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Cette vue éclatée n'est pas un tutoriel de réparation. Pour réparer votre iPhone SE, utilisez notre manuel de réparation.

  1. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE, Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 1, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE, Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 1, image 2 de 2
    • Sorti de l'ancien et mis dans le nouveau - du hardware, c'est bien ce qu'il nous faut. Voici les dernières infos sur ce qui se cache derrière ce boîtier si familier :

    • Processeur Apple A9 avec coprocesseur de mouvement M9 intégré

    • Capacité de stockage interne de 16 à 64 Go

    • Écran Retina de 1136 x 640 pixels (326 ppp) de 4 pouces

    • Appareil photo iSight 12 mégapixels et vidéos 4K avec pixels de 1.22 µm et une caméra FaceTime HD de 1,2 mégapixels ƒ/2.4

    • Wi‑Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac + Bluetooth 4.0 + NFC + LTE bande 19

    • Authentification de l'utilisateur et fonction Apple Pay par Touch ID

  2. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 2, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 2, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 2, image 3 de 3
    • En examinant de plus près le boîtier or rose, nous apercevons le numéro de modèle - A1662. Du jamais vu !

    • Si on les compare, on remarque qu'hormis la couleur, le SE ne se distingue pratiquement en rien de son prédécesseur.

    • Ce n'est pas surprenant. Même si le SE est bien plus performant que le 5s, ils sont tous deux équipés du même écran, du même capteur Touch ID et font exactement la même taille.

    • Seul détail visible : les bords mats chanfreinés du boîtier.

  3. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 3, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 3, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 3, image 3 de 3
    Outil utilisé dans cette étape :
    • Et maintenant l'étape qui nous plaît le moins. Des vis Pentalobe : une petite tête à 5 branches qui ne cesse de nous rappeler qu'Apple ne veut vraiment pas que vous ouvriez votre appareil.

    • Même s'il faut avouer si ces petites vis sont vraiment mignonnes avec leur finition or rose assortie au boîtier.

    • Laissons les jolies petites vis de côté et emparons-nous de l'iSclack pour démonter l'écran. Pas d'adhésif fastidieux assorti à la couleur de l'écran. Comparé à la Série S, cet écran se laisse démonter en un tour de main.

    • Nous avions supposé que le joint sur l'écran de iPhone 6s et de l'iPhone 6s Plus avait été ajouté pour l'étanchéité ou pour consolider la structure et assurer la fonction Touch 3D. Le fait qu'il n'y en ait pas sur ce modèle et quelques tests préliminaires confirment plutôt la deuxième option.

  4. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 4, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 4, image 2 de 2
    • Tout comme pour l'iPhone 5s, nous trouvons en scrutant sous l'écran du SE le très familier câble Touch ID qui nous guette.

    • Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas encore, ce câble met un peu de suspens au démontage. Si vous ouvrez trop l'écran sans retirer au préalable l'attache et déconnecter le câble, vous risquez de lui apporter des dommages irréversibles.

    • Nous brûlons d'envie de passer aux comparaisons et aux tests. Mais, prudence oblige ! Commençons par déconnecter la batterie.

    This guide would be a lot more useful and accessible if it didn't assume knowledge or pre-reading of past iPhone teardowns.

    cromas - Réponse

    This isn't really meant to be a guide of any kind, it's more of a look-and-see/show-and-tell kind of thing. While some teardowns are perfectly fine for disassembly guide, that isn't really the goal.

    Dave Davidson -

    I opened my iPhone to find its missing the metal cover that goes over the ribbon attaching the screen to the rest of the phone (the lego piece attachment by home button). Is it a big deal that my phone doesn’t have that piece? Or should I buy a replacement for for it?

    Currently my phone wont turn on or charge..could that missing cover be the reason? Right now I’m thinking it has to do with logic board having already replaced charging port to eliminate that as a cause.

    Tye Hegre - Réponse

    I just ripped my cable. Give me some F in chat

    zyavboy - Réponse

    f but if you know how to fix it then please help me cause i just did as well

    Gameking459 -

    I literally did the same thing yesterday, trying to replace the battery RIP!!!

    Tymon Van Diemen -

  5. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 5, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 5, image 2 de 2
    • Et hop, voilà l'écran !

