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Cette vue éclatée n'est pas un tutoriel de réparation. Pour réparer votre Nexus 5X, utilisez notre manuel de réparation.

  1. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X, Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 1, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X, Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 1, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X, Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 1, image 3 de 3
    • Avant d'éplucher le 5X, voyons un peu ce qu'il a en réserve :

    • Processeur 1.8 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 hexo-core 64-bit avec GPU Adreno 418 GPU et Android Sensor Hub

    • Caméra arrière 12,3 MP/4K avec autofocus à assistance laser et caméra avant de 5 MP

    • RAM LPDDR3 de 2 Go et stockage interne de 16 Go ou 32 Go

    • Écran LCD IPS full HD de 5,2 pouces 1920 × 1080 à 423 ppi

    • Port USB type-C compatible avec le chargement rapide

    • Lecteur d'empreintes digitales Nexus Imprimt

    • Android 6.0 Marshmallow

    Love the Back to The Future easter eggs through the teardown!

    Honam1021 - Réponse

    I am considering putting in a thin metallic plate between the battery and back cover, so I can use it with one of those vent mount magnetic holders. I tried removing the back, but a couldn't do it without worrying about breaking it. Can you show more details on how to remove the back please?

    Harish K - Réponse

  2. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 2, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 2, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 2, image 3 de 3
    • Great Scott ! Le petit dernier Nexus de Google est muni d'un port de recharge réversible USB-C à côté de la prise jack.

    • Mais bon, malgré le nouveau look très chic, ce port USB-C est seulement compatible avec les vitesses de transfert USB 2.0 - exactement comme l'OnePlus 2. Décevant.

    • En revanche, la vitesse de recharge améliorée (5V/3A) du port USB-C n'est pas une déception, elle.

    • Le voyant de notification LED RGB est caché sous la grille du haut-parleur inférieur et produit un carré de lumière 3x3 trop chou. Dommage qu'il ne bouge pas.

    • Le dos du Nexus 5X abrite le tout nouveau lecteur d'empreintes digitales Nexus Imprint, la caméra 12,3 MP, le double flash et le télémètre laser.

  3. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 3, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 3, image 2 de 2
    • Comme chez son grand frère, la coque arrière du 5X est fixée par des clips au reste du téléphone.

    • Les points communs s'en arrêtent là, car les bandes adhésives trouvées dans la coque arrière du Nexus 5 manquent complètement dans le Nexus 5X.

    • On dirait que LG a bien reçu le message quant à nos sentiments pour l'adhésif.

    • De l'adhésif ? On ne connaît pas et ça ne sert à rien.

    Here’s a series of GDocs that have pictures of the locations and descriptions of the 20 snap-tabs that hold the back cover on.

    Steve - Réponse

  4. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 4, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 4, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 4, image 3 de 3
    • C'était pas si mal que ça ! Notre premier coup d'œil à l'intérieur du 5X est plutôt satisfaisant.

    • Les antennes Wi-Fi, MIMO et GPS sont toujours logées dans la coque arrière à côté de l'antenne NFC qui vivait autrefois sur sa propre unité de contrôle. Malheureusement, les étiquettes super pratiques du Nexus 5 ont été transformées en codes cryptés.

    • Par chance, cet autocollant à l'intérieur du panneau arrière indique l'essentiel : IMEI, pays d'origine et numéro de modèle : LG-H790.

    • Nous exultons à la vue de la batterie de 2700 mAh posée en évidence. En effet, les batteries amovibles se font extrêmement rares en ces jours-ci.

    • Hélas, ce n'était qu'une apparence. Le connecteur de la batterie est enfoui sous le châssis et inaccessible pour l'instant.

    Any idea if the camera lens cover is the same as another LG model? Mine's shattered already somehow (it wasn't dropped and has a case) and Google/LG aren't covering it under warranty (= paid repair)

    Matt DeVillier - Réponse

    Did you find out where you can buy the camera lens cover? My phone's Camera Lens cover and fingerprint scanner both are damaged. Can't find the parts anywhere.

