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the pads look to be torn off and would need jumpers to put he connector back on. not an easy repair to do. There are replacement logic boards on ebay and such for it. Not cheap however.
most likely your battery, make sure the charge cable has no rips or exposed wire and keep it plugged in for 2 hours and then try powering on. if still no response let us know please.
Just a dead lcd on the main display. The fact that you are able to view on a separate display means your video card / motherboard are working fine. Just need to replace the main lcd. no need to over complicate it :)
sounds like you have a bad connection or missing connection. Go through and double check to make sure all cables are attached to the mother board correctly. did you take out the battery and ac adapter before doing the keyboard? if not it could cause a short on the logic board.
the prox sensor is apart of the UI flex (power flex). can find it here: https://www.mobiledefenders.com/power-volume-flex-cable-for-lg-g4.html on mobile defenders (trust them more then ebay sellers by far.)