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Hi my name is Vanno Tun, I’m a junior at the University of Rhode Island.


I am majoring in computer science due to my interest in computers and modern technology.


I would love to be part of the a tech company in the future specifically to work on software products as a computer engineer. In the time being I want to learn skills from other fields outside of computer science due my natural curiosity to learn things.


I always meet my responsibilities and deadlines in a work space.


In high school I enrolled myself into the STEAM Box program. STEAM Box takes Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math and apply it to students passions in an engaging educational way.  As a student I volunteered to redesign STEAM box's old website to make it more engaging to view.

Repair experience

I would love to learn how to fix various devices that includes gaming controllers, phones or house hold appliances.


In high school I won a certificate from the Women's Association of Science and Engineering.


During freshman year I joined citizen science as part of writing class where I had to write a journal about a scientific organization. In citizen science I joined another program called the Zooniverse where members of the program analyze data or photos of different galaxies. In the University of Rhode Island I’m planning to join the astronomy club.


On my spare time I make art, play video games, read books, have financial talk with mentors and friends.


How does this project relate to you?

I'm currently still volunteering to redesign the STEAM Box website so the experience in this project  will improve my technical writing on the  redesign  the website.

Vanno Tun








Membre depuis 02/15/22