    Shash Tel -

    Is the antenna combo actually behind the gray patch, or closer to the top where the contacts are? Where's the cellular antenna?

    Mike Pagano - Réponse

  5. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 5, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 5, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 5, image 3 de 3
    Outil utilisé dans cette étape :
    Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
    • Avec notre 64 Bit Driver Kit, c'est un jeu d'enfant de venir à bout des 10 vis cruciformes maintenant le châssis en place.

    • Le châssis se dégage morceau après morceau (il a en a très précisément deux) :

    • La moitié inférieure contient quelques antennes et le haut-parleur avant du téléphone.

    • La moitié supérieure loge le lecteur d'empreintes digitales Nexus Imprint.

    Can you add a better image of the speaker ?

    Because some review said that the sound seems to go out by the back of the phone and not the front.

    Alex Andre - Réponse

    Also - Are the dedicated front-facing speaker (bottom) and the speaker used for phone calls (top) the same component? And, if so, do processor limitations prohibit this being a dual-front-facing speaker situation?

    Mike Swanson -

    It looks like the glass, digitizer, frame/bezel (and... is that a heatsink) are one component. If you need to replace the glass, as you said the digitizer as well, but that picture looks like the frame/bezel is also part of the digitizer. Is that correct?

    Sam Donham - Réponse

    I just disassembled mine to try to replace the screen/digitizer, unfortunately it seems you're correct, I could not figure out how to separate the front housing from the screen/digitizer. I found a spare screen/digitizer assembly from, but they did not sell a front housing, so I assumed you didn't need it. Maybe you could separate with a heat gun and a lot of tinkering. Because I cannot find a replacement front housing to go with the screen/digitizer assembly.

    Daniel Berenbaum -

    So I took mine to a local shop because I don't have a heat gun and adhesives. As I expected, you ARE able to separate the screen/digitizer from the front housing, but it is much more complex than the rest of the disassembly.

    Daniel Berenbaum - Réponse

    What did it cost for the repair? I don't know if any place around my area does them.

    Paul Barrette -

    After 2yrs, processor below the RAM is causing it to heatup & bootloop. It would be great if iFixit teardown videos take this onto account on future teardowns & speak of it. So that the manufacturers would make a better design decisions. Great phone which ended up badly due to that bad design. Am working on finding a suitable 4Gb which i could replace the samsung RAM & bring it back to life. It would be great if anyone can help in suggesting a 4Gb RAM chip that can fit that socket.

    ChandyTech - Réponse

    Here’s a GDoc that has a photo of the starting point for lifting the midframe out:

    Steve - Réponse

  6. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 6, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 6, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 6, image 3 de 3
    • Sur le dos du châssis central, nous trouvons le lecteur d'empreintes Touch ID Nexus Imprint.

    • Google prétend qu'Imprint est capable de reconnaître une empreinte digitale en l'espace de seulement 600 ms - c'est suffisamment rapide pour sauter complètement le verrouillage de l'écran.

    • En retournant l'Imprint, nous apercevons une puce de contrôle non identifiée et nos contacts à ressort favoris ! Ces connecteurs sont bien plus résistants que les connecteurs traditionnels qui se clipsent et ils sont bien plus simples à manipuler lors de réparations. Win win !

    FPC 1025 fingerprintsensor from FingerprintCards Sweden.

    Ivan Jensen - Réponse

    How difficult is it to replace the fingerprint scanner? Mine stopped working and disappeared from the security settings menu. If I replace it, should the problem be solved? May it be the motherboard itself?

    lioraviram42 - Réponse

  7. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 7, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 7, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 7, image 3 de 3
    • Un adhésif léger fixe la batterie, mais un petit coup de spatule en vient immédiatement à bout.

    • La batterie du 5X tourne à 3,8 V et 2700 mAh, 400 mAh de plus que le Nexus 5.

    • Une fois de plus, l'emballage nous avertit qu'il faut éviter de donner la batterie en nourriture aux chiens et de résister à toute envie de la perforer avec un tournevis.

