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Hi everybody, On recent iPhone models, when you buy a remplacement flex cable for power or volume buttons, sometimes not...
Plus d'informationHello everyone, I’m a Sunday iPhone repairman in my community and had recently tested a small batch of iPhone X and Xs JK...
Plus d'informationHi everyone, I just tested JK aftermarket LCD display for iPhone X and I was a bit surprised by how good the 3D touch is....
Plus d'informationHi, I’ve had two times a quite strange issue with an iPhone 7. At first it looks just like a touchscreen issue. So I just...
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Bonjour, Est-il tombé (plusieurs) fois ? Le clignotement me fais penser à un faux contact dû à un choc ou à l'usure. S'il n'est plus sous garantie vous pourriez voir avec un réparateur spécialisé qui pourrait vous faire un diagnostique...
Plus d'informationBonjour, Il va falloir donner plus de détails car il peut y avoir pleins de raison différentes. Est-ce qu'il s'éteint de manière instantanée ou il y a t-il un écran bleu ? Est-ce que vous avez fait faire l'ordi sur mesure ou vient-t-il directement du commerce ? S'éteint-il dès le lancement du jeu ou après plusieurs minutes ? Il fait beaucoup de bruit avant de s'éteindre ?
Plus d'informationI would try to do the basic procedures first. You could reset the phone or even put it in DFU mode (please look on youtube) to make a clean restore. You will lose your data but if that’s a software failure then it will be gone. If the problem stays, then this might be a very serious hardware issue…
Plus d'informationHi, Really don’t bother with that, it doesn’t look important, the phone can certainly work without it. I wouldn’t say the same with black adhesives on screen that are used as electrostatic shield though…
Plus d'informationWell does it work again if you remove the camera ? If so it means that the camera might be faulty or that there ‘ve eventually been some damage to the motherboard during repair…
Plus d'informationIn that case I would just smash it from the inside with a point tool and a hammer, that can’t not work !
Plus d'informationI think you’ll have to live with it. The glue between digitizer and glass is called OCA glue, you can look it up on youtube. That material is chemically cured and not with heat, so once solidified it’s difficult to repair if there’s a damage…
Plus d'informationIt looks like you basically removed completely the battery. You could buy a new one and try to glue it or solder it again on those 3 points. There is no connector the new battery is meant to be soldered… As long as the solder pads are okey (here they seems still good), you can always re-solder a new component… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WUruRXo...
Plus d'informationIt should be fine, I already used a few upgraded batteries on different iphone models. They wouldn’t probably sell it if was not possible. What you want to be careful for is the voltage, the phone will draw as much current as it needs and no more, so could technically have infinity mAh. The battery will just last longer…
Plus d'informationThat is the part that goes on the earphone, it contains the small grid. On most replacement screen it is already presinstalled so it probably fell of the screen you put in the trash. Still you could check if the screen you recently replaced has a protective grid on the earphone.
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