabriel Zachmann - Réponse

    When replacing the battery you should prepare the cable to sit in exactly as you see it in the picture. I had mine all the way back in (with sticky strips) and had to find a way to fit the cable in with the weird way it bends. Dry fit the battery with cable in place - lesson learned.

    Chet Seidel - Réponse

    Good idea. All the instructions were great until I got to the last thing- reattaching the battery connector! I like your recommendation to dry fit the connector so you can get the right bend to the connector ribbon first.

    Tom Rohrer -

    I wish I had seen this also, I feel like this should be in the guide. Mine seems to be working out but I had to force the connector into place a little bit.

    Kevin Harvey -

    I wish I had seen this first! I also had the issue, now I have a permanent discoloration of the screen where the connector is pushing against the back. Hoping that it doesnt lead to other problems. This site is really lacking on the reassembly steps… shame..

    thomasjmaclean - Réponse

    I'm just wondering if my computer would still recognize my phone with the battery disconnected?

    Sare - Réponse

    It appears that I haven’t properly connected the battery back up, since the hard reset didn’t work. I did my best to connect the battery before adhering it to the battery spot, but the connector doesn’t seem to “click” or otherwise confirm that it is properly positioned. The left side of the connector (closest to the battery) seemed slightly raised, which made me wonder if I had done it correctly. So I’m probably going to have to try using my last adhesive strips to lay it in better to allow for a better connection. I’m also worried that I may have damaged the connection spot. Is there anywhere on here where this is discussed? This is my second battery replacement, but first on this particular phone, which is apparently a refurbished one (and which has a slightly different looking connector cover).

    Alex Kosmider - Réponse

    Ah, it helps to discover that it’s actually a 6S rather than a 6.

    Alex Kosmider -

    For those of you replacing the Digitizer you to need follow steps 13 - 19.

    lowestseries - Réponse

    Doing a lightning connector replacement - skipped steps 13-19 as well. No problems.

    cambo.robertson - Réponse

    Hello, Is it necessary to do step 13 to 18 if I only want to change the battery?

    What does can happen if I don’t make all step?

    Juan - Réponse

    I can’t seem to get the battery connector to connect to the logic board. Is there some reason it doesn’t click or do something to hold it in place before the battery connector bracket?

    Leif Rambjor - Réponse

    @lrambjor No special technique; just line it up and press down, and it should snap into place. Make sure there’s no dirt/debris in the socket; give it a blast with some compressed air if needed. And make sure you’re not trying to jam an iPhone 6s battery into an iPhone 6 (or vice versa)—they aren’t compatible.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    So her guys I skipped 13 but when attaching the ribbons( which is the LCD,camera etc ) I got a little smoke while trying to attach the ribbons and now i am not seeing anything but the phone is vibrating and coming on but i cant see anything

    What is the reason

    juniour Bowens - Réponse

    Who are you kidding? Plastic tool” is cute, but totally useless for lifting that battery connector off the logic board. But the smaller of the four long-handles Metal tools iFixit sells as a set worked perfectly well.

    Michael Russo - Réponse

    Reattaching the battery connector was one of the more difficult parts of this repair. Once you place the battery on the rear cover and the adhesive sticks you cannot make any adjustments to position (even though I tried to just place it as lightly as possible at first). I did a dry run attaching the connector and placing the battery before removing the adhesive cover but I did not get it to sit the quite the same after removing the cover. I had to fiddle with the battery connector quite a bit to get it in place.

    Raymond Rinaldi - Réponse

  13. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Retrait des vis du cache de la nappe d'écran: étape 13, image 1 de 1
    • Retirez les cinq vis cruciformes suivantes qui maintiennent le cache de la nappe d'écran :

    • Trois vis de 1,2 mm

    • Une vis de 1,7 mm

    • Une vis de 3,1 mm

    • Si ces vis sont placées au mauvais endroit lorsque vous remontez votre appareil, vous risquez de causer des dommages irréversibles à la carte mère de votre iPhone.

    Be careful when replacing the screws, not to accidentally put the 1.7mm screw into the center hole, where the 1.2 screw belongs. This can cause "Long Screw" damage, and render your phone unusable.

    damianodessgillett - Réponse

    I don't have the magnetic pad but use duct tape face up in a tray. I write the step number and color of the screw on the sticky surface and let the screw stand heads up on the goo. The screw is presented for the driver when reassembling.

    griffn - Réponse

    I seriously draw a picture of the part, and mark where the screws belong, then place the screw on its location on the drawing! I so don’t want to screw it up(no pun intended)

    lisa OBrien -

    Can't stress enough how important it is not to mix up these screws! Using the 1.7mm screw for the lower left fixing will cause "long screw damage" and kill the backlight on the phone. I believe @damianodessgillett made the same point. Wish we could display a small warning message here to be extra careful for future fixers!

    kev - Réponse

    I use a screw ID technique similar to griffn's; I print out the PDF version of the guide, then Scotch-tape each screw type to the guide at the step where the screw was removed. The screws are then distinguished by size and type at the point where they need to be reinstalled.

    adlerpe - Réponse

    i am trying but only could open 2 screws and cannot open the rest of them, can you help me??

    girlsrock742 - Réponse

    @girlsrock742 - I'm new here, but from what I've seen, questions like yours don't get answered. I have 2 suggestions:

    # Be more specific about what your issue is.

    # Make sure you're using the right screwdriver. (Get a magnifying glass & make sure the screwdriver fits nicely in the screwhead.) This guide is included in a guide I'm looking at, and my guide has a comment that #000 phillips is required for the battery connector bracket above, not #00 as documented. (That comment did not convey to this guide....)

    Good luck!

    Bass Clef - Réponse

    Nate, you are my hero at the moment! Phillips head screw driver PH000 resolved my issue. Greatly appreciative of your chiming in on this comment! Appreciatively, C.

    Carol N -

    Thanks to @griffn & @adlerpe! I've updated the tools list to include the magnetic pad, and -- for us infrequent fixers -- I made a note in the intro text to describe the sort of thing you two noted here in place of the mag pad.

    Also, to @damianodessgillett & @kev - I've submitted an update to the instructions to add the caution you recommend to the step. Hopefully others will avoid the pain of the Long Screw damage.

    Bass Clef - Réponse

    It's possible to damage only a slot of flex cable ? I've opened my iPhone 6 but now front camera, speaker and the proximity sensor are not working. I've bought a new flex cabe to test it, but I have to be sure about that.

    cruz.giovanni - Réponse

    I'm so worried I'm going insert the wrong screw. Does anyone have any suggestions to knowing how to properly tell the size of each screw? I bought a screw set and a magnetic pad but still have the same issue. Not knowing the correct placement of each screw. I'd definitely appreciate any help.

    Patric - Réponse

    Hi Patric! We use a set of calipers to measure our screws, failing that you could use a very fine ruler. If you don't have any kind of measuring equipment, line the screws up on the magnetic mat and sort them by size there. Ideally you only have screws from this step! If you are trying to determine the size of all the screws in this guide, it's probably best to get a real ruler/caliper for the fine distinctions.

    Sam Goldheart -

    Do you have to remove the display to replace the battery?

    Michael Aguilera - Réponse

    It's not absolutely necessary to remove the display, I kept my display propped up throughout the operation. Removal of the display doesn't seem to offer any particular benefit, unless you have problems with the adhesive strips.

    Adam - Réponse

    I agree that it is not necessary to perform steps 13-19. I just successfully replaced my battery and skipped steps 13-19. I kept the screen assembly out of the way be securing it with a rubber band to a heavy candle jar. Note that even Gwendolyn, in the video for this batter replacement, does not mention disconnecting the screen.

    Robert Blackburn -

    Hi. I messed up with the screws in the cover guard sheet for the display ribbon and my iPhone 6 plus isn't turning on. Does that mean the logic board is dead or the battery ? Should I throw the phone in the garbage can ?

    nzf - Réponse

    Did anyone even answer your question? I'm having the same issue

    Sare -

    I can confirm it's not necessary to remove anything other than battery bracket. If you support the screen against something as in the picture, just make sure you hold the iPhone absolutely still with one hand while pulling out the adhesive strips with the other. I also used a small piece of tape to hold the screen in place against the box while I worked.

    I am now a very happy customer and am looking forward to another few years life from my awesome iPhone 6!

    Matt Whiteley - Réponse

    There is no need to do this step. No need to remove these 5 screws. Just make sure the screen is propped up against something strong and this step is unnecessary for the proper removal and re-insertion of battery.

    arunhn - Réponse

    100% agree. Step 13-19 are totally unnecessary and just adds the risk of breaking the display connector. “Don’t disassemble stuff that doesn’t need disassembling.” Just ensure there’s no strain on the display cable when removing the battery, i.e. by placing the phone on a non-slippery rubbery surface and fix the display to something sturdy with rubber bands.

    Dormouse -

    I left the front panel connected and it was much quicker. But, if you have to wrestle with the battery, it is much safer with the front panel removed. If you have worked on a few phone before, I'd try removing the battery with the front panel connected. If the battery is giving you problems(like if you tear the strips and have to heat the backside), you can always come back to this step.

    Joel Horie - Réponse

    I strongly recommend you leave the display connectors alone if you can. My battery came out without a fight, but I found the display connectors to be almost tragically delicate, and I had white lines in the display when I booted it. During the subsequent attempts to remedy that situation, things went down hill and now I'm waiting for an entirely new display to try to rescue the phone from repair oblivion.

    kevin hekman - Réponse

    I also skipped all of the screen-removal steps and had nary a problem. Just rubber band the screen around whatever it is propped against and I believe you'll be fine.

    Billy Bob Baler - Réponse

    Hello! I put the screws on in the wrong order and I believe my backlight is dead, iTunes still recognizes my phone when I plug it in, but the screen is blank. Is it possible to replace the logic board or is the phone useless forever?

    Tanya Lyn Willard - Réponse

    You probably connected the cables wrong, try doing this step again and carefully correct your cables.

    June Beltran -

    Remove each screw, tape it to a piece of letter paper, mark what spot it came out of. red, yellow, orange and the 3 reds. This way you can not possibly put them back in the wrong spots.

    smahar -

    I totally recommend doing this step first before removing the battery connector bracket, it will be much easier and comfortable with the screen out of the way.

    Also I recommend drawing the bracket on a piece of paper and place the screws on top of the respective position on the drawing, this way you won't be confused when putting them back.

    June Beltran - Réponse

    I accidentally lost a 1.2mm screw while doing a screen replacement. Will this make the phone malfunction in anyway after I close it back up or its fine?

    Walter White - Réponse

    DO NOT DO THIS STEP. It is totally unnecessary to remove the connectors, and they are a really big pain to put back in, and there is risk of damaging them, and it adds a lot of time to the process of replacing the battery. Just securely prop up the front panel, and then if you gently heat the back of the phone when removing the adhesive strips, the battery comes off easily. I could have saved myself about 2 hours and a lot of frustration if I had just left these connectors in. I wish the instructions here would just include this step (connector removal) ONLY IF the battery doesn't come out easily.

    J Marr - Réponse

    Exactly, just like J, Marr indicates, this step is not necessary. Just make sure you're careful to not move the phone too much, otherwise you can damage the film connectors. Other than that I even heated my phone to remove the adhesive, and thank God, nothing bad happened to it.

    Mc Floyd -

    It’s only necessary if you’re like me an need to fix the screen or water damage (mine fell in water…)

    jacobdanderson -

    I do NOT recommend leaving the display and the rear case connected during this repair. If you run into any resistance removing the battery, or slip in the least removing it, you risk tearing the ribbon cables that attach the two pieces. I did and now I've got to replace the Front Camera and Sensor Cable. Sadness.

    Ergolad - Réponse

    How can't you do step 33 if you don't do 13-19? iPhone 6.

    predylindsay - Réponse

    This procedure is for replacing the iPhone 6 battery and there is no Step 33. You may have been referred to this page from another procedure. Keep that in mind while reading the comments here that may or may not apply to your original procedure.

    Don Lawton -

    I'm missing something here, I want to swap out the screen. How does one skip steps 13-19 if wanting to remove the screen?

    BW Lee - Réponse

    This procedure is for replacing the iPhone 6 battery. You may have been referred to this page from another procedure. Keep that in mind while reading the comments here that may or may not apply to your original procedure.

    Don Lawton -

    Any tips for removing the 1.2 mm screws? Mine won't budge at all with the PH000 and I'm afraid I'm stripping the screws.

    MClare - Réponse

    I had to use the larger bit for ALL of the screws as the small one was too narrow at the tip to actually grab anything. It worked but made it a bit more difficult.

    Heather Best - Réponse

    Is it really necessary to remove the front panel at all, can't you just ask a friend to hold it in an upright position while you work on the battery?