    • Bien qu'officiellement, le 5X ne soit pas compatible avec Quick Charge 2.0, Google affirme que grâce à USB-C, il est possible de tenir "quatre heures après seulement dix minutes de charge".

    I presume the cylindrical object above the SIM tray assembly is the vibration motor? Any idea if this is the cause of a rattling noise reported by some users?

    Homunculus - Réponse

    They claim 4 hours of use after 10 minutes of charging? That's certainly not the case, and appears to be a ridiculous claim.

    kthomas - Réponse

    Yeah, that's not even close to true

    Ross Karnes -

    I found that the adhesive was a lot stronger than expected. When trying to pry it gently open, I needed to give it a bit more force which dented the battery.

    tomzo88 - Réponse

    Correct, strong glue hold the battery in a square outline

    Luis Ramos -

  8. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 8, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 8, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 8, image 3 de 3
    • Où sommes-nous ? Quand sommes-nous ?

    • Nous voilà presque arrivés à la carte mère, mais regardons d'un peu plus près la caméra arrière.

    • Il s'agit d'une caméra Sony IMX377 de 12,3 MP, derrière un objectif ƒ/2.0 - un point commun au 5X et au 6P.

    • Contrairement aux générations précédentes, cette nouvelle caméra n'inclut pas la stabilisation optique d'image.

    • L'équipe Nexus prétend que ce n'est plus nécessaire grâce à l'augmentation de la taille des pixels (de 1,4 μm à 1,55 μm).

    The nexus5x does not support EIS due to processor limitations

    Vishnu Rajeevan - Réponse

    Thanks for the heads up Vishnu. We've updated the teardown accordingly.

    Evan Noronha -

    This might be a stupid question, but how do they manage without OIS?

    Body Double -

    Actually, EIS can be enabled through a build.prop edit, I have 5x, and in my camera there is an option for video stabilization. So it seems that the hardware is capable but Google removed the option from the software for some reason.

    Yanny M -

    Does anyone know who suppplies the camera module?

    Body Double - Réponse

  9. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 9, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 9, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 9, image 3 de 3
    • La caméra avant de 5 MP est le dernier obstacle nous empêchant encore d'alléger ce téléphone de sa carte mère.

    • Pourquoi tu ne joues pas la fille de l'air et sors enfin d'ici ?

    • Et voilà la carte mère, libérée de l'écran et des ports I/O... Enfin, il reste toujours le port USB-C. Ce n'est pas bon signe.

    • De façon similaire au LG G4, le port USB-C est soudé à la carte mère, ce qui en fait une carte fille difficile à remplacer. À moins de vous y connaître en microsoudure, vous devrez remplacer la carte mère si les ports lâchent.

  10. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 10, image 1 de 1
    • À notre extrême déception, la carte mère n'est pas alimentée par un Mr. Fusion :

    • RAM Samsung K3QF3F30BM-QGCF LPDDR3 2 Go au dessus d'un Qualcomm Snapdragon 808

    • Mémoire flash Toshiba THGBMFG7C2LBAIL eMMC 5.0 de 16 Go

    • Émetteur-récepteur Qualcomm WTR3925 LTE (également trouvé dans le LG G4 et l'HTC One M9)

    • IC charge rapide 2.0 Qualcomm SMB1358

    • IG gestion d'alimentation Qualcomm PMI8994 (également trouvé dans LG G4, l'HTC One M9 et l'OnePlus Two)

    • Codec audio Qualcomm WCD9330 (également trouvé dans le LG G4 et l'OnePlus Two)

    • Module d'amplificateur de puissance pour LTE Skyworks 77814-11 (également trouvé dans l'OnePlus Two)

    F411CE6 next to circular hole = stm32f411 arm cortex-m4 microcontroller (sensor hub)

    dfskjfksa - Réponse

    Qualcomm SMB1358 Quick Charge 2.0 IC. So does that mean that we could use quick charge 2.0 chargers to quick charge the phone?

    doc brown - Réponse

    What is the model of 32 Gb emmc chip?

