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# You might have to get a new SIM Card. (1) Did you buy it from a carrier? They might’ve rooted the phone to prevent other carriers from working. (This happened to me) (2) can u still text? (3) heres a link to ZTE’S user manuals https://www.zteusa.com/support_page
There is a really really good chance that it is water damage. Same thing happens to my phone. The screen is a little glitchy when I put it in water ( Samsung S7 Edge ). Take it to a repair shop.
Try to jump start your fan by pushing it with your hands after starting it. If that doesn't work, then check the fan's wiring- find an electrician, or call the fan's company and check if you still have warranty.
You can still use it on ATT, although they probably require you to pay off the charges before continuing. You also can't switch to Cricket before paying off the charges and quitting ATT.
Try pressing and holding the power button. If that doesn't work, the phone might've taken some damage. Visit a nearby Samsung store or phone mechanic store. They'll know what to do.
To assess your problem, open up the back and check for the following: 1. It has water damage >>>>> buy a new one, fixing it will cost more. 2. >>>>> It has taken physical damage ( dropping it, sitting on it, etc. ) buy a new one. It will take a fortune to replace the internal components now.