    Peter - Réponse

    I also skipped steps 13 - 19. Just be very careful not to apply to much stress to the connectors in between the screen and the base. For me I also used another box to keep the base from sliding around while removing the battery.

    Patrick Reed - Réponse

    You cannot skip these steps, of course, when you want to replace the display (which was the kind of repair we did).

    When putting the little connectors in place again afterwards, I can recommend to hold the connectors to the display using a little rubber band. That way, they don’t get in the way when you put them in place one by one.

    Gabriel Zachmann - Réponse

    You SHOULD do the steps of removing the display. I have done battery replacements on several dozen phones. Of the ones I did NOT remove the cables, 2 of them had issues directly related to components related to these cables (front facing camera, earpiece speaker, etc.). Although tedious, I recommend removing these connectors to prevent any short circuit when reconnecting the new battery.

    ACMT - 4 years.

    jonbessom - Réponse

    I skipped this step and just affixed the screen to the Iphone box with a rubber band during replacement. I decided to take this risk to prevent some of the other issues that have been discussed when removing the screen. I understand it is risky because if you slip or need to use any significant force to remove the battery, disaster awaits. On my repair, it worked out fine and I ensured that I took my time and kept the bottom of the phone held to the worksurface.

    Michael Kirkpatrick - Réponse

    There are only 2 screws when i opened mine.The centre one and the left top corner one..Is it okay to use it like that..Please help

    Naresh Annepu - Réponse

    If you can try to leave your display how it is. I removed it and it ended with white stripes and touchscreen not working. After a while it touch started to work and stripes went away. I think it was static electricity.

    Kristaps Grinbergs - Réponse

    If you decide to go ahead with this step… I did it prior to removing the battery bracket and found it to be easier. Having the screen off made things a lot easier during the battery removal process.

    Eric Craumer - Réponse

    Two of the screws are damaged and I can’t open them. What can I do to remove the bracket?

    L He - Réponse

    Stay organized with the screws with just a piece of paper. Lay them out, mark ‘em up. Go slow, take your time.

    Sherman Homan - Réponse

    I'm noticing some questions I have that others are asking yet no one is answering. You're all talking about the same problem that I find completely pointless. If you skip steps and it works, good for you move on. There are real questions being asked. Someone asked about losing a screw, would that effect anything? You all talk about the importance of having the screws organized, yet don't explain if someone either loses the screws or have them put into the wrong places. Since no one talks about it, I figured it wasn't as important as you all claim it is. Now my phone seems to not want to do anything anymore. Stop arguing with each other about something so miniscule like skipping steps. 40 comments on this part and 5 people actually have real problems but no answers. So, if anyone actually took the time to read this, my questions are; what happens if the screws are put in the wrong order?(other than the obvious long screw damage) and what happens if we put the phone back together without some screws?

    Sare - Réponse

    @sarery I’m a little puzzled by your question. If you’re not willing to put the screws back in the right place as instructed, despite all the warnings in both the guide and the comments, why would you want to attempt this repair in the first place? But nevertheless I will try to answer. Some screws, if left out, have no noticeable effect. That’s the best you can hope for. Other screws perform a vital function such as providing a path to ground. Some screws are made of nonferrous materials—getting those mixed up can interfere with things like compass functionality. And putting a wrong screw pretty much anywhere can result in cross-threading or component damage. The reason we go to the trouble of providing all these screw markings and measurements is to help you put your phone back together in perfect working order. Which you may still be able to do, if you are careful, and patient. Good luck.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Thank you very much for that information. That's all I and I believe some other people were curious about.

    That's what I thought this website was for, not post fighting over who's the smarter one and not putting others down. This isn't Facebook

    Sare - Réponse

    well said Sare - perhaps if folk stuck to the subject instead of proving how clever they are (not) there wouldn’t be 44 comments to scroll through to find an intelligent answer

    philbjh - Réponse

    For those who are removing the digitizer, you do need to remove the bracket to get access to cable.

    lowestseries - Réponse

    Definitely do NOT disconnect the screen for the battery replacement!

    The battery replacement worked like a charm but now I am left with whit e stripes in the screen and touch screen functionality is lost despite many tries to get the screen reconnected.

    Indiana Jones - Réponse

    Hello, well I accidentally put the screws back in the wrong order after replacing the charging port, phone turns on but stays on Apple screen, any suggestions? Thank you

    d.rando90 - Réponse

    i have replaced my iphone 6’s screen twice now, first the phones fingerprint sensor wouldn’t work ( the original one ), so i replaced the entire screen ( new fingerprint sensor), but still doesn’t work and now the phones brightness is extremely dim on both screens. So now both screens now are dim and finger print sensors dont work.

    Regan Murray - Réponse

    I have some issue with the 3.1 mm screw. Only this one can’t put it back, but I take off the metal that can turn it on. (I just feel 2~3 circle to turn the screw.) What it’s happen?

    AndyKao - Réponse

    Bottom left 1.2 screw assembly broke off from the mother board and now my phone will not power up . Can there be another reason for the phone not switching on . How important to the function of the phone is the broken screw assembly ?

    Gary Brinkworth - Réponse

    The phone will power on and work just fine without any of the screws in this particular step—the screws are for securing the bracket and keeping the connectors from popping out. I’m not sure what your issue could be, but a missing screw isn’t it! I’d probably start by reseating all the connections and giving it another try. Check the board carefully for damage. Try posting your question in our Answers forum with all the details and you may be able to get some troubleshooting help there. Good luck!

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Thanks for your reply

    even though the screw assembly has broken away from the mother board, this screw assembly was soldered in would not damage the back light or power to the phone ?

    Gary Brinkworth - Réponse

    Initially thought I would skip these steps, as many people said to skip steps 13-19, but I tried proceeding without removing the front panel, and my adhesive strips simply would not remove, even with heating….so off the front panel came. Putting it back (connecting the cables back) was definitely a little panic-inducing, but managed to do it without damage - definitely watch some youtube videos!

    Hannah Hyun - Réponse

    Most companies standardize the screws on their products, but since Apple does not want you to fix your phone on its own, it has set a trap for you to damage it. I think that this criminal action may be entailing a lawsuit.

    br_flavio - Réponse

    I have to use PH000 right?

    Aman Singh - Réponse

    Xmas day here 2020 and i decided to skip separation of the screen from the base. got the battery out no problem. did remove the vibrator plate and felt that really helped to remove the adhesive strips. just keep the screen nicely propped up and you should have no problems. not seeing any reason at all to remove the cables and screen.

    keith florine - Réponse

    Are there any other alternative i can use to unscrew the 1.7 mm screw?

    mormi mormi - Réponse

  14. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 14, image 1 de 1
    • Retirez le cache de la nappe d'écran.

    I can’t get the top left screw back in if the cable bracket. Any reason why. My phone has power and back light is coming on. But screen is blank

    Joan Fitzgerald - Réponse

    In my case the top left screw - the orange screw - stayed in the front panel assembly cable bracket and would not come out. Later on I realized that the standoff screw which is underneath stayed fixed in the 1.7 mm screw. In fact this was no problem and I didn’t need to figure out how to remove the standoff screw at step 36. I just put it back in altogether and it worked fine. I actually removed both screws at once.

    Anja S - Réponse

  15. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 15, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 15, image 2 de 2
    • Lors des quatre étapes suivantes, veillez à ne faire levier que sur les nappes des connecteurs, et non pas sur leurs prises sur la carte mère.

    • À l'aide de l'extrémité plate d'une spatule (spudger) ou d'un ongle, déconnectez le connecteur de la caméra frontale et le connecteur de la nappe du capteur.

    I can not get these electrical connections to reconnect. If there is some secret to this it should be noted. I now have a phone all taken apart and can not get it back together. It makes no sense to only give directions to take a phone apart and not to put it back together.

    douglas hughes - Réponse

    Use sideways bright light and peek underneath as you mate the contacts to align properly. Press very gently and evenly. Others have written that too much pressure in the center may warp the contact.

    mahoffman - Réponse

    I'm having the same problem as above...really upset and frustrated at this point. :( 2/4 connectors (top and right) will 'click' just fine...the other two (bottom two) for the life of me wont connect!!!! :( any suggestions? i feel like i have tried everything. Sucks that is only thing stopping me screen from being repaired....

    alyssaavaldezz - Réponse

    Hi alyssa. Were you able to connect the cables? I am having the same problem

    Veronica del Rio -

    regarding cable connects - if two of the ribbon cables are not properly overlapped around each other, then it will appear as if cable #2 will need to plug into the closest jack, which is actually for cable#3. Look at the two connectors carefully - they are opposite gender and can't be interchanged.

    David Panak - Réponse

    This is good advice, and usually the problem people experience here. There is a very specific way the ribbon cables are layered, and if not correct when reassembled, the reach of the cables will cause you to assume which cable goes where and to try to insert the wrong plugs into the wrong sockets. Please do not try to force them. If they don't snap in easily, examine them closely, and you'll see the plugs and sockets are slightly different sizes, with one wider than the other. Better to take care to note how the cables layer during disassembly, or perhaps mark them to avoid this frustration on reassembly.

    gybeho -

    omg…. thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stephanie Mille -

    Check order of cables. From screen replacement.

    lee moran - Réponse

    my problem is that the connectors are different the screen i replaced it with the connectors were longer than the broken screen even though there the exact same type of screen

    andrew midgett - Réponse

    Probably just have the cables out of order. Check the posts above.

    gybeho - Réponse

    "gybeho" Ok, but it's impossible to install flex cables out of order. Each one has diferent sizes of docking...

    cruz.giovanni - Réponse

    it is very possible to install flex cables out of order. to most people working on their first screen replacement they do not have the experience to notice that their flex cable connection is different than the dock connection. this causes them to press harder and force the connection into the dock, ruining the connections, if they do not think the they have the cables out of order

    Dakota Navarrete - Réponse

    I'm with Andrew Midgett. The connectors are just plain different in size and orientation. My phone matches what's shown in the picture above. You can see an example of the replacement part if you search Amazon for "Sanka LCD Touch Screen Digitizer Frame Assembly Full Set Screen Replacement for iPhone 6". And Sanka isn't the only iPhone 6 replacement that looks like that, so no hating on that manufacturer here.

    Does this mean that some iPhone 6 phones have one set of connectors and some have a different set? FWIW, the model on the back of my phone says A1549.

    PG McLaughlin - Réponse

    Update: Searching for iPhone 6S instead of 6 on Amazon, I see lots of replacement screens with connectors that look a lot more like what I have and what's shown in the picture above. (One connector has a horizontal orientation, the other is vertical. I can't be sure whether the pins or dimensions match otherwise.) Any wisdom here?

    PG McLaughlin - Réponse

    Had the same problem with the correct layering of cable harnesses. Perhaps an additional photo showing the correct layering would be helpful for 1st timers?

    William Breen - Réponse

    +1 for a photo showing the correct layering and routing of cables. I accidentally routed the home button ribbon above the digitizer ribbon and beneath the power and backlight ribbons. The uneven pressure it put on the digitizer connector after tightening the plate caused my digitizer to not recognize touching the display or made touches appear off center.

    drpotter -

    For everybody who thinks they can skip these steps I commend you. No way I would have been able to get my battery out - two broken strips - without removing the screen. Re-inserting these cables was not really difficult - once the first one is back in place the rest follow quickly.

    Chet Seidel - Réponse

    I tried to reconnect these for ages until I watched a video of someone else doing it.

    Don’t try to line up the connectors by looking at them with the screen leaning on a soda can, just hold the two halves in each hand and line the first one up by feel. Really. After that it’s plain sailing.

    Even with great lighting I couldn’t make this work with the bits on the bench - yet when I picked them up it was really easy to feel them line up. I had all four popped back on in about 60 seconds.

    Pitt Monqui - Réponse

    Please how much is the battery if converted into Ghana cedis?

    Pappy Joe - Réponse

    1 Ghanaian Cedi equals $0.19 United States Dollar. Therefore, the $30 USD iPhone battery kit equals 161.04 Ghanaian Cedi.

    Don Lawton -

    Got it all connected properly but front facing camera won’t work. I heard that connector snap into place but it just doesn’t work anymore. I even took it all apart again and redid that connection but nothing. Bummer, but I’m not a selfie person, I only used it when I was holding my dog on my lap. Everything else works fine after the battery re-install so…whatever.

    C Trigger - Réponse

  16. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 16, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 16, image 2 de 2
    • Utilisez l'extrémité plate d'une spatule ou un ongle pour déconnecter le connecteur de la nappe du bouton home.