    asbelikov - Réponse

    @asbelikov it is THGBMFG8C4LBAIR

    d00d - Réponse

  11. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 11, image 1 de 1
    • Microcontrôleur ST Microelectronics STM32F411CE 32-bit 100 MHz ARM Cortex-M4 RISC

    I had salt water entering throught he sim card connector. Now the phone doesn't charge and red led is flashing. I disassembled motherboard and after cleaning the salt around the SIM card connector I realized that 2 SMD components were burnt. Looking at the step 10 or 11 picture, those components are placed on the left bottom corner of the SIM connector. One above the other. Anybody can identify them?

    Fernan - Réponse

    For what STM32F411CE is used?

    SudhirMetaliya - Réponse

  12. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 12, image 1 de 1
    • Et de l'autre côté ...

    • IC gestion d'alimentation Qualcomm PM8994

    • Amplificateur de puissance quad-band GSM/EDFE et multi-mode Avago ACPM7800 (également trouvé dans l'HTC One M9)

    • Combo SoC Qualcomm QCA6174 802.11ac Wi-Fi 2x2 MIMO

    • Contrôleur NFC NXP PN548

    • Routing switch RF Micro Devices RF1149A

    • IC Envelope Tracking Qualcomm QFE1100

    • Avago BFI523

    Is the NXP chip a NFC chip?

    Fredro - Réponse

    yes, nxp pn548

    dfskjfksa -

    device next to camera leds is st vl6180 time of flight sensor

    3x S14573797 are knowles sph mems microphones

    devices in upper right corner:

    1B7 TS = bosch bmi160 imu

    OD8 KP = bosch bmp280 barometer

    157 T522 = bosch bmm150 geomagnetic field sensor

    dfskjfksa - Réponse

    The flip side's power management chip is PM8994 instead of PMI8994 (the one in the front side is indeed PM"I"8994). I made the change already but I guess it needs some approval?

    fireattack - Réponse

    Oh no! Human error on my part. I must have been looking at the front side of the board when I denied your edit, sorry about that!

    Sam Goldheart -

    The microphones are actually Knowles SPH0641LM4H-1. The number on the can, listed above, is actually a job number. See page 10 of

    Anon376 - Réponse

    I'd like to see the image without the boxes, there's a component next to the QFE1100 I want to check out...

    tALSit de CoD - Réponse

  13. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 13, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 13, image 2 de 2
    • Le 5X fait revivre un de nos favoris - la prise casque avec contact à ressort.

    • Les ports remplaçables individuellement tels celui-ci simplifient les réparations et réduisent les coûts des pièces de rechange - exactement ce que nous aimons. Attention aux prises casque qui bougent.

    • Nous prenons également un moment pour admirer ce chouette voyant de notification LED et ses contacts simples en or. Brillant.

    Where is the haptic feedback device?

    David Mann - Réponse

    You can see it on Step 8, South side. Just below the camera module. Looks like a coin cell

    Denz Choe -

    Ah OK interesting... I have seen complaints that the vibration motor makes a high pitched buzzing noise when activated. I am curious what the model of the part is and how easy it would be to replace with a similarly spec'd part.

    David Mann -

    Is it possible to remove/replace the notification LED?

    Alex Townsend - Réponse

    I missed the step to remove and replace the notification LED. I can't find a replacement anywhere, any ideas?

    Matt Lewis - Réponse

  14. Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 14, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée du Nexus 5X: étape 14, image 2 de 2
    • Score de réparabilité du Nexus 5X : 7 sur 10 (10 étant le plus facile à réparer).

    • Beaucoup de composants sont modulaires et peuvent être remplacés individuellement.

    • Les vis cruciformes standards s'enlèvent avec un tournevis courant.

    • La batterie n'est pas immédiatement accessible, mais elle n'est ni trop dure à enlever, ni trop enduite de colle.

    • L'ensemble écran fusionné (vitre et LCD) nécessite un remplacement en bloc si l'un d'eux se casse.