    • Nous avons placé l'écran de l'iPhone 5s sur la gauche, celui du SE sur la droite pour les comparer. Résultat... ils sont pratiquement identiques.

    • Les similarités ne concernent pas seulement l'apparence. Après quelques tests, il est clair que l'écran du 5s peut être installé plug-and-play sur le SE - même taille, mêmes connecteurs et mêmes fonctions. Nous nous enflammons. Ça signifie pour nous que les pièces de rechange et les tutoriels sont déjà disponibles !

    Hello, I saw Step 5 second picture,

    If iPhone SE installed 5S screen assembly, and then power on, to open the camera app, switch to the selfie shots, and turn on the flash, 5S screen will detect light with pre-flash white balance, and then to 300% brightness light-emitting it? I was wondering whether 5S screen is working? thank you!

    Feng John - Réponse

    Just to confirm, The iphone se can has its screen replaced with an iphone 5s screen? Are they completely interchangeable?

    Tony Jackson - Réponse

    I was told by the guy that replaced my screen that the aftermarket screens for 5S do not work properly on SE. I don't know if that was accurate, but he does a lot of them. It's possible that there's an issue with the other accessories attached to the screen.

    FWIW, the clone screen he put on mine (which was supposedly intended for the SE, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility of these discount direct export companies putting the wrong product in the wrong box) ended up with me back there twice because the light/proximity sensor did not work. He ended up slapping on the front end of a traded-in SE just to get me happy and out of there. For the curious, the clone screen also had markedly worse colors (which were inconsistent within the screen itself), screen-door effect, build quality, and touch sensing (ghost presses). For some reason my touch ID sensor didn't seem to ever align properly in it either, and the low-light proximity sensor, for the five minutes it worked each time, was blue instead of red.

    Dylan Colborne - Réponse

    I’m a little late maybe, but the display unit of iPhone 5s and SE doesn’t work with each other.

    1. The sensor/camera connector is not even of the same dimension. It just doesn’t plug in. (The picture above clearly showed that!)

    2. The touch panel on the iPhone 5s won’t work with iPhone SE even if it can be plugged in.

    3. The screen on the iPhone 5s somehow works with iPhone SE, but you’ll have a chunky background and horizontal shadows all over the screen as if there is some clock desync going on.

    James Swineson - Réponse


    Passt das Display vom Iphone 5 (nicht S) auch an das SE?

    Grüsse und Danke schon mal


    Manu Ge - Réponse

  6. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 6, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 6, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 6, image 3 de 3
    • Pas besoin de reproduire les erreurs du passé. Nous sommes devenus maîtres de ces languettes de batterie !

    • La batterie Li-ion de l'iPhone SE a une capacité nominale de 3,82 V et 6,21 Wh pour 1624 mAh. Elle offre une petite hausse de capacité (non négligeable) par rapport aux 1560 mAh de la batterie du 5s.

    • Sa capacité n'est pas aussi élevée que pour la batterie de 1715 mAh installée dans l'iPhone 6s, qui est certes plus grand, mais aussi plus gourmand. Apple promet avec cette batterie jusqu'à 10 heures d'autonomie en veille, 14 heures de temps de conversation et 13 heures de lecture vidéo.

    • Contrairement aux écrans apparemment interchangeables, le connecteur de batterie du SE diffère de celui du 5s. Donc, aucune chance de booster la capacité de votre vieux 5s. Dommage !

    can i just the the whole backboard some where?

    jesus loya - Réponse

    If you're changing housings might as well just leave the battery for last

    gpersaud - Réponse

  7. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 7, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 7, image 2 de 2
    • Prochaine étape, sortir la caméra arrière nouvelle génération de son nid.

    • Même si la caméra du 5s (à gauche) est très similaire à celle du SE (à droite), on trouve sur son connecteur beaucoup moins de broches.

    • Pourvu que ces mégapixels supplémentaires ne créent pas de bouchons sur le circuit imprimé !

    • La résolution de l'appareil photo iSight du SE augmente et passe à 12 Mpx, mais les pixels de 1,22µm offrent une baisse contre ceux du 5s qui mesuraient 1.5µm.

