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Alright, I think my charger is starting to finally go after all these years. I use it for my Early 2015 13" Retina MacBook...
Plus d'informationAlright, my data just died on me. This isn't the first time it's happened, the first time I stumbled across a Reddit post,...
Plus d'informationOkay, as title says. My E key started doing this a year ago and I just got used to it, now my W key is doing it. I have no...
Plus d'informationI am back, once again, but this time, I think I figured it out. I was using my laptop recently, and the cat decided to sit...
Plus d'informationOkay, a while back I asked about my trackpad, cause it had decreased skills after a battery replacement. But I have now...
Plus d'informationAlright, first of all. I do not have the password to this device, it is a family members, or, more so was. My goal is to...
Plus d'informationOkay, replaced the battery about a week ago, after 1519 cycles. New battery is great, works as intended. But the trackpad...
Plus d'informationAlright, my computers had overheating issues for a while, and I'm starting to suspect that this is just gonna be normal...
Plus d'informationAlright so, took my old iPhone 4 out again today, and well, I forgot the password, I know that it is one of the possible...
Plus d'informationAlright, I've got this old thing that was given to me by a family member to try and repair last time I saw them,...
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Odd tactic, but try and see what happens when you move the side that isn't working around. Do you get the noise cancelling but it's broken up? Then the wire might be damaged.
Plus d'informationI think that it should be, but we should always take the steps to confirm first. My suggestion is this: (1) Remove the SSD from the device you wish to put the new one in. (2) Compare both SSD side by side, are they the same size? Shape? Same number of pins? If they look identical, then you should be fine, but I would also wait for the insight of another fixer first.
Plus d'informationYou could try taking it to a local repair place, and offer it as a, 'I don't need this anymore, if you can find a use for it, that would be great.'
Plus d'informationI have yet to fully understand voltage and such with computers (I understand none of it, and quite honestly, it's an alien language to me). But I commonly see issues like this. This may be that the battery has gone and decided that it wants to be a paperweight now, basically, it's dead, dead dead. Usually I test this by removing the battery and seeing how the computer responds if I try plugging in a battery from another device. (Helps when one has dozens of the same model for spare parts.) If the other battery holds a charge? Great! It's the battery. If it's the same issue? Well then, the chances of this spare battery going from fully functioning to paperweight in 5 minutes is unlikely. Another thing you may be able to try, not all computers can do this. Unplug the battery and remove it, plug in the charger. Does it turn on? Or does the computer remain an expensive paperweight? If it does turn on, see if you can go and find the battery settings and such. If you do, it's probably freaking out, I've had it...
Plus d'informationWas the RAM recently installed? Or is it the one that came with the device? I had a 2011 Asus computer that wouldn't start on me. I removed 1 of the RAM sticks, started it up, and it was fine! I put that stick back in, and nope, won't start. I suggest that if you feel comfortable enough doing it, try removing the RAM and starting it, remove 1 stick at a time. This way you can hopefully find the problem stick, (if it is the RAM stick).
Plus d'information@livfe - Like Dan, I'm not sure. But, I do happen to have several, and I mean, several, old Macbook Airs that are not being used and simply collecting dust, ranging from 2012 to 2017, in other words: I'm willing to go and check to see if I happen to have the models you have, and then test it for you. I'm fine with the macbook airs ending up broken, they have no use to me, so I have room for mistakes. While I feel that you do not have that luxury.
Plus d'informationI had this happen to my old pair of headphones, back before I was into repairing tech, so I simply replaced them. Before getting rid of them I did inspect them, and found that the wire leading to the other side, had frayed and been damaged. My suggestion is to first inspect the headphones. Another tactic is to go into your devices settings, and set it so that it only plays noise on the right side, once you do this, take them off (DO NOT WEAR THEM FOR THIS TEST) and set your volume to MAX, you should be able to hear this way without wearing the headphones. Then, take the headphones, and fidget around with them a bit; rotate the ear pieces and move them around while listening for noise. You might get some noise when doing this, meaning that it’s probably the wiring. I suggest doing this in wired mode and not Bluetooth
Plus d'informationIt may be something as simple as needing to clean it, but it could also be that something is broken/damaged with the fan, and so it's making that noise. Now, looking at the guides that are available for the model I do notice that there isn't one for the fan. My first suggestion would be to open it up and take a look, (just observe and see if you notice anything like dust or possible broken bits) if there is dust, try and clean it out as best you can, you can use a can of compressed air to do this. Disconnect the battery first. Now, as I've come to learn, people have different ways of doing things, including cleaning a computer fan. The way that I was taught was to gently press down on the fan to hold it still, and blow the compressed air on it, then let go, turn the fan and repeat until cleaned. After doing this, reconnect the battery and put the backplate back on (you don't need to screw all the screws back in, just 2 or 3, you can also decide to not put any screws back.) or even leave the backplate off,...
Plus d'informationSounds like you need a new battery, if it's doing this and not holding a charge then your battery has probably bit the dust. Here's the ifixit guide on how to replace it. Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 16ACH6H Battery Replacement
Plus d'informationHow so? Bluetooth? Airplay? Airdrop? USB? We need a bit more detail here, for example: My phone can't connect to my computer via USB anymore because I need to update my computer, but I can't as it's getting old. My phone will still work with Airdrop, Airplay and Bluetooth though.
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