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Geoff Wacker

Membre depuis le 09/30/13

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89 tutoriels rédigés

69 commentaires

the back cover looks like is had space for a wireless charge pad but as the 6p is metal and could not have wireless charging they wimped out.

brian whittle - Réponse

agreed, I'd love to know what that light grey area is on the inside of the back cover.

Oliver Hamilton -

I'm sure the NFC antenna is in there

Jon Mayer -

Where is the touch screen controller?

CapTouch - Réponse

Does the Nexus 5x battery size is the same as Nexus 5 2013 battery size? I'm hoping that the 5x's battery can be put inside N5 2013.

Yonathan Winata - Réponse

The Nexus 5X battery is 2700 mA, which is 500 more than the nexus 5's 2300 mA battery. I don't think the batteries are interchangeable.

hubbabubbahubbabubba9 -

Where is the Sensor Hub? Is it the NXP chip?

Huber - Réponse

ARM Cortex-M4 - Step 11

Muthukumaran N M -

Would it be possible to add an aftermarket wireless QI charging sticker for this one like the LG G4?

Ben Bosch - Réponse

I hope so, this is a deal breaker for me. I'm not 'upgrading' from the N5 if the new devices can't do something the previous one could.

Oliver Hamilton -

I was holding out hopes since it's an LG made device, but looking at the pictures I don't see any pins to attach an aftermarket pad.

mprindle -

can the Toshiba 16 GB eMMC 5.0 Flash Memory be replaced by say a 64GB or 128GB if one could purchase them from Toshiba?

stewartrales - Réponse

Please give me the dimensions of Nexus 5x battery, i'm thinking about SWAP to Nexus 5 2013

kutkovoy - Réponse

If they had moved the USB and audio jack to the top there would have been room for a monster battery.

brian whittle - Réponse

Audio jacks belong on the bottom. USB could make sense on the top, but this would still be weird. But no audio jack should *ever* be on the top.

This is probably my favorite change from the Nexus 5.

isantop -

Anyone know USB C in N5X or N6P support OTG + charge in same time? With any usb hub or adapter USB C to others port (multiple adapter with HDMI, USB, usb C for charging...).

Maybe it's must be support in kernel, but is HW able it?

Petr Matula - Réponse

Yes.. you can buy otg cable from it should be 3.0 and USB 3.0 male-male cable.. and you can charge your phone using OTG

tej palkar -

how would the buttons be replaced on this device?

Leo Best - Réponse

Is it possible to replace ear speaker mesh cover without replacing the whole LCD + digitizer panel? Mine got scratched rather bad and I was wondering if there is an easy solution.

Krzysztof Kopka - Réponse

Hi, does anyone know if the phone will still function properly if the rear and front cameras are removed?

Ian Ng - Réponse

The phone still works for every other feature - the camera app crashes whenever you try to start it, though.

Addie MacGruer -


Is it possible to change the charging port in Nexus 5x.?

reddragon0111 - Réponse

Could the earpiece at the top be wired to work with the speaker at the bottom so media could be played through both?

Chris Williams - Réponse

Yes, there are software mods that already do this,

Ben Cantelo -

Hi, does anybody know where the water sensor is? My 5x seems to think that I am contantly plug-ins and unplugging my earphones while they are actually unplugged. This renders phone useless. Repair service claims proof of corrosion around jack and that motherboard needs to be replaced. Device was never droppen in water or otherwise noticably exposed to water. What of a single droplet would-be have enterde thru jack?

steve reagen - Réponse

hi did u send the phone to US LG repair center what did they say?

Anandilal Mehta -

did u send the phone to LG repair cneter in USA , what did they say.

Anandilal Mehta -

Where is the Hall Sensor?

Nick Aguila - Réponse

When the rear camera is removed, does the flash work?

Rafi - Réponse

When the rear camera is removed, does the flash work without it?

