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Hey! Good that everything else works! It seems like you will need to replace the keyboard. I linked some resources below for the replacement and parts. Use this article to replace the keyboard. Use [lien de collection de pièces invalide] to use for the keyboard replacement. Hope you find my info useful! ❤️
(1) Go to www.leapfrog.com. (2) Click "Log In/Register" or "My account" at the top right. (3) Log in using the LeapPad's original email address. (4) The "My Account" page will appear. (5) Click "Account Information". You can find the Parent Lock password details for any LeapPad3 or LeapPad Ultra set up using this account directly beneath the orange "Edit" button. (6) Hope this helps! ❤️
--Keyboard-- Did you try: (1) Restarting? (2) Updating drivers? --Password-- On the login screen, select "Reset Password". Follow the instructions and you will be finished. If you have Windows 10 before version 1803, you will have to clear all data on your device. If you need more help, check out these articles. My keyboard does not work https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-or-reset-your-windows-password-8271d17c-9f9e-443f-835a-8318c8f68b9c#WindowsVersion=Windows_10