Passez à l'étape 1This photo frame is a $20-$30 device my brother bought on eBay for my mom. Sadly, it short lived. I thought I would tear it down. The connector that connects the button assembly to the logic board was damaged by me, and so I gorilla glued it. I probably should point out it was the plug part of the wire that was damaged and not the plastic connector on the logic board its self. The display seems very lose res. Also, even though this page says this is a teardown, AND not for repair, I right all my teardowns to be repair guides for the entire device. Just go as far as you need to go.
Ce dont vous avez besoin
He displayed our family photos with beauty
He had a slightly lower es display than his friends, but was well respected
RIP SP800W. Why did you have such a short lifespan?
The connector in the orange box provides the display's backlighting power.
The Y shaped ribbon connectors in the red box feed the display images.
With out the orange boxed connector, pictures would appear, but you would need a lamp to see them
With out the data connecors connected, they backlight would be on, and thats it. It would be all white.
Remove the speaker connectors from the logic board
To do this, pull on the wire. As dumb as it may sound, you MUST use the wire. Pulling on the brittle plastic will harm the speaker connecter (not logic board connector) As you can see, I did pull on the connector for the control board, and damaged it
I used gorilla glue to fix that.
I googled Mlogic AML62130, and got nothing. But it's a good guess that the system IC is from China's AMLogic.
The AMLogic site is correct. US AMLogic SiteThats the US version.
- It even shows a picture of the SOC on the link above. Same model.
Then they can edit this guide and let the world know what they are.
So after reassembling the photo frame, it still appears dead.
Oh well. It was nice when it worked.
All these photos were taken on an Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB White. I used sun light for these pictures, no artificial light.
Please let me know if you fund any grammatical errors, or have suggestions... I want to know.