Rafi - Réponse

So does the Nexus 5x come with some hot wheels deloreane time machines?

jeffgedgaud - Réponse

I have white and pink static all on my screen, the phone is completely unfunctionable. Does anyone know what part would need to be replaced and where to buy it from? It happend after i unplugged it from the charger.

denny mires - Réponse

I have a Nexus 5x on Verizon and since doing a screen/digitizer/mid frame replacement I now have terrible cellular service. I do get service, it's just really bad now. Any ideas on what I may have done or what I can do to fix the problem?

I did slightly dent the metal case the houses the Qualcomm QCA6174 802.11ac Wi-Fi 2x2 MIMO Combo SoC, but that shouldn't have affected cellular LTE, right?

Steve Bachmeier - Réponse

Hi Steve,

I have the same problem after replacing the lcd and frame. Works in strong coverage areas but not on light coverage (where it was working even with broken screen). Did you get a solution?


ross goodwin -

@steveb My screen broke last week so I replaced it with a screen on frame part. Everything seems to be functioning properly except my cell reception is now spotty... If I restart the phone it will get reception and drop out again.... Were you ever able to find a solution for your problem?

Brock -

Is it possible for the phone to leak a liquid or gel from the laser auto focus?

Damian Dugdale - Réponse

Great tear down, especially the colorcoded parts. Although it is really nice it does not help me further with my question. Does anybody know the exact locations of the antenna's? After some succesful repairs I am afraid this time with my Nexus 5 x I have overseen something. I have an issue now with my gsm antenna after replacing screen with frame. All other functions work properly so mainly I am interested in the gsm antenna but bonus points for who knows them all :). I think many will be helped with this.

Can not find it anywhere else either and the information i see here is:

1. The Wi-Fi, MIMO, and GPS antennae still reside on the rear case, along with the NFC antenna which formerly lived on its own control board

2. The lower half contains a few antennas and the phone's front-facing speaker.

Much appreciated !


Thundercat - Réponse

are you able to fix the antenna problem? I get "No service" problem frequently and i believe it could be antenna related. Please let me know .

ravi -

I also get the no service problem and can't figure out why

Ethan Berkowitz -

My 5x also has poor reception, often no service indoors, etc. In my case I sent it for service, but apparently it is water damaged and they won't fix anything. (I've seen some pictures and it certainly looks a bit dirty inside... I bought this phone used so I don't know its history).

Anyway; when I get it back from service, I'll take it apart myself, clean it, put i back together, and hope for the best.  So if anybody has some good ideas about the antenna or other things that might affect the reception, I'm interested too!

erik -


I have the same problem after replacing the lcd and frame. Works in strong coverage areas but not on light coverage (where it was working even with broken screen). Did you get a solution?


ross goodwin -

Follow up to my previous reply: Cleaning didn't help unfortunately .

My phone had some water damage/stains around the USB-port and the little label on the midframe had turned pink indicating water had been there too. But the phone certainly looks just fine.  There must be something very subtle that severely affects reception ... (I did not attempt to remove the little covers over the chips so I don't know how it looks there)

erik -

@thundercat I am interested if you ever found a solution. I have had my Nexus 5X for 1.5 years now and in my area have rarely had issues with cell reception. My screen broke last week so I replaced it with a screen on frame part. I was very careful taking it apart, transferring over all of the components and reassembling. Everything seems to be functioning properly except my cell reception is now spotty... If I restart the phone it will get reception and drop out again.

Brock -

UPDATE: I figured out that I had a bad screen on frame part. It seems like the tape and grounding contacts were not the same material as the original. I ordered a 2nd screen on frame replacement part and installed it. Phone worked like new.... First part I ordered was from a random retailer on ebay... Lesson learned: buy from a reputable part retailer.

Brock -

@thundercat I have the exact same questions as you. I dropped my phone quite hard and now my issue is 'no service'. So no phone calls or mobile network.

Did you find the antenna?


Steven -

Hi, how did you manage taking off the metal protectors for the Avago and Qualcomm QCA6174? Are they clued and if so, how to open them.

Jon Stuart - Réponse

Hey, i think my Mic is not working well, it only record sound when i shout at it. Is there anyway to replace it>?