    Muy buenas....una pregunta el botón falla o no está bien conectar este conector ¿ se apagaría el teléfono?. Repare mi iphone y al conectarlo se me apaga el movil, sin embargo si no lo enchufo el movil enciende perfectamente.


    Berta fernandez - Réponse

    I have the same problem. The phone turns on when I disconnect the home button cable, but turns off some seconds after I reconnect it. Does anybody have a solution?

    Tim Wende -

    If you look in the prior steps , it clearly says to disconnect the battery when disassembling and reassembling.

    Anthony Arenas -

  17. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 17, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 17, image 2 de 2
    • À cette étape, assurez-vous que la batterie est déconnectée avant de déconnecter ou de reconnecter la nappe.

    • Utilisez l'extrémité plate d'une spatule ou un ongle pour déconnecter le connecteur de la nappe des données de l'écran.

    • Lors du remontage de votre téléphone, la nappe des donnés de l'écran peut se défaire du connecteur. Les conséquences peuvent être des lignes blanches ou un écran noir lorsque vous rallumez votre téléphone. Si c'est le cas, reconnectez simplement la nappe et débranchez et rebranchez votre téléphone. La meilleure façon de le faire est de déconnecter et reconnecter le connecteur de la batterie.

    you missed the name of the second connctor. there are four total

    copykatt - Réponse

    My screen is completely black and i can see the lights turning on when i press the home or lock button. Maybe this cable got damaged ?

    Gabriel Hirata - Réponse

    Perhaps you bought a faulty screen. Often this is the case when it shows completely black.

    William Mullan - Réponse

    When I was preforming this step, while reassembling, I had to connect the digitizer cable four times. On the last time, before screwing the Front Panel Assembly Cable Bracket on, I reconnected the battery connector and turned my phone on (ensuring that I was careful not to damage any cables!) to ensure that all cables were connected correctly and that the screen was fully functional.

    Christopher - Réponse

    NO NO NO ! i am a professional iphone repairman and i strongly recommend against using ANY tool to disconnect the flex connectors if u slip or use to much force you will damage the connector and may cause permanent damage to the phones logic board rendering it completely UNrepairable! Instead gently use the edge of your fingernail and pry up and the connectors will usually come off with very little effort .

    taylor sparks - Réponse

    Fingernails work great as well! However, there's nothing wrong with using a tool, as long as you exercise a little caution. If you've ever seen one of Apple's iPhone service manuals, you'll note that they use the exact same tool as iFixit (Apple calls it a "black stick" and iFixit dubs it a "spudger.")

    Jeff Suovanen -

    I'm pretty sure ifixit are pros, I used them 4 times to fix phones and no problems with using tools for flex cables.

    Dave - Réponse

    If you still have white lines after you've tried reconnecting the connectors and power cycling. Just do a hard reset a few more times, let the phone stay on and wait a while. As long as it's not damaged, the lines will fade over the next hour or so. Your phone will be as good as new.

    grjos - Réponse

    If my screen is giving me white lines and occasional ghost clicks on the right side does anyone know if it’s possibly only a faulty cable vs needing a full screen swap? I’d rather not waste a perfectly good screen.

    Andrew Hill - Réponse

    what if my phone wont turn back on even after following all these steps carefully . i even put the old screen back on and it wont turn on still???

    Daniel Murcia - Réponse

    what if the batery was not disconnected?

    Sergio Midence - Réponse

    Re-connecting display data cable was trickiest part for me - my eyes are old! I had to do it a couple of times as the cable had indeed popped off its connector, resulting in a black screen when turned on. Needs lots of patience and good lighting, also helped to have a really good look at plug and socket under magnifying glass to see how they fit together, and to reconnect using finger rather than tool - this helped me feel when I had eventually connected properly.

    Trish - Réponse

    Followed steps to a “T” - got phone up and running successfully! However, there is a vertical line in the center of the screen that changes color with whatever button is being displayed in the center screen. For example, a dead battery icon shows a red vertical line, acknowledging a blue “OK” button when setting up the phone shows a blue vertical line, etc. Essentially it’s not a black screen or white lines. Could it be that the display data connector is not correctly attached or perhaps a faulty connector?

    Cyndi - Réponse

    I finally got the cables to reconnect. I actually was being to gentle pushing them down. Line them up gently then firmly press them in place.

    halac6 - Réponse

    i went through all the steps, except i forgot to disconnect my battery, now my phone has lines and i can see horizontal pixels (as in the images are not smooth anymore). when i performed power cycle, the screen is still the same. What can i Do

    kingsley Jide - Réponse

    During the reassembly, the ordering of the ribbons on the iFixit part at the top of the phone were mis-layered. The display data cable connector and the digitizer cable connector (steps 18 and 19 in the guide) were swapped in there ordering. This was fixed by my disassembly of the camera bracket following the guide 'iPhone 6 Front-Facing Camera and Sensor Cable Replacement'. This allowed me to fix the layered ordering of the connectors.

    Ryan - Réponse

  18. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 18, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 18, image 2 de 2
    • Utilisez l'extrémité plate de la spatule pour déconnecter la nappe de la vitre tactile.

    • Lorsque vous reconnectez la nappe de l'écran, n'appuyez pas au milieu du connecteur. Appuyez d'abord sur un des côtés du connecteur, puis sur l'autre. Si vous appuyez au milieu, vous risquez de plier le connecteur et d'endommager l'écran.

    Reassembly was harder than other i devices I have worked on. A bench light from the side helped a lot with the first cable, the digitizer. The others went a bit better in this crowded space. I had screen lines when testing it out before closing the top, so reinstalled all four connectors here with the aid of a side light and happily, that worked!

    griffn - Réponse

    i crossed over the first two cables initially, when re-assembled; make sure by the WIDTH that you are trying to connect them in the right order.

    awr - Réponse

    How many times can i peel these connections without braking the connection between screen and logic borad

    falken1337 - Réponse

    Is this the breaking down process for the Verizon version of the iPhone 6s? I know the flex cables were different for other versions and with my last iPhone I made the mistake of ordering one that had completely different cable places. Someone please send me a link to one that fits the Verizon 4.7 display!!!

    Bailey Duncan - Réponse

    This break down isn't for a 6S. It is for a plain 6 (no S). Yes there is some differences because of the 3D touch feature.

    Keith Mullins - Réponse

    So what is the fix if there is digitizer damage? Replacing the screen?

    After reinstallation, I am encountering issues with an area of the screen that is not responding to touch. Everything else works fine.

    Anyone have any ideas how I should proceed?

    Jonathan Rivera - Réponse

    I had the exact same problem. I tried 10-20 times and the screen had vertical lines in the middle and the touch function didn't properly work. Then I discovered the issue. I had damaged the first connector (lcd connector) when reassembling the screen.

    What I did was to carefully with a tweezer press the damaged ones in to the correct position. Than I heard a solid "click" when I attached it and I got really hopeful.

    I finished with the rest of the connectors and put the bracket and screws back to Place and hit the powerbutton. IT WORKED!

    So, look at the first connector with a magnifying glass, the shortest one, closest to the camera. Maybe I got a little lucky when I managed to fix the connector without replacing it. Good luck. I feel your frustration all the way to Sweden.

    // Simon

    Simon Tengstrand -

    I mean digitizer Cable= the first connector (lcd connector).

    Simon Tengstrand -

    I had the most issues when reassembling with this step. The plastic tool is a fail in my experience since not enough pressure could be applied using it. I just ended up using my finger and that worked 10Xs better. My advice, watch a few YouTube videos of people reconnecting the connectors and you'll be fine.

    grjos - Réponse

    I have dis-connected and reconnected several times with the white line appearing each time. The screen however seems to be responsive. I did lose a 1.2 mm screw. Is it the missing screw or did I damage the digitizer connection?

    Charlotte - Réponse

    I had the exact same problem. I tried 10-20 times and the screen had vertical lines in the middle and the touch function didn't properly work. Then I discovered the issue. I had damaged the first connector (lcd connector) when reassembling the screen.

    What I did was to carefully with a tweezer press the damaged ones in to the correct position. Than I heard a solid "click" when I attached it and I got really hopeful.

    I finished with the rest of the connectors and put the bracket and screws back to place and hit the powerbutton. IT WORKED!

    So, look at the first connector with a magnifying glass, the shortest one, closest to the camera. Maybe I got a little lucky when I managed to fix the connector without replacing it. Good luck. I feel your frustration all the way to Sweden.

    I had three screws left when I did some repairs on my iphone 4 and that didn't matter. It worked like a charm :)

    // Simon

    Simon Tengstrand -

    I mean digitizer Cable= the first connector (lcd connector)

    Simon Tengstrand -

    Be especially careful in this step or your iPhone won’t respond to your touch after reassembling.

    Ume Nishikino - Réponse

    My home screen button is not working after reassembly, not only the Touch ID but the actual button doesn't work. I have iPhone 6S . How can I fix this? Thanks

    Sissy -

    I noticed that I had bent this connector. Barely. After about a dozen connect/reconnect attempts, bent it back and everything works as intended. Prior to bending it, was getting white lines and touchscreen was unresponsive. After bending and reconnecting, fired up exactly as it had prior to disassembly.

    Heywoz - Réponse

    I had the exact same problem. I tried 10-20 times and the screen had vertical lines in the middle and the touch function didn't properly work. Then I discovered the issue. I had damaged the first connector (lcd connector) when reassembling the screen.

    What I did was to carefully with a tweezer press the damaged ones in to the correct position. Than I heard a solid "click" when I attached it and I got really hopeful.

    I finished with the rest of the connectors and put the bracket and screws back to place and hit the powerbutton. IT WORKED!

    Thank you Simon - this was really helpful. I too suspected I had broken the digitizer connector also. Tried reconnecting 5 times before I saw your comment with resulting white lines and no touch screen. Applied moderate gentle force using long nose tweezer across width of connection and clicked and worked. Glad I read the comments as was looking at new digitizer purchase prior to reading your comment.

    Will - Réponse

    I Had two repairs on separate phones, and got sloppy on the second one and pressed the middle of this connector with my finger. It bent the right side ever so slightly. I thought I’d read the comments before ordering a new screen and I’m glad I did. I then took a closer look and saw on the right side the two rows of points at the end weren’t running parallel anymore. Using the tweezers from the kit I squeezed the misaligned rows back true and tried one more time to install, focusing on the right (previously damaged) side first to ensure it snapped into place. Voila! All is well.

    Excellent instructions, great products, and REALLY HELPFUL COMMENTS! Thanks!

    Clint Casanova - Réponse

    This was the hardest step for me. The iHold helped a lot. Used my fingers for all the connectors. Just make sure the cable that goes to the lowest connector is placed above all before trying to insert any.

    Pau - Réponse

    I’ll strongly agree that this is the most difficult and time consuming step of reassembly. As Pau has stated it is vital that the cables are layered in the correct order before you begin attempting the connections.

    Check back to Step 21. It’s not clear from the photos, but the ribbons can be run under each other. The display connection and the home button connection can become transposed at Step 21.

    If in doubt, check the size of the connections and re-order accordingly.

    Dom Gernon - Réponse

    After reassembling I have 3 letters on the virtual keyboard that don’t do anything anymore. It is the B, H and U. Could this be related to this (another) connector. (the screen is also broken but this time I only replaced the battery an it worked before this

    Erik Wegman - Réponse

    Bonsoir je voudrais savoir si c'est possible que l'a ou l'on coche la nape de l'écran tactile peut se de fixé

    Et comment faire si c'est le cad

    francoislevi akolia - Réponse

    My first attempt resulted in loss of touch response to a vertical column of app icons on the screen. From the Safari app at the bottom to the top of the screen, every app icon in that column was unresponsive to touch. Couldn’t open them. And this was true for every screen, including a corresponding bundle of letters and numbers in the same screen location when trying to use the keyboard. I did a hard reset any number of times without success until I finally realized the pattern: the vertical column of unresponsiveness.

    I remembered the caveat about connecting the digitizer cable — don’t press the center, do each side — and figured I must have made a bad connection. So I opened up the case again and went all the way down to the digitizer connection and did it more carefully, as advised. Sure enough, problem solved. Take the precaution.

    William Damkoehler - Réponse

    Replacing the digitizer cable was accomplished by moving the base to line up with the flexible connection then using a finger to press into place feeling that the connection was correct worked, then pressing into place with a click of confirmation. the rest of the cables fell into place afterword.

    Teri Wright - Réponse

  19. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Séparation de l'écran et du boîtier arrière: étape 19, image 1 de 1
    • Détachez l'écran du boitier arrière.

    Is it not possible to start here? Just leave the screen assembly attached and only replace the home button?

