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You need to understand that laptops are not desktops. Laptops are not desktops. Did you ever see the movie version of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? Remember how Zaphod had to be told that Buttons Aren’t Toys, so he didn’t keep hitting them and screwing things up? Laptops Aren’t Desktops. Now…. I’ll explain why. And how. But first… you really need to accept and trust me on this. Laptops Aren’t Desktops. You might be feeling some anxiety right now, dying to tell me how aware you already are that they are different. You just don’t know how different. Dell contracts out to have the motherboards made for their computers. There isn’t even just one manufacturer they use to make their motherboards. From one Dell employee.. "They are proprietary motherboards that do not have corresponding model number as they are Dell's designs that are custom manufactured by various manufacturers depending on our logistics. This information is confidential and I will not be able to share it with you." Not crazy about the...