YaNdAo Coolz - Réponse

my Nexus 5x isn't working usb OTG, when i connect charge cable from my Nexus 5x to Nexus 5, i see it no voltage out.

signature8100 - Réponse

is there a way to manually remove the hard drive and then access it using a separate pc for data recovery?

jhultberg19 - Réponse

My Nexus 5x has dropping signal issue... sometime it get signals automatically but most of time only show network with no signals.

please guide me about this problem

this problem starts when once my cell extremely hot on charging and off. after that its battery timing remains only 2 or 3 hrs with this signal dropping issue. please please guide me :-)

ali - Réponse

What is the best way to clean my Nexus 5X after it drop into sea water (salty water), batery got damaged and I got a a replacement battery, but I want to clean it and connect new battery, please let me know your comments or suggestions.

Is there a place where I could get mother board diagram for my Nexus 5X?

jj_b_f - Réponse


I used the teardown recommendations here to replace a broken screen. I bought a screen with frame from amazon. I was able to boot up the phone after replacing the screen. However, when i enable the speakers (stereo speakers) either by playing media/videos there is no sound. I tried to check if there are loose connections, on the bottom haft of the mid-frame, a screeching sound is heard if i pressed the midframe. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Best regards,


Jan Ronald Victoria - Réponse

Hello guys , My Nexus 5x is in a bootloop , done my best to factory reset -- no success , thinking to change the chip with the bootloader with a new one . Anyone knows where the chip is located? would be a waste to just throw away the phone


Adrian Stefan - Réponse

I had facing same problem of bootloop it happenes once in nexus 5x please do below as per this link and you will assure get out of bootloop : please refer it

Smit Majithia -

I al same problem. "Bootloop" have not found a solution. I was lookig for one here. Anyway, any help is appreciated!

Matthew jones - Réponse

I had facing same problem of bootloop it happenes once in nexus 5x please do below as per this link and you will assure get out of bootloop :

Smit Majithia -

Seems like there is no dedicated sound DSP, like in the Nexus 5, to listen music with up to 60 hours battery runtime?

Matthias Schuster - Réponse

hola a simple question. may i remove the headphone jack without removing the motherboard assembly? thanks

cisco diet - Réponse

Hi, Possibly someone has a experience on changing the power mgmt IC PMI8994 ? We were thinking of ordering a new one and changing it without any special equipment, unsure if it’s even something that needs to have money and time wasted on it.

Andrejs T - Réponse

Could you point where are contacts or a slot of Wi-Fi antenna?

Георгий Победоносец - Réponse

Anyone attempted an LCD/digitizer separation and refusion? I have a perfectly functional LCD with cracked glass.

Jared Tamana (Sean) - Réponse

In LG Google Nexus 5X where is located the antena for the telephone used not wifi o GPS.

JORGE aNGELI - Réponse

I am just curious: Do you know where the gyro, the accelerometer and the barometer are?

JJJ - Réponse

Hey guys. I wonder if replacing the storage memory (toshiba) would be hard to do?

I can’t really see how it hold in place and if any soldering is needed to remove it to, for example, place it on another motherboard.

dimondknight - Réponse

1) how can you replace the USB port charger? 2) if not the port itself, the entire assembly board? where can I buy that piece? Natasha

Natasha Arksey - Réponse


Is it possible to change the chip which manage the heat of the phone and cause bootloop ? My nexus5x just start to bootloop :-(.

If the chip is remplacable, where to find it ?


Jonathan gay

Jonathan Gay - Réponse

Hi, could you please help with finding gyro/accelerate sensor on motherboard. It failed after my phone drown. Now all works except this feature so I would like to try replace it. Thank you.

mck - Réponse

Is it possible to use nexux 5x screen as an external display for rpi? Any controllers or data sheet available for the display connectors?

ChandyTech - Réponse

How can i get a lcd controller for this nexus 5x display to use it as an external display with hdmi input or use it with rpi? Can you please tell the display ID of this nexus 5x

ChandyTech - Réponse

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