    Joeri Boersen - Réponse

    Please don’t do that. You will break your cables almost assuredly if you leave it attached to your phone trust me

    Curtis Jordan Lenox - Réponse

    Is front camera supposed to be attached to the digitizer?

    Neos Kosmos - Réponse

    It would be worth noticing, either at this step or below, the order of the stripes. Reassembling the fron panel requires them in the correct order, and “follow the instructions in reverse order” is not enough if there is not a detail on how the cables are ordered.

    Roger - Réponse

    I successfully left the screen assembly attached while replacing my battery. I even had my adhesive strips break off and had to spray isopropyl underneath the battery and then grab the strips with tweezers, but I was still ok. I can see why it’s recommended to detach the screen assembly, but if you rubberband it to a stable support and are careful not to jerk the lower case, it’s possible to accomplish the repair while skipping several steps.

    eswecker - Réponse

  20. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6, Bouton Home: étape 20, image 1 de 1
    • Enlevez les deux vis cruciformes Phillips #00 de 1,9 mm qui attachent le cache du bouton Home.

    Again, you need a #000

    Tobias - Réponse

    My new part had the left home button bracket screw installed. You need to remove it (and can re-use it) before putting the home button bracket back on. If you are attempting this repair, you probably don’t need this tip. But just in case!

    eschrank - Réponse

    Confirming what eschrank said. When re-assembling the home button onto the new front panel assembly remove the pre-installed screw, place the home bracket on the assembly then re-use the pre-installed screw to fasten the home bracket (left side).

    Gregory Hall - Réponse

    After I finished reassembling my phone, I had an annoying clicking noise when using the phone. I opened it again and found a lose screw sitting near the jack module! It’s the one you can see in step 21 picture, over the circled one on the right. It shouldn’t be removed (there’s no reason) and I absolutely don’t know how it got lose. I’ve put it back where it belongs and will see how things go. (If I don’t add anything after this comment, that means everything’s back to normal.)

    gourgou - Réponse

  21. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 21, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 21, image 2 de 2
    • Retirez le cache du bouton Home de l'écran.

    It is possible to over-tighten these screws, causing the home button to malfunction.

    doog - Réponse

    Helpful - thanks for the heads up! :)

    Will Reid -

    It is also possible for the tiny metal piece (not really a screw) that goes over the center of the home button to come out of the bracket & be lost, which will cause issues for making contact when the button is pressed. Now I can't seem to find any kits with a complete replacement...not sure if this is going to affect my fingerprint id capability because I'm having another issue of my phone being disabled due to the cracked lcd that caused the security code to be input several times which has locked me out completely. I'm still trying to find a way to not lose the pictures and videos that I haven't downloaded to my computer. Anyone have any ideas on either issue? Thanks in advance! ;-)

    Dawn - Réponse

    Are the home buttons for a 6 plus and 6s plus interchangeable?

    Sheila Smith - Réponse


    Rosie Godinez - Réponse

    When going backwards, and reassembling, this is where you change from Phillips #00 driver, back to Phillips #000 driver.

    Robert de Schepper - Réponse

  22. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 22, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 22, image 2 de 2
    • Utilisez la pointe d'une spatule pour déconnecter le connecteur de la nappe de bouton Home en le poussant vers le haut et à l'écart du bouton Home.

    During this step, I couldn't separate the two connectors. I accidentally managed to tear the flex cable which passes under the LCD shield/plate and up to the other LCD connectors which attach to the motherboard. Can this cable be replaced to restore Touch ID functionality if everything else is intact?

    I can't see any special chip on that part, just seems like an I/O connector?

    James - Réponse

    Yep you can. Touch ID functionality won't be lost.

    Didier Daniel -

    I have managed to separate the connector with quite a lot of patience and perseverance. Although there is no sign of physical damage on either side (button end, button-cable/plate end) the Touch ID functionality was lot. Assuming that the damaged side is that of the button cable/plate, this item is not sold on the EU store.

    Massimo Pinto -

    I have found by gently heating the broken screen side with a heat gun or reworker, it makes removing the home button and the connector so much easier to remove with the tip of the spudger and a press on the home button from the front side

    darren - Réponse

    During reassembly the home button did not function. I verified the connectors were seated correctly but no read of touch nor of even pressing to return to home screen. This was resolved by me following the guide 'iPhone 6 Home Button Cable Replacement' to swap out my old, original shield plate with the one on the iFixit unit (effectively replacing the home button cable connector with my original one).

    Now up and running.

    Ryan - Réponse

    Disconnecting the connector is tricky. Take your time and don't rush it. The pointed spudger end is a little thick to get under there, so I used a corner of the flat end, very carefully.

    DJ Billings - Réponse

  23. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 23, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 23, image 2 de 2
    Outil utilisé dans cette étape :
    • Poussez délicatement le coin supérieure de gauche du bouton home vers le haut et écarté de l'écran.

    • Ne faites pas passer le bouton home en entier, il ne vous faut qu'un coin pour enlever le reste avec une spatule.

    • Cette membrane est très fine. Si vous avez l'impression que vous allez casser le bouton, chauffez le un peu (avec un iOpener, un pistolet à air chaud, ou un sèche-cheveux) et essayez à nouveau.

    I used a hair dryer on this part. It made removing the home button extremely easy. Just take it slow

    peterhubner - Réponse

    I too used a hair dryer and slow pressure as did Peter. I found that the adhesive would slowly release if I just held a little constant pressure with my finger and waited.

    Patrick Langvardt - Réponse

    This being my first time I found that this step and the following steps to be the most difficult and time consuming. It required A LOT of patience because the rubber membrane and the adhesive holding the cable really don’t want to release without sufficient heating and I was concerned about overheating the assembly. Using a hair dryer on the slowest setting finally worked.

    fiftysomething - Réponse

    Cette étape demande vraiment de la patience. J’ai juste attendu en exerçant une faible pression et au bout d’un moment ça s’est décollé.

    Il ne faut pas mettre trop de pression et avoir un bon éclairage pour voir l’état de la membrane au fur et à mesure.

    Chloé Bossuette - Réponse

    I made the mistake of not using a hair dryer, I slowly pried the part up but in doing so the adhesive strip was no longer reusable. With no glue in the house I used a piece of the old battery adhesive strip as I changed the battery first. I cut the strip into very fine pieces, placed them under the steel cover plate in order to pinch the rubber gasket. Changing the battery and glass plate was easy but the tiny adhesive strip held me up for over an hour. Without the adhesive strip on the rubber gasket the push button will not work. I need to find out what glue is suitable for this application.

    Joseph O'Brien - Réponse

    Joseph, I use this tape. The version I use is made by 3M. I find it’s a good compromise—strong enough to hold well, but loosens with heat and isn’t so strong that you rip the membrane (or whatever delicate phone part you’re working with) should you need to remove it. I’m not endorsing Amazon; you can get this stuff on eBay, from most phone repairers, etc. It comes in 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 1cm—just about any width you’d want, and is fairly easy to work with.

    ​1mm x55M Clear Double Sided Strong Adhesive Tape For Phone LCD Screen Repairby GENNEL DirectLearn more:

    Bonnie Baxter -

    Hair dryer worked the best!!! just be patient, takes like 5 min… use the tip of the spudger and skratch a little bit on the corner.

    Renata Torres Balderas - Réponse

    I used the heat from my halogen bulb desk lamp and it did the trick right-away

    Rich Tea - Réponse

  24. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 24, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 24, image 2 de 2
    • Avec une spatule, retirez délicatement le bouton Home de l'écran.

    Don't get in a hurry with the ribbon. Heat and a gradual constant pressure did the trick.

    Patrick Langvardt - Réponse

  25. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 25, image 1 de 2 Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 25, image 2 de 2
    • Utilisez la pointe d'une spatule et décollez soigneusement la nappe de bouton home de la bande adhésive qui l'attache à l'écran.

    • Si le câble ne se sépare pas facilement, appliquez de la chaleur en utilisant un iOpener ou un séchoir pour ramollir l'adhésif puis essayez à nouveau. Faites attention à ne pas endommager le câble.

    This step really requires patience- I had to heat the area several times and “spudge” from both sides before the cable successfully loosened. Even under a strong magnifying glass, it will look like the middle section with the tiny circuit board is fused into the plastic, but it’s just strong adhesive, which eventually softens.

    Dan - Réponse

    Dan, is there any source that indicates the maximum temperatures to which you can heat the different areas of an iPhone when necessary to loosen adhesives? Or time/power parameters for specific heat guns?

    Tomas Delaveau -

    This part almost killed me. In the video, they’ve already loosened the adhesive so she pops it right off. The hair dryer should be set to hot and low blowing. It’ll take a few minutes & a few tries) to loosen the adhesive. I aimed at all sides of the cable (ie at both ends where the cable meets the case & straight on at the circuit board). To finally get it off, I mixed up using a spudger to play with it and a very fine tweezer to finally get a good enough grip to pull the button assembly off.

    dhcohen67 - Réponse

    I believe is better to heat the panel from te outside because the heat transfer would flow in a way that the adhesive will be at a higher temperature than the cable

    Tomas Delaveau - Réponse

    would love to know temperature allowances/tolerances here. how hot is too hot? What temp does the adhesive relax at?

    flow in - Réponse

    How do you remove the metal backplate shield's connector [which interfaces with the home button] glued to the plastic coating on the screen?

    Valtér Hégér - Réponse

    The rubber gasket adhesion was minimal when I removed the button. I cleaned and replaced it, but it had no adhesion. I’m not sure if that’s how it is meant to be.

    Teri Wright - Réponse

  26. Remplacement de l'écran de l'iPhone 6: étape 26, image 1 de 1
    • Une fois la bande adhésive enlevée, retirer le bouton Home de l'écran.

    • Si la vitre que vous remplacez est brisée, il se peut qu'il y ait des bris de verre collés au bouton home. Retirez soigneusement les bris de verre avant de transférer le bouton home de l'ancien écran vers le nouveau.

    One thing to note for re-assembly. You have to make sure the home button is firmly in place. Otherwise, a lack of adhesive will cause the home button to sink into the iPhone after it's fully assembled when you try to press it.

    rskrobe - Réponse

    Are you sure that you screwed the metal plate back in far enough? I don't have any issues and can't believe that Apple would rely on adhesive to hold the home button from sinking into the phone. Especially as it's the most pressed button on the iPhone.

    Thomas Hallett -

    Yeah, you have to buy new gaskets if you want you're home button to stick to the digitizer frame when pressing. Don't believe me? Just see what happens when you press the button without new adhesive :) And heck I bought 50 gaskets for only $5 from China.

    Didier Daniel -

    On the old screen,there were 2 little rubber covers that fit on the screw mounts (that hold the pentalobe screws from Step 1) that I transferred to the new part.

    jefowler4th - Réponse

    I would add a few extra steps to this (i had to disassemble and reassemble 5 times).

    First, adding the Ifixit forward facing camera replacement, and I would add the steps 12-16 fromt his guide on how to take off the heat shield (also has the fingerprint cable).

    Thanks again.

    Roland Bodenheim - Réponse

    after placing the home button again, it dose not read my finger prints anymore! any idea? Thanks.

    Khal Sh - Réponse

    For all the iphone 6 series once the original home button ribbon is torn or damaged the touch ID will never work again. Even if you replace the home button/ribbon. This is a security feature implemented by Apple. Once the original cable for the phone has been damaged or replaced, the touch ID functionality is gone forever.

    Tony - Réponse

    Dear After replacing the cracked screen successfully I turn it ON and the apple logo keeps coming and going as if it is like rebooting continuously any IDEA?


    cesarclaudio - Réponse

    I'm having the same issue. Did you ever get a response to your question?

    Kevin Rivera -

    This is missing a step ... most replacement screen assemblies also are missing a small metal plate that sits under the place where the home button connector and flex cable connector rest. Apparently without this metal the touch ID cannot be enabled. That said .. I'll not know on this phone since after following these directions and finding out I needed to pull apart the home button a second time to place this metal plate there the connector would not separate and it ripped the flex cable from the connectors completely. Now it's time to get a new home button and touch ID will never work on this phone again :(

    cueball - Réponse

    My new screen comes with the home button cable, if I just swap the original home button to the new front panal will I retain touch ID? Or do I need the original cable too?

    nathanation - Réponse

    if you want touch id to work the cable going from the home button to the logic board must be changed also

    Eric Ocegueda - Réponse

    That isn't what my home button looks like? It didn't have the little sensor on it, just the button and it still worked but now doesn't... Anyone know why?

    Emie Jayne - Réponse

    despues de serguir la guia fue exitosa solo que tengo un problema no reconoce la huella me dice error al configurar el touch id alguna solucion???

