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Hello there! I need a little bit help with digitizer replacement on apple watch SE. Here is the problem: I did manage to...
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Sometimes it happends if watch was complitely drained from energy, try to keep it on charger for few hours, if this does not help, then most likely the battery is at foult and watch may need a replacement.
Plus d'informationHey there, you need to give more specific informations. What does mean that "screen is not allowing me to touch it", does it mean the touch isnt working but display works (show image) or display doesnt work at all? About posible problems, there may be few atleast: (1) Display is damaged, sometimes happends even to new elements. # One of the display connectors is damaged. # Display works but touch doesnt work, in that case you need to replace digitizer on display, if you doesnt know how to do it this part my be tricky.
Plus d'informationYes battery for S5 Se and Se2 are same. Actually mor parts are interchangable including display, tho SE2 display is made with a bit diff technology (i assume as i see small details different in it) but works just as good.
Plus d'informationHey there, to be honest there are atleast few posible reasons for such problem. 1- Battery problem: it may be problem with connector or battery it self. 2- Soft 3- display- it rarely happends that display cause logo loop so i assume it also could be reason for restarts. 4- Moather board problem. You could try to open it again but if your not very expierienced with it, i would advice to leave it for some workshop for diagntostics, they are often done for free.
Plus d'informationHey there, You can replace the sensor glass/charger in this model. To do that you will need to teardown the watch. Here is video on how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeJ-V9l9FiQ&t=1s This video shows process on apple watch se 40mm but 44 is almost exactly the same. You can try to buy replacement parts from aliexpress or try to hunt some locked/damaged watch on ebay.
Plus d'informationHey there, Most likely you will not be able to do it, in order to unscrew the crown button, you need to lock the mechanism from inside, that will allow you to unscrew it, otherways it would unscrew it self while using it.
Plus d'informationHey there, if its icloud locked then you can do nothing exept contacting with apple support in order to reset your apple id password, as long as you have access to mail/phone nr that is connected with this specific ID. Unfortunetly once icloud is locked, only owner with id/password can unlock it.
Plus d'informationDisplay will work, but bottom and right side of the display will be grey as size 40mm motherboard is not expected to work with 44mm display. Housing- im afraid you will not be able to properly install it inside as the size is different and screws placement will not be compatibile. Anwsering your question, it will work but you will have only disadvantages from such thing.
Plus d'informationNo, even tho on the outside they look similar, insides are different.
Plus d'informationApple watch SE and Apple watch S5 are compatibile, almost all parts exept few like force touch gasket that does not appear in model SE. Display, housing, battery, charger, speaker and so on are compatible
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