    • Comme les spécifications sont exactement les mêmes que pour l'appareil photo principal de l'iPhone 6s, nous avions espéré qu'ils seraient interchangeables. Malheureusement, ce n'est pas le cas, et c'était certainement trop en demander que de vouloir créer un Apple Frankenphone...

    It actually looks like the number of pins are similar between the two camera connectors; I count 32 on the left connector (16 x 2) and 30 on the right (15 x 2).

    shawnbarden - Réponse

    Guys, is it possible to turn rear camera to 90 degrees to record widescreen video with holding phone vertical? Maybe with some cable extender or etc?

    It is really annoying that you must always hold phone horizontally to make normal videos, still the camera manufacturers can't make camera which shoot widescreen on any side... or very obvious design flaw by Apple - why they even offer users to make vertical videos with vertical bars? No one needs them.

    Alexon - Réponse

    Do you think I can buy a SE camera and put on 5S ?

    robin050 - Réponse

    no you cant at all it says that

    Trans1000 -

    where can I purchase an iPhone SE camera?

    Leslie Veizaga - Réponse

    @sam @andrew

    Hey I’m curious how small the actual camera sensor is? It seems very small for its resolution. I know these days it’s all about the colors but wondering how much resolution a camera can have. 50MP isn’t enough for me! Let’s go higher!

    Padraic Hoselton - Réponse

    The sensor size is the same as the 6s, i’ve seen “1/3″ (4.80 x 3.60 mm)” on the internets. I’m not sure about theoretical megapixel limits, but I think a common new camera system is using multiple, specialized, image sensors for better clarity and performance in varying lighting conditions. So “better” pixels over “more” pixels.

    Sam Goldheart -

    well, i kind of curious, is it doable to change iphone se camera with iphone 6s plus camera that has OIS feature?

    Witnadi Dardjat - Réponse

  8. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 8, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 8, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 8, image 3 de 3
    • Nous interrompons ce démontage pour vous en offrir encore plus !

    • Nos collègues de chez Creative Electron ont fait leur propre vue éclatée - version rayons X !

    • Pour votre plaisir, nous vous proposons trois générations d'iPhone 5.

    • Vraiment, la seule différence notable est l'ajout du logo Apple bi-métal.

    • Ça, et l'ajout du câble Touch ID entre le 5 et le 5s (dont l'emplacement est malheureusement toujours identique dans le SE).

    Sans compter le fait que la carte mère a complètement été revue à chaque génération.

    Guillaume Volery - Réponse

  9. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 9, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 9, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 9, image 3 de 3
    • On enlève l'écouteur interne, le vibreur, la carte SIM et le tiroir !

    • Nos tests le confirment, tous ces composants sont interchangeables avec les pièces correspondantes de l'iPhone 5s - même forme, même fonction. Il suffit de les installer, et c'est parti ! Parfait.

    • La couleur or rose reste cependant une exclusivité du SE. Pour un iPhone ton sur ton, vous devrez passer au dernier modèle.

    • Encore un point : les joints waterproof ! Nous découvrons quelques joints en silicone-mousse autour de certains - et mystérieusement pas de tous - les connecteurs de la carte mère.

    • La caméra avant, les boutons de volume et les connecteurs de la caméra arrière ont droit au traitement de faveur waterproof, alors que l'écran LCD, la batterie et le connecteur Lightning en sont complètement privés.

    Yea…found that one out first hand earlier today when my SE fell out of my breast pocket (I thought was buttoned) into the deap end of the pool. I snached quickly and it was not in water for more then 2 seconds and towel dried then into bag of rice for several hours. My phone now has vertical barring, fading icons, and problematic home button. Came to this site to check how to open up the phone and was able to fix all the problems but my rear facing camera is also attached to the back of the screen opposite side of the touch cable and I must have loosed the attachment point because the rear facing camera is not working. Going back in to see what is going on with that. And it was not stressed s enough that the touch cable is a x*%ch of a connector to put back…word of warning especially those with larger digiets.

    Neal William Miller - Réponse

  10. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 10, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 10, image 2 de 2
    • Nous retirons enfin le connecteur Lightning du 5s, euh, SE.

    • Il semble être identique à celui de l'iPhone 5s, mais les connecteurs sont un tantinet différents. Le transfert