    CHARLES - Réponse

    When I was transferring my home button, it was covered in tiny shards of glass as the instructions warned. I found I was able to remove many of the shards and to clean up the button by wrapping a piece of scotch tape around my finger sticky side out and then gently dabbing at the shards.

    davechar - Réponse

    Does this iOS update mean that it is no longer necessary to replace the cable going from the home button to the logic board as well?

    Peter Barnett - Réponse

    The only “problem” that I had, was that the home button connector on the iFixit replacement screen assembly was “floating” and made it very difficult initially to connect the home button cable connector. i eventually glued it down to the screen assembly with some Pritt glue and the connection was easy.

    Peter Barnett - Réponse

    Thanks for everything.

    I just bout the Fix Kit from iFixit, I did every step 9-11 times, carefully. Everytime I try to turn on the phone when everything is assembled it won’t turn on. The screen remains black eventhough the phone is on and itunes can detect it. if I put the broken screen back I get the creen powered on.

    Is my recently aquired screen replacement broken? Thanks

    Will - Réponse

    Solved. The new screen was not working. I now hace some stains on the upper part of the screen.

    Will -

    I had set my phone up as an erased “new iPhone” prior to the repair. After completing this repair my Touch ID appeared to be working normally and I added 4 fingerprint profiles. After a few hours Touch ID failed and the fingerprint profiles disappeared. Attempting to add them again would not work. After performing a “Hard Reset” the previously entered fingerprints returned and functionallity has been completely normal for a couple of days now. I will repost if another failure occurs.

    Steve Mattson - Réponse

    When moving original home button to new screen, a tiny dab of adhesive from a Pritt Stick helped hold the cable onto the front panel. Great guide, all worked well, and touch ID working, thanks.

    Mike Cowley - Réponse

    My home button was extremely loose when installed in this fashion. To help remedy it, I installed the gasket sandwiched between the button and glass instead of on the rear face of the button. Not perfect, but a much better feel. Prior to that, the button actually stuck out further than the glass.

    kwschnautz - Réponse

    So my repair went off without a hitch, but my home button when I click it kinda has a hollow-like sound/feel to it, is it something I did wrong?

    Peter Keller - Réponse

    You didn’t show removing the top part, camera, etc.

    William Wong - Réponse

    I did not have a hair dryer on hand so I used the metal tweezers very carefully to lift the gasket and connector. Reinstalling it was tricky but I found sticking the connector back onto the two tiny pins made it a lot easier to guide the button into place.

    Nicholas Hooker - Réponse

    I replaced my battery and my screen on an Iphone 6 for under $100. My phone looks and works like new. Great online tutorial, just go slow and be careful. I dropped a screw in the carpet and thought I was screwed. By some miracle I spotted it, the size of a pin head. Use a magnetic try if possible and do the work over a tile floor. I’m 66 years old, you can do it!

    Thomas m Burke Jr - Réponse

    On the screen I purchased from iFixit, the the connector’s cable was .5mm too long so that it wouldn’t fit on the two tiny pins. But I have put it all back together and it works great.

    Greg Scott - Réponse

    My IFixIt kit worked well. Gifted to me by a friend along with the project tray. The tiny screws are hard to handle, but the guide got me through. The phone charged and turned on like the screen was never dead. Only thing is the home button doesn’t respond to fingerprints. No big deal for me. Thanks for the great products and instructions.

    Lo'real Barrow - Réponse

    The new screen from your Store came with not one—but 2—screws, and they were loose in the package. I used one where the photo shows a screw in the top right of the button bracket, but I didn’t compare the new screen to the old one further to figure out where the second one *might* have been needed. So far, phone is restored, and I’ll only go back to place the screw if the phone ever acts up (or someone here comes on to warn me of certain doom). Thanks once again iFixit for the part, the tools, the video, the step-by-steps, and this community. Could not have done this without any of you!

    Sue Livingston - Réponse

    There seems to be a step missing? The little connector that the home button is plugged into seems to be glued pretty hard onto the frame. How is that supposed to be loosened?

    mortenskogly - Réponse

    It's not glued in, it's "plugged into" the logic board. You just need to unplug it. Take your time and gently pry it up from one corner. Eventually it will pop off.

    DJ Billings -


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186 commentaires

Its a good advice to remove the battery power before mounting the flex-cables.

There is power on the second logic-board (even if the phone is turned off) connector from top, misplacing it while assembly can cause short circuit.

peter - Réponse

Will the short circuit damage the logic board or the camera / earpiece assembly? I'm worried just encountered this very issue even though the phone was off. FF camera and earpiece not functioning.

Eagle Micro -

Battery assembly is one of the important procedures working with manual is the best way to repair an iphone 6 screen

Electronics nano -

Good advice two: When removing the LCD back shield plate have in mind that the home button connector attached to the shield plate is Very fragile. Its adhered to the screen. Use very little force and do not heat the adhesive too much because then it become even More fragile.

I use ifixits metal spudger without heat but one small mistake and it can be teared.

peter - Réponse

I have now changed two of these on my phone from different suppliers and both haven't worked!

Could it be that both have been defective products or am I doing something wrong!?!?

Kieran -

Hi love what do you do or how do you get replacement cable the one on the screen if you break it I tried fixing my screen before I read your post and yes I tore that tiny cable crying now how do I fix that or even can I.

Tracey day -

It was much easier to heat the home button connector at least with hair dryer for half a minute or so and then gently remove the thin cable with some thin spudger. Without heating it felt very firmly glued and much more likely to break

Vlastimil Martinek -

What seems to be the issue you face from the possibly defective parts?

Corun MCCarthy - Réponse

There's so many non-Apple manufacturer's out there that it could be any set of issues. Low quality adhesive or misalignment of the bezzle has been my issue but most Non-Apple LCDs will work fine. And I'm surprised how fast the i6 and i6+ LCDs have came down in price without sacrificing quality. I think Apple's low $100 repair price point has something to do with it.

Eric Thomas -

i try to repair 2 iphone 6 screen and now i have 2 iphone 6 with only lines in the screens and those 2 screen where working just fine

what iam doing wrong ??

djcornelissen - Réponse

i had this problem when i was checking out if my lcd was working when i pulled the glas of.

The problem was i didn't plug the 2 lcd kabels good in.

Taron -

Make sure all the cables are down correctly. You also may have purchased bad screens.

Steve -

I was informed by Apple today that the Home Button from original Iphone 6 damaged screen, must be installed on the new replacement screen, otherwise the phone will not operate.

metropcseverettmall - Réponse

how can i remove the home button in order to replace it on the new front panel?

nicolasmangoldmoro -

I tried one on amazon and repair my iphone6 easily.It works perfectly ,the replacement part does sit slightly higher than the oem Apple assembly.I think they have products QA strictly.

here is the product

569330811 - Réponse

i tried one on amazon,repair it myself and it works perfectly.The replacement part does sit slightly higher than the oem Apple assembly.I think it very good!

569330811 - Réponse

If you reassembling the iphone 6 display do you have to put a glue for it?

Amar Dwarka - Réponse

Can this be used to replace a cracked iPhone 6s glass?

dg1 - Réponse

Wrong order of cords? Steps 14 &15.

I am trying to reinstall the cords and for some reason, the cords seem to be in the wrong order. Can someone help??!!!

laurensmolic - Réponse

Yes very simple fix. This likely happens quite often. You have to lift on the top cord and allow for the middle cord to be repositioned in its proper place. You'll see what I'm talking about upon further investigation! Good success mates. My issue is these darn Chinese screens being defective. Serious issues with pixels and "lines" down middle of screen.

Nikola Tes -

Do the cables on an iphone 6 display fit on the board of a 6 plus? Simply want to test this board and dont have a 6 plus screen assembly at the moment

Josh Layall - Réponse


6 has a split loom and screen plugs are different from 6 to 6S

Mick -

My replacement screen isn't still flushed near the mute button. You can see the light bleed at night. How do I fix it?

Michael C - Réponse

My 6 plus screen is cracked, and only about half an inch all the way down on the side shows my screen (sometimes it doesn't, the rest is black with colored lines running down it though it also changes colors sometimes). If I drag my screen down for the notification center I can kind of see it bounce down alittle for a moment.

How do I know if I just need a new panel (about $26) or an entire screen/LCD replacement ($100+)?

palidinodh - Réponse

Unfortunately, it's not possible to replace the front glass separately without a lot of expensive equipment (and a lot of practice). You will need to replace the entire glass and display assembly as a unit. Be sure to follow the correct guide; the iPhone 6 Plus guide is here.

Jeff Suovanen -

My fingerprint isn't working. It'ss not even recognizing a fingerprint is being used. What could be the issue? Everything else works.

Austin Prince - Réponse

I had the same problem and last week I upgraded to iOS 10 and VOILÁ, fingerprint WORKING!

I think it is because the fingerprint is configured to work and match its unique iPhone motherboard, So when I changed the screen it lost the connection. Hope it works 4 u!

One thing: I upgraded to iOS 10 doing a FULL RESTORE because I wanted to start from ZERO!

Gabriela -

Why go this route when going through apple is cheaper?

jonathanzollinger - Réponse

Firstly, some people don't have access to a local Apple Store. For example, some more rural states like Alaska, Iowa, or Idaho only have one Apple store, and Montana doesn't have any. Besides that, if you're skilled and confident enough at this procedure it is more convenient to do the work yourself rather than having to go out and get the job done on someone else's schedule.

Evan Noronha -

Because you're wrong and it's not cheaper. Buying the parts here is expensive. Elsewhere it's like $20-30 so.. duh.

roundo32 -

Hello jonathan I have no choice then do it by myself

because apple refused to repair an iphone 6 which I had the battery replaced by an unauthorized apple service who’s battery wasnt

good quality so I’m going to fully restore my ol’ iphone 6 replacing the battery and the screen from ifixit and give him a long life I hope! maybe, we’ll see later…

GINO Verg -

wow this was tricky. i recommend you do this in the beginning of the day with full daylight and patience!

my hand started shanking and my eyes went blurry after one hour. that didn't help!

i replaced the wifi/gps/bluetooth flex ribbon cable just last month so was feeling confident going in.. its not for the light hearted. you can do it but allow several hours

i though the part i'd received was wrong as i couldn't get the digitiser connector and the three other connectors reconnected.. on the right of the front facing camera.. then i realised i had them in the wrong order, after i'd stuffed around with them for ages.

good luck everyone!

sarah - Réponse

its a tricky job. do it in the morning with full energy and daylight!

my hand got shaky and my eyes got blurry one hour in.

sarah - Réponse

My daughter broke her iPhone on Sunday.

I ordered the LCD panel and Digitizer repair kit the same day.

It got to Oslo, Norway Wednesday.

The replacement was smooth and easy using the guid, fixed the Phone and made dinner at the same time.

Spent 50min in total.

Very good experience :)

trulshaugen79 - Réponse

Can I ask where you bought from? I’m in Oslo too and need a fast screen. Tusen takk

Stefan O -

Helpful guide, I had to go ahead and remove the LCD shield and front facing camera as well. The camera was the only difficult thing.

One question- does anyone know why one of the pentalobe screws is refusing to go back in all the way?

Lauren May - Réponse

Sometimes the screw holes/threads in the display don't align perfectly with the ones in the case. Try pressing down gently on the lower edge of the display and see if the screws go in any further. When the display is aligned correctly, the screws should go in very easily. Just experiment a little, and you'll get it. The only exception I've found is with cheap replacement displays, where the alignment can be a lot more difficult to get right because the part itself isn't really within spec.

Jeff Suovanen -

Just replaced my screen assembly - pretty straightforward. Now, touch ID doesn't work...yay. Any suggestions?

jlapic - Réponse

Hey bro I have had difficulty trying to bring back life to the fingerprint scanner aswell , Anyways it will successfully function properly if you update your phone via iTunes not through the the iPhone settings !, For a better success rate I suggest you fully erase your iPhone through iTunes and start again through its 10 for example ✊ Good luck !

Jimmy Hira -

Hi bro hope this guide can help solve your problem:

Jennychan -

Once my replacement screen is all plugged in the very bottom of the touch screen doesn't when in calls I can't select favorites, recent calls or voicemail. What did i eff up

caseys211 - Réponse

I also have this issue! Can anyone help with this?

Gabriel -

I have the same problem. Could you please let me know how you have solved it? The very bottom of my screen is not reacting at all.

Gaby Luong -

I replaced my screen several times. However this time the very bottom of the touch screen doesn’t work/isn’t reacting anymore. (Not able to text or swipe up my control center). Does anybody know a solution for my problem? I would be very grateful.

Gaby Luong -

Read the instructions and comments on this step. You most likely have a digitizer with an incomplete connection to the logic board. Disconnect it and reconnect it, making sure the socket is clean and the connector gets fully seated, and try again. If that doesn’t work, you may have a damaged connector, a damaged cable, or a faulty replacement part. If your old display still works, swapping it back in for a quick test may help you narrow it down. Good luck!

