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Howdy! My name is Joseph Pemberton and I am currently a freshman at Austin Community College (ACC) studying real estate finance and development.

My interest in real estate has been a relatively new endeavor. I started at ACC about two years ago planning to go into architecture. Since I was only 16, I had no idea what major to pick or what interested me. The one thing I did know, however, is that I loved the game Minecraft. I figured that since I loved building various things in the game, maybe I would enjoy it in real life as well. After taking one architecture class I realized that the major was not for me and went back to the drawing board. One day before a church service, I conversed with someone who works in real estate development. He explained to me how his job worked and I was immediately interested. Though I had always liked the idea of real estate, I never thought it was something I would pursue since I wanted to get a college degree to have some certification to my name. Though I am still learning who I am and what I want to do, this recent discovery has placed me in an awesome spot.

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My PC setup that I built with raw materials and personal items to decorate it.

I have a significant amount of experience with tinkering and building things. Growing up, my house was always under construction. This meant that every weekend I was given the opportunity to help my dad fix or build things. As I got a little older, I decided to take some of these home improvement projects myself. I did everything from installing flooring, hanging up drywall, and building desks or shelves. Later on, I decided to task myself with building myself a PC and desk setup, while also fixing the room that encompassed it. Even though I failed countless times and the jobs I took on were very time-consuming, I enjoyed every moment, and still, to this day love fixing and creating things.

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A close-up photo of the PC I have built and upgraded myself.

Aside from the career side of things, I have many hobbies. I love to play my guitar and piano and create music in general. It brings me such joy, especially when I can play for people and it excites them. Another activity I enjoy is playing sports and working out. Physical activity is very important to me and helps my brain relax and focus when it comes time to work. I also play video games when I get the chance, though I have not been able to do much playing as of recently.

This project will help me increase my knowledge and understanding of not only how to fix things, but also how to give specific written instructions while not having to sacrifice the validity or coherency.

Joseph Pemberton








Membre depuis 02/26/24
