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I ended up simply drilling a 1/2" hole in the front of the bucket with two #8 machine screw holes for the ears on the hose adapter. Put silicon glue around the hose adapter, slid it through the hole and secured it with the #8 machine screws, lock washers, and nuts. I no longer have the problem of the bypass pipe freezing up and blocking the bypass and filling the bucket instead.
My KSTAD50B dehumidifer does the same. It will run for about 90 minutes and then decide that the basement is too cold and then throw the EC error. Yes, I can unplug it, plug it back in, and hit the power switch to turn it on again, but I purchased this dehumidifier to run in my basement without so much manual intervention. I have taken it out of Continuous mode, and I'll see how it performs now. I'm not hopeful.
I had the same problem with my KSTAD50B dehumidifier. What I can tell is that the ice builds up underneath the condensor coils and blocks the outlet. What I did was to drill a 1/2" hole in the front and two little holes for the ears on the hose adapter. Then I put silicon glue around the hose adapter and pushed it through the hole and the secured it in place with two #8 machine screws, lock washers, and nuts. Then I attached the hose to the front. This will mean that the water will fail into the bucket, but the bucket will empty, and I don't need to worry about the bypass anymore.