Jeff Suovanen -

Hi all,

I did this and worked great, although for some reason the on/off button wont work. What do I do now? It was working before hand but isn't now :o

Thanks for the great website!

David Gibbons - Réponse

If your replacement screen looks bluish, try turning on "Night Shift" in "Display & Brightness" setting at all times (e.g. 10AM to 9:59AM), and then adjust the "Color Temperature" until it looks natural. At first I was upset that my replacement screen looked different, but now it looked as good as the old screen!

ace1905 - Réponse

Great tutorial. Very simple

Lakeram Edmond - Réponse

I have done numerous iphone 6 front assembly replacements but the last two i ordered from ifixit have been defective which means one thing.. I just lost a client. If you order an iphone 6 full assembly, I would go ahead and order the most expensive one. The less expensive ones ( had this problem with the last two I ordered) do not close near the volume buttons.. you can see into the phone and there is a ripple right above the home button anytime the slightest pressure is put on the phone .. either on the screen or home button. Thats two assemblys being returned for being defective. I have been fixing phones for quite a while and this is the first time this has happened to me with any of the parts I ordered from ifixit. Pretty disappointing. Now I have to take this phone to a repair shop and pay them to do it and pay full price just so I can get the phone back to the client. What a bummer.

gocaps25 - Réponse

Hi there, gocaps25! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with those displays! We'd like to take care of these problems for you. Please contact our iFixit Pro team as they know best how to help. The quickest, easiest way would be through this page:


Kadan Sharpe -

I did this, all good but touch ID dont work anymore, i changed back to the original home button, erased my phone and restored, still not working, any advice ?

Jarkko Kononen - Réponse

I know it’s an old question, but just went through this and eventually got it working.

Using a new button got me an error on startup that said TouchID could not be enabled. When I swapped in the old original button, that error was not longer present but TouchID setup went right to “Failed”. I did a full DFU reset of the phone, not just an Erase. Restored from backup with iTunes and it finally worked.

Matt Warren -

Just completed this replacement now.

I'm in China, so i ordered a replacement screen on Taobao for about 300 RMB ($40) and followed these instructions.

Very clear guide, excellent photos and it really pointed out the mistakes not to make.

It took me about 30 minutes on my lunch break at my desk. And now my fully functioning phone is back - home button works, front-facing camera works, earpiece works. All good.

If you take your time, get the correct tools and follow these instructions to the letter, I think pretty much anyone could do this replacement.

Thanks to the author and other commenters for providing input.

Mike Ward - Réponse

Easy peasy. Only fiddly part was trying not to tear the membrane on the Home button. The accompanying video did not mention disconnecting the battery but was helpful for orientation. Magnifying glasses helpful for old farts.

Lawrence Ebisuzaki - Réponse

Issue: iPhone 6 "y" spot when texting (with the phone being held upright) isn't reponsing when pressed. The screen isn't cracked, looks great.

Of course, it's been turned on and off. Would replacing the screen fix the dead spot or am I wasting my money.

tgodwin06 - Réponse

This is a good guide, but it is literally a miracle that reattaching the ribbon cables fixed my iPhone touch unresponsiveness. Seriously, a direct answer to prayer.

Joshua Boak - Réponse

i think i've screwed up in the way, after replacing my screen both my cameras and flash stopped working, it must have got short circuited. can someone please guide me through fixing it, i'm sure the screen and the cable are genuine as they are from another iphone.

Santosh Karnati - Réponse

The only way you could have short circuited the parts is if you did not disconnect the battery. It's more likely you did not connect the cables correctly and inadvertently disconnected the rear camera cable during reassembly. Have you tested the flash using the flashlight feature or only the camera? It's possible the flash isn't firing solely because there's no camera detected.

Evan Noronha -

I'm disappointed in my replacement assembly. Looking at the comments, it seems that I'm not the only person who's assembly leaks light above the mute rocker and seems less "touchy" than the original screen. Clicking an "a" from the onscreen keyboard, for instance, rarely results in an "a" showing up. You've got to punch at it a few times, which becomes really annoying after only a few sentences.

I've ordered other replacement screens from iFixIt and have been very happy with them in the past. The iPhone 6 replacement assembly isn't quality and I would not recommend purchasing it.

shon - Réponse

Hi there, Shon! Thanks for your feedback! Sorry to hear about the light bleeding trouble. We'd like to make sure you're satisfied with your purchase with us, so I've contacted you via email so we can try and resolve this issue and get you taken care of. I look forward to your email response. Thanks!

Kadan Sharpe -

Shon, did they get you a satisfactory replacement?

Blake Fosdick -

Awesome! I used this to learn and did my 1st screen replacement! NOW I'm confident starting my business!!!!

rondellrandall - Réponse

I purchased the front panel assembly to repair a cracked screen. After completing the repair, the iPhone would not turn on - it went into a reboot loop, intermittently showing a flashing red screen. I did a hard restart, (unsuccessfully) attempted a DFU restore, all with the same results. Eventually, I checked all the connections on the front assembly to the phone one by one (with the phone disassembled, I plugged in each connector and CAREFULLY booted up the phone). Eventually I narrowed it down to the home button connector on the new front assembly. With this cable attached the phone would not boot, without it connected the phone booted immediately (obviously without a functional home button).

I swapped the aluminum plate from the original front assembly with the new front assembly (the aluminum plate has the home connector cable attached). This immediately fixed the problem and the phone immediately booted and has worked perfectly since then.

Toby Leftly - Réponse

Hi Toby, thanks for your feedback! Sorry to hear about the trouble. We'd like to make sure you're satisfied with your purchase with us, so I've contacted you via email so we can try and resolve this issue and get you taken care of. I look forward to your email response. Thanks!

Matt F -

Thanks for the great and accerssible guide. Having repaired a few iPhone 5's, this was really easy to get into. However I do have one perssisting problem.

I bought an iPhone 6 replacement screen assembly from the eustore. When assembling everything, I found that the home button connector cable on the bottom of the display unit (step 25) is too long in my replacement part. Thus, it overlaps with the little circuit board part of the home button cable, so the metal bracket does not fit too well when reassembled. This causes the home button to bea little loose, so it can't be fastened in a flush position with the display glass. This bothers me so much that I disassembled everything again, to try and change the position of the wires, without finding a satisfying solution. Is this a known problem with the display assembly?

Christoph Ley - Réponse

I have the same problem, I assume. The bracket didn't seem to sit flat when mounting to the screen, and now the home button wobbles.

kwschnautz -

Followed this guide to fix my broken front panel assembly (got a little mad and my phone paid the price unfortunately). Fortunately though I was able to purchase this kit, and while nerve-wracking, it all worked out great.

irosstheboss15 - Réponse

I have a replacement lcd panel for my iphone 6plus. my screen is black and unresponsive. how do i make sure my phone is powered down before beginning repair? how do i power it down if the screen is black and unresponsive?

Kelly Pinette - Réponse

First make sure it is on, you should be able to toggle the silent/ring switch, and it should vibrate if the phone is on, if not, it's probably off (unless you've disables vibration settings). If the phone is on, you might opt to leave it for a day or so to run the battery down to be safe. Otherwise you'll want to be very careful opening the phone and disconnect the battery, carefully, as soon as you can.

Sam Goldheart -

If I buy the screen assembly with digitizer, can I use the old, working home button with the new screen? How would I go about removing the home button assembly for both screens? (old and new). Would it just be the same as step 26 and attaching the touch ID one instead?

Hasitha Fernando - Réponse

Follow steps 20-26 to remove your original home button from the broken screen. If your new screen comes with a home button, remove it as well. Put your original home button on the new screen and then install the screen.

Jeff Suovanen -

The screen I replaced was completely smashed, the islack and suction couldn't hold it so I taped up the screen and used the islack again.

So easy to replace, but just be careful with the home button, it is stuck on real good so prize it out slowly and carefully.

Peter Chan - Réponse

So step 17 with the display cable. I have reconnected it and power cycled 5 times. Still the same result with the white lines. Does the connector come loose that easily? All of them are snapping into place. Any suggestions or have I ruined the screen?

volvoboy29 - Réponse

It doesn't come loose that easily. My guess is, it's not getting fully reconnected to begin with. Disconnect the battery, disconnect the display, reconnect the display and then the battery, and do a hard reset. If that doesn't work, you may have a bent pin, a damaged display cable, a defective display, or some other issue.

Jeff Suovanen -

Thanks for the reply Jeff. I rechecked everything....even the pins. The display is actually defective. I charged it up and powered it on to see the full display. On the left side there is a crack under the screen....Like inside the digitizer itself. It bubbles out like the screen is busted and seems the white lines are like a domino effect from that. Must have happened at the warehouse. The shipping box had no damage and neither did the screen itself. Was the first defective product I've gotten from Ifixit....So it was a surprise. Hopefully they will swap them out so I can finish this iPhone. Thanks again for the reply.

volvoboy29 -

Great guide! If you're attempting to replace a broken screen and save a few bucks, then you probably bought the LCD + Digitizer, without the button, earpiece, and camera. I would direct you to the Front-Facing Camera and Sensor Replacement guide, with one quick note about the home button: In order to have a functioning home button with touch ID it will need to be connected to the device. I almost missed removing the LCD back-plate from my old display. On the back plate is the cable to connect your Home button to the device. It's important so I would recommend removing the back plate immediately after step 26. It can be removed by unscrewing 3 of the 00 Phillips head screws from each side of the bracket. You should end up with 3 from each side and 1 more from the top right of the screw button, making 7 in total. Re-installation of the back plate can be a bit awkward as you have to either turn the display on its side or replace the screws from a horizontal angle. I hope that helps anyone who had trouble like me

Dalton Chaney - Réponse

This is all true, and we have a complete guide specifically for this scenario. It is linked in the introduction above. ;)

Jeff Suovanen -

I purchased the front panel assembly to repair a cracked screen. After completing the repair, the iPhone would not turn on - it went into a reboot loop, intermittently showing a flashing red screen. I did a hard restart, (unsuccessfully) attempted a DFU restore, all with the same results. Eventually, I checked all the connections on the front assembly to the phone one by one to be sure they are connected well. Still the same problem. I saw someone else posted a comment with the same problem and found the problem to be with the home button connection. So I unplugged the home button first from the front assembly with no improvement, then I unplugged the home button from the phone side with no results. I put the original screen assembly back on the phone and it works great. Does anyone have any ideas or solutions I would greatly appreciate it?

David - Réponse

I found that the the front camera ribbon cable assembly which was pre-assembled with the screen was faulty causing the red screen of death bootloop and the phone worked after I unplugged it. So I took the original off of my original screen assembly and put it on the new one. Now it works great. It is disappointing that after paying for the complete assembly I still had to change and move things around. I hope nothing else goes out on this screen in a few days.

David -

I replaced the display on an iPhone 6. Transferred the home button and front camera components to the new display. Put it all back together. Worked perfect for about 20 minutes then all of a sudden the display disappeared only the backlighting is working with no image. I opened the phone back up to check the connections. All were fine. Decided to plug in the old display and boom backlighting with an image. I'm guessing the new display is no good or has anyone had a similar problem and was able to rectify it??

adahm87 - Réponse

Left out the last half of disassembly

Aerial L - Réponse

Sounds like you needed the Front Panel guide, not the Assembly guide. This guide is a simpler version for a more complete part. The intro warns "If your replacement part does not have a speaker or front-facing camera sensor cable you should follow the complete transfer guide." Check that guide out instead!

Sam Goldheart -

Das ist alles schön und gut ! Ihr solltet aber erwähnen das alle Teile so klein und filigran sind das man das mit bloßen Auge kaum sieht !! Ich bin nicht gerade ungeschickt und habe es nicht wieder zusammen bekommen!!

mariodiluciano - Réponse

Worked great! Just be systematic in the way you store your parts (screws, mainly) during dissassembly. I used the plastic grid on the back of the iFixit bit case.

Ryan Lenz - Réponse

This really helped me understand in detail how to replace my ihpone scree:

Matt M - Réponse

Can anyone help me here? I've followed all the steps to replace the front panel assembly and my phone still won't turn on. the front panel assembly works on my other (Newer) I Phone 6. Battery and Lightning connector work fine. the screen will not turn on an the phone just beeps. it connects to iTunes but askes to enter my password.

kreigmartinez - Réponse

If you want to avoid a potential "error 53" in the future when updating your iPhone, you will need to get the screen metal shield from the cracked screen and replace it on the new screen. The screen metal shield has the cable that connect the home button to the motherboard.

If you just replace the cracked screen with a new assembly one ( which has its own metal shield and home button cable glued to it ) the iPhone motherboard could potentially not recognize your home button sensor and go into "brick mode" .

There is a video from the guys at explaining this:

I cracked the screen of my iPhone 6 and will replace it myself following my suggestions

Patrick Putignano - Réponse

Error 53 was resolved with iOS 9.3, so there's not really much danger of bricking your phone anymore.

Jeff Suovanen -

I replaced the cracked screen and ported over the metal shield from the cracked screen in order to avoid any potential issues with the home button.

The hardest part was to unstick the lower connector of the home button flat cable: that glue was quite strong and the possibility of damaging the flat cable was quite realistic!

Thanks to the guide all went well!

Patrick Putignano - Réponse

Ho ricomposto l'iphone dopo la riparazione, tutto ok, dopo 10 minuti si è spento il display e ora non rimane nero, ho ricollegato il vetro vecchio e anche quello non funziona, come posso risolvere per favore?

andrea spirito - Réponse

I replaced the iPhone 6 screen. Turned it on. It came off, then before fully booting, went off, then went on, then went off ,,,,

What could be causing this? Can I fix it?

korr - Réponse

Ihr seid unschlagbar - SUPER

Herwig Pohl - Réponse

der TocuID funktioniert nach dem EInbau nicht mehr, egal wie vorsichtig man ist. Oder gibt es einen Trick?

TracksettaZ -

Eine super Anleitung! Der wechsel des Display hat mit der Anleitung super funktioniert! Der Homebutton konnte sogar mit viel ruhe ohne erwärmung gelöst werden. Ebenfalls konnte das Jabel am Homebutton ohne Erwärmung gelöst werden!

Florian Hüppeler - Réponse

Every step was perfect, thank you very much for this manual. Saved my phone.

diegotrujillor - Réponse

I replaced the front panel and have no issue with display however Touch ID is not functional at all. Ive checked connection. Its got the plate screeer

Down on top of the connector. Am I missing something?

nickpalumboculver - Réponse

I am having the same issue, did you figure it out?

P Cho -

Even with having to pull the camera and home button replacing the screen really isn't too hard of a repair. Just follow the instructions and mark your parts (including screws) as you remove them.

Nate - Réponse

Great informational guide. Highlighting the concerns in red helps you to identify the possible failure/focus points. Replacing the digitizer and the Touch ID button were made easy because of it. Thank you for the detailed illustrations. The excitement I feel completing this project is so satisfying!

Carlton Walker - Réponse

I just replaced my front panel assembly for my cracked screen. Even though it took me forever ( I am slow!) everything went well. The only trouble I had was when I was screwing in the last screw! I tried and tried and finally reopened the face and took a look. One of the screw holes in the tab of the new screen replacement cover had not been drilled through! I worked on it a little, bent it and then it broke off. I now only have one screw in place of the original 2. The cover of course snaps into place nicely and it is holding with one screw. What would you do?


hello to all guys, after replacing the front panel, my friend to whom i replaced the panel says they have occasionally the freezers of the touch screen when unlocking the phone or answering the calls .. quite random! we have to replace the spare part but the problem seems to remain .. do you have an idea of ​​how to proceed?

thanks to all


AndreaBaglione - Réponse

A Apple Engineer told me once, that you can avoid losing Touch ID functionality or Error 53, if you consequently disable Touch ID beforehand.

Anyone can support this statement?

Andy Moser - Réponse

I replaced a cracked screen on an iPhone 6. Changed the home button from the old screen to the new. Double checked all my connections with a dual lens magnifier for proper connection. Reassembled everything……… BUT now when I turn it back on to reboot all I get on the screen is the apple icon with a white background………. HELP???? It will flash on and off every few seconds with the same apple icon in the middle of the screen with a white background and won’t fully reboot. What am I missing? is the new screen kit bad? Should I swap the back metal shield with touch ID cable? I’ve fixed more i5’s then I can count but this is my first i6 fix…….………..

Dean - Réponse

Update, I put the old screen back on and it works fine. Is the new screen I bought from ifixit bad?

Dean - Réponse

EASY! Just don’t drop a screw, or two in my case! Good thing my 5 y/o daughter has god eyes because it was dropped in heavy pile carpet. Works great.

omnicarelabs - Réponse

what is the panel that you have to take off the old screen and to put on a new screen?

Bobby Sands - Réponse

Great guide, thanks a lot. A comment about why it is useful to disconnect the battery might be helpful in Step 10-12.

Daniel Koester - Réponse

Easy to do.combonation of the steps and video. I didn’t disconnect screen but supported it like the picture. Hardest part was removing adhesive and then putting new adhesive back on. The Ifixit tool kit was essential. Back to full power in 20 minutes.

John Gans - Réponse

It won’t let me buy $@$* ,’:(

Steven Herculano - Réponse

one of he screw in the home button refuse to come out.. :( I use the 000 screwdriver that I bought in the ifixit kit, and only one of them is not coming out. i’m stuck.

Kerenvaisman1 - Réponse

I took this on. I though it would be easy, but it did get a little difficult for me mostly because I’m an old guy and my eyes aren’t that great anymore, so handling the tiny screws and getting the microphone and proximity sensor assembly all back together right was a challenge. I think if I get one of those hood things with the magnifying glasses I’ll be a better iFixiter. Other than that everything worked just as I expected and as described in the tutorials. I completed a successful replacement of my wife’s cracked iPHone 6 display. She’s very happy and I’m very happy because we saved a good chunk of change and she only had to be without her phone for about 4 hours. It did get a little “dicey” after the first hour of her not having her phone…but…mission accomplished….LOL!!! Thanks iFixit!

Gordon Campbell - Réponse

Tolle Anleitung, die Reparatur hat super geklappt, danke dafür!

Jannis Jasperneite - Réponse

In your tear down you did not mention the removal and reinstall on the touch button ribbon heat plate. When I purchased my new screen / digitizer it did not come with one. When removing the screws, Three on the left stripped out. It was a pain… had to take it to a local phone repair place to have them extract. After that it was ok until reconnecting the (4) ribbons. they would not connect in sequence. After a frustrating time, figured out the heat plate was not installed correctly. There is a little flap at the top of the new screen that had a small piece of tape that needed to be removed. Then that flap needed to be placed under the plate to allow the ribbons to align. Have to say that steady hands really help. Those micro screws are tricky with large shaky hands.

Richard W - Réponse

I replaced my cracked screen with a screen from RSTH on amazon, I did everything right but I think I may have scratched up the cables on the replacement screen because once I turn on the phone, I have lines all over. Is there any way to fix this or will I have to get another replacement?

Miguel Gue - Réponse

Mit dieser Anleitung ist der Austausch des Displays wirklich sehr gut gelungen und war fast ein Kinderspiel!

30 Minuten und schon glänzte der Bildschirm wieder. Das iPhone funktioniert tadellos!

Danke! Einziges Problem beim Zusammenbau: oben links sitzt das Display nicht ganz bündig! Dieses Problem wurde aber weiter oben auch schon von einigen Nutzern beschrieben. Ob es nun daran liegt, dass die neue Displayeinheit nicht exakt passt oder der Einbau nicht ganz korrekt ausgeführt wurde?

Kerstin Berger - Réponse

Touh does not work anymore!!! any ideas? I only replace the display and battery, I kept the same Home Button. But now now Touch ID. !!

Francisco Martinez - Réponse

I follow the steps and it turns out that my touche id did not work, but I figured out how and now my touche id is working again without hustle

Bon -

Anyone have experience with a damaged thermal plate? Replacement screen/digitizer did not come with a thermal plate so I transferred from the broken screen. New screen lights up but when I plug in the thermal plate cable screen goes black. When I unplug it the screen comes back on. Will a new thermal plate fix this?

Steve henderson - Réponse

I just replaced a cracked screen and a worn out battery with iFixit parts. Very straightforward, I had read the instructions and watched the video several times, and never even had to refer back to them during the procedure. One tip for you guys, when you sell a battery, does it not make sense to also sell the special tapes that hold it to the case? double sided tape works, but still, you are missing out on a perfect opportunity for an add on sale (would you like fries with that?). I sure would have ordered them if prompted…

Robert Janowski - Réponse

I just replaced the screen and battery on my IPhone 6 and everything went without a hitch, even when the adhesive strips broke. However, once I installed the screen and turned it on, the colors look dull, like they are lacking contrast. All the functionality is working correctly, and the screen is perfectly responsive. Is this an issue with the part? could it be a problem with the installation?

Marina Menendez - Réponse

Really great guide. Pictures are super clear and the screw size identification is great. Tip for keeping track of the screws - use a white piece of paper and note the step and screw size and then place the screw next to the note so you don’t lose track of each screw.

Also, really easy to break the home button cable strap. Perhaps follow the guide which says use heat, rather than force. Let’s just say I broke mine. Now I have no touch ID. First world problem.

Mark Earl - Réponse

Very thorough and concise. I completed this and was extremely pleased with the clarity of the guide. The only part that made me nervous was the reconnecting of the digitizer display cable and the like. Other than that, I felt ‘somewhat’ confident armed with this guide. Many thanks!


Jeff - Réponse

I have just replaced screen assembly. New screen is very dim after iPhone starts -up. Could this be a problem with proximity sensor?

The screen only seems dim at the point the PIN number is required (seems oK when Apple logo is displayed during bott process).

Darrell Haslam - Réponse

@haslamit Make sure Auto Brightness is turned on in Settings, and Reduce White Point is turned off. Open Control Center and watch the brightness slider as you slowly walk from a very bright area to a very dark one and back. If the slider doesn’t move and brightness doesn’t change, there may be a problem with your new screen or with the screen’s ambient light sensor. It could be malfunctioning, or could be installed incorrectly. Also, sometimes new screen components are covered by protective films that need to be removed before installation. Hope this helps!

Jeff Suovanen -

I have replaced 4 iPhone6 screens now with this iFixit part and this guide.

Great job. Please keep it up.

StarrDan - Réponse

Hi there, I followed each step back and forth (minutely) , and the screen wont turn on. When I connect the damaged screen back erverything seems to work.

Is there any step I may be doing wrong? Thank you.

Will - Réponse

That sounds like a pretty straightforward case of a faulty replacement part. If it came from iFixit, just contact the customer support folks and they’ll fix you up with an exchange unit. Before you do that though, compare the new display with the old one and make sure it’s the correct part—I keep seeing first-timers trying to install a 6s display in a standard iPhone 6 or vice versa, and that’s never going to work no matter how many times you try ;)

Jeff Suovanen -

After I change my screen if I connect de home button my screen will not came on what can be de cost please some one should help

Don Papi - Réponse

Everything on my phone seems like new after my screen replacement except ……. the home button doesn’t work!

I’ve tried disconnecting and reconnecting the home button connection (very small and fiddling) and I’ve done the same with the battery connector and the home button connection on the logic board but still no different!

Any ideas?

The thing that I’m not happy about was the home button removal, there didn’t seem like there was much adhesive holding it in. The cable attached to it was reasonably secure though but even so came away easy. This seems contrary to other comments I’ve read on here where they have had a lot of difficulty.

Alan - Réponse

@algy Maybe try reinstalling your old display, and see if the home button works. The home button connects to the logic board by way of a cable that’s part of the display assembly, which you just replaced—so if it works with the old display but not the new one, the most likely answer is you received a defective replacement part.

Jeff Suovanen -

Hi Jeff, thanks for your suggestion, that was my next step. So, I’ve just done that and everything works perfect again - except the broken screen of course, but no problem with the home button!

just got to convince the suppliers now of course

inyourfaceal - Réponse

In your other tutorials, you mention adding heat when removing the screen (e.g in iphone 8 screen repair tutorial) to loosen up the adhesive, is that not needed on this model?

Also, the parts you sell, are they OEM?


george - Réponse

There’s no adhesive securing the screen on iPhone 6 and earlier models—that actually makes them easier to work with. As for the OEM question, it varies tremendously based which part you need. Have a look here.

Jeff Suovanen -

After my iphone 6 screen was replaced callers can no longer hear me. I’ve read that this happens when one of the mics is not aligned properly during the screen replacement. Voice memos work fine, and I can hear callers but they cannot hear me. If you possibly have any suggestions on how I can repair this issue I would appreciate it very much. I desperately need a working phone! Thank you!

marypudner - Réponse

Great job with this guide. Took me 20 minutes to replace broken screen. Thank you!!!

KeithMelara - Réponse

Ok got front panel assembly in along with the lighting cable connector. Everything works great except I seem to have a blue hue to my screen. And a couple spots of blue on lower screen and a blue line across top of screen also. The blue color is very light but noticeable. What could be wrong? And when I go outside it looks to almost disappear out in the sunlight? Any advice at all would help…


Excellent guide, thank you. Was a bit worried when I turned on to a blank screen, but re-reading the guide I realised the display data cable had disconnected, and it was easy to go in a second time around and reconnect - slowly and patiently! Now works as new, guide and advice much appreciated.

Trish - Réponse

Installed new screen, but have bluish color. Followed guide, but it seems there is some issue either with the part or something else? Managed to adjust the color in Display and Brightness with Night Shift color temperature, but now cant really use Night Shift for its actual purpose.

Maksim Luzik - Réponse

So the lay of the land is that my iphone 6 screen just cracked. It has a crater near the top and theres the spiderweb around it. Now I know the phone itself still works, its just that when I turn it on, the screen has a white thing in the middle, but theres a bright black showing the screens on and I see the liquid inside it. But theres nothing else so idk what to do. I don’t have any money to try and replace the screen myself or get a new one or buy tools. So im in a hole, any way I can still revive my phone (or at least be able to use instagram/snapchat to text?)

Steven Carmona - Réponse

Struggling to put the top left screw back on the cable plate. Phone has power. Backlight is coming on but screen is black

Joan Fitzgerald - Réponse

Very nervous about this project, but ended up working flawlessly! Thanks for the great tutorial.

Only thing that concerned me was when I was reinstalling the home button the wire that is connected on the replacement screen wasn’t glued down like my original apple screen, which made reattaching the home button more complicated.

Erin - Réponse

Broken screen replacement and major tool is a suction cup to grip the screen??!??! Come on no one said wait, if their screen is broken how will you secure it to a broken screen?

Tim Foote - Réponse

Hi Tim! Concerns about removing a broken display are directly addressed in step two! “Lay overlapping strips of clear packing tape over the iPhone's display until the whole face is covered. This will keep glass shards contained and provide structural integrity when prying and lifting the display.” and “If the broken glass makes it difficult to get a suction cup to stick in the next few steps, try folding a strong piece of tape (such as duct tape) into a handle and lifting the display with that instead.” This guide is also used as a prereq for every other replacement guide, so many screens are intact when the user opens the phone to replace a battery or speaker.

Sam Goldheart -

Help, I followed the process, but when I restarted my phone it tried to start again and again, displaying the Apple logo for few seconds and shut down and redisplayed the logo, etc.

What have I done wrong ?

xdiverres - Réponse

So do I need to remove the home button at all if the new kit comes with it already built in? I don’t care about touch-id capabilities (it’s my daughters phone)

roiegat - Réponse

completed and works great. Thanks!

Timothy Bargeron - Réponse

Regarding the issue of touch ID not working:

This is how I solved the problem and thought I would contribute:

After I disassembled the phone, changed the front panel and reassembled the phone, the touch ID did not work.

I then reopened the phone, disconnected the battery, twisted the phone so it was lying in reverse with the screen facing down and the bottom of the phone standing in 90 degrees. Then I removed the home button bracket (shown in step 22), disconnected the home button cable connector (step 23), connected the home button cable connector back again and this time it sort of “clicked” into the socket and when I pressed on the top of it again a second time it felt like it sort of clicked into it one extra time or further into it.

Then I put the home button bracket back on again, connected the battery, switched the phone on and the touch ID works.

Hopes this helps!

Mike Niemann - Réponse

This was my first attempt to repair an iPhone. The digitiser cable was extremely fiddly to reattach but otherwise everything went fine!

buyjohn - Réponse

After having changed a dozen of iPhones’ batteries for friends, I had to change the display of my iPhone 6. I meticulously followed the instructions given here and encountered no problems at all. The home button needs to be handled with care, other than that it’s quite an easy change.

After I had connected the new display, I also connected the battery and started the phone having it open like a clamshell, just to be sure I didn’t make any mistakes. Everything started as it should. Then I shut it off again for the final assembly.

Vincent Niklaus - Réponse

I replacing the screen and now nothings work, no video appear, nothings look like working anymore but when I press the power button and home button then Iphone appear on the Itunes page but the iphone continue without display and I can no see what need to appear on my iphne to continue and fix it, what can I do

frankin3 - Réponse

Great guide. Followed everything down to the ‘t’. Having the iSclack and the spudger tool was essential. Also, invest into some reading glasses for putting the screws back in. %#*@ near went cross-eyed!

Drew Marshall - Réponse

hi everyone,

i have 2 iPhone 6 here and both are screens remain black, i have 2 new screens and 2 old, but the screens are still black.

the phones are working, when i plug them into the PC, everything works, besides the screen.

What could be damaged or what can i test?

best regards

Chosrow - Réponse

Sounds like a blown backlight circuit. That’s very fixable for a professional with microsoldering skills, but it’s an advanced repair that is beyond the scope of this guide.

Jeff Suovanen -

Merci pour ce tutoriel les explications sont vraiment claire et précise

Fernando Natali - Réponse

Hi, I found these instructions to be immensely helpful. However, the replacement part iFixit sent is missing a feature - the case won’t close completely because there is nothing to receive the P2 Pentalobe screws. The original part has two tabs that the screws bite into, you can see them in picture 8, if you imagine the open case is a mouth they are the “fangs” poking down from the top. Again, the replacement part doesn’t have these.

Anyone else have this problem? This seems like a big deal because the case won’t close and dirt and pocket lint are going to get inside the phone.

Jessica Van Tassell - Réponse

Hello Jessica. What you say is a mistake. All screens have those hooks for pentalobe. Contact iFixit and request a change from that screen.

Oscar -

Hi please which component should be changed when the iPhone 6 does not charge and not turn on

Larry Wilson - Réponse

Step 0: It always reflects more favorably on the submitter when the submitter posts a question to a relevant place, instead of stopping at the first place he/she came to.

Step 1: check your lightning cable connector. In my experience, the 3rd pin from the left (connector end of cable pointing to you) develops carbon build-up (and even pitting, as if from electical arcing.) Use a q-tip with alcohol to clean these 2 pins on the connector. You may get better results from using an alcohol-soaked wooden toothpick. This applies to pins on both sides (“top” & “bottom”) of the connector. With the phone off, do the same for the matching contacts on the phone’s female lightning socket. When cleaning the socket, move the alcohol tool (toothpick) in and out, along the direction of the contact. If you rub side-to-side, you will likely push the socket contacts out of alignment.

Step 2: if step 1 doesn’t improve things, then exert a little more effort to find a relevant page for your question on this site.


Bass Clef -

This was far easier than the changing the screen on a 5S.

Matt Morse - Réponse

Good set of instructions. Few comments/tips:

(1) DO get the right screwdriver for the Pentalobe screws. The screws have thread-lock on them, and trying to use a knife point or other stop-gap will damage the heads, making them nigh-on impossible to remove.

(2) Use an ice-cube tray to put the screws and brackets in, in the order you remove them - makes reassembly easier

(3) It’s easy to lose the tiny screws. If you *slightly* magnetize your screwdriver, it’s a lot, lot easier to remove and refit without dropping the screws. (To magnetize: take a strong magnet and stroke it once along the screwdriver.) iPhones are not harmed by magnets.

(4) If you do lose a screw, sweeping a strong magnet back and forth over your trousers (before you stand up!), then chair seat, then floor will usually recover it.

(5) As per comments above, easiest way to refit the connectors is by feel. Use the force, Luke!

Paul Dear - Réponse

äh wie bitte? hier fehlt die hälfte?? wo ist das verpflanzen der backing plate. kamera und lautsprecher??? dachte ifixit wäre gut, da ist ja die china anleitung kompletter!

luke jackson - Réponse

Hi Luke, du hast wahrscheinlich ein etwas anders Ersatzteil gekauft (ohne Komponenten vorinstalliert). Dies hier ist die Anleitung für das Screen Assembly (ale Komponenten bereits am Screen dran).

Für dein Ersatzteil haben wir diese Anleitung: Remplacement de l'écran LCD et de la vitre tactile de l'iPhone 6

Tobias Isakeit -

Very useful. Best forum to repair iPhones……. Thumbs Up… JazakAllah…

Bilal Ahmad - Réponse

What do you do if your screen is responsive, hence the need to replace the screen . I can’t shut down my phone since it doesn’t respond. I don’t want to damage anything else if there’s still power to the phone. Do I just wait for the battery to drain before attempting this replacement?

Nina Waldon - Réponse

Hi Nina,

Yes, you can wait for the battery to drain first. Doing so will also make the iPhone safer to open.

Arthur Shi -

Great instructions very detailed yet short and simple to the point!

James Ryan - Réponse

Did it all correctly but phone still won’t access the display . I think I might have not gotten the ribbon cable completely seated, but I’ll have to take it apart again to be sure. It took me over four and a half hours to do this job. I don’t have a good working bench so that hindered me greatly. But I liked the guide for the most part. However, I would be happier if there were some guidance in the reassembly. Can’t have everything. I’ll keep working on it in between coronavirus scares in my family.

airira - Réponse

I replaced my screen with the iFixit Kit and transferred the home button successfully. After reassembling the iPhone the wifi signal is weak. When lifting the screen from the housing the signal becomes strong, putting back the screen onto the housing it is weak again. Any ideas? Some shortage?

Axel - Réponse

Hi Axel,

It may be that an antenna cable may be shorting. Check if this isolation foam is still on the top of the antenna cable.

Arthur Shi -

Great guide. Just finished repairing my wife’s iPhone 6. She is happy ==> I am happy.


tirsoboada - Réponse

The step that took the most time was the attachment of the digitizer cable connector. Finally I felt a small click on one end, and then the other. Whew! Thanks for the clear instructions!

Rick 8/8/20

Richard Reese - Réponse

Do iPhones come with a thin line of black glue around the edges, or is this possibly a refurbished phone? I thought it was new from bestbuy. screen was glued down when I took it off.

CMR - Réponse

That glue in the later phones is for water proofing…the fact that the glue is there means that the phone is new and was never opened.

Pal Preet -

Hi, I did an iphone 6 lcd replacement. I conncected all the connectors properly and phone did owrk. So I switched off and started tightening the bolts. Then when I switched it on, it didn’t start up. But the camera area gets really hot. What should I do?

Mohamed Aasif - Réponse

What is with the front camera and the speaker?

Peter Uwe - Réponse

Once I had installed my replacement, complete LCD + touch, screen and turned “on”, it stayed black. Near the selfie camera+ear speaker it warmed up as felt by the finger tips. But nothing else happened. So I installed my old screen with its “spider app” again. That worked as before. So the replacement went back as faulty and a new one came in.

When replacement 2 was installed and turned “on”, it stayed black. — Unmounted and carefully installed again: stayed black again. Hm, really another faulty replacement ?? Installed my old screen with spider app back again. Stayed black on turning “on” ! Did I break something ? Lets try loading the battery (it was almost full before though). Apple sign appears now on “on”, phone works again. So replacement 2 was installed again. This time the apple sign appeared after turning “on”. It works !

For me, the price differential to the screen without home button did not make it worthwhile to have the extra hassle.

Bernard Delley - Réponse

At low brightness iPhone 6 works fine

if brightness increased white lines appear at top portion of phone

does this means screen has to replaced ?

ashok kalburgi - Réponse

Re-assembling the screen - Step 9 (reverse): I am stuck at re-assembling the screen onto the phone (step 9 - reassembling). The screen keeps sticking out at the bottom of the phone (home button side). Cannot put the final 2 screws as the screen is not properly in place… (too high) :-(

Didier Guillevic - Réponse

@Didier Guillevic you might have the screws in the wrong configuration. I use electrical tape to put them in the order they came out itn. also there is a small connector at the top of the batter that may have moved or came undone. good luck!

nick peloquin -

I replaced the screen pretty easily. The screen and front facing camera work, but when I make a phone call, the screen blinks and mostly stays off. I cant seem to turn it on to hang up the call or anything. It seems like the proximity sensor is the issue, but I do not know how to troubleshoot this.

Wendy Wang - Réponse

Merci, votre precision est correcte !

cmoafo - Réponse

my volume up rocker does not work post repair. Because of this I cannot get into fast boot mode to calibrate the fingerprint scanner.

nick peloquin - Réponse

I did this but now my phone overheats a lot and won't turn on

Elias Samuel - Réponse

The guide is quite good but incomplete. After step 26 it is necessary to unscrew and take off the front camera shield, then the ear speaker, the front camera and the screen back shield (as the touch ID button connects there)

Carlos Antoñón - Réponse

This guide is A+ for the specified device! All of the steps/information is direct and easy to follow. Anyone claiming that there is information missing is undergoing a longer project. Great work Walter! Much appreciated.

Joe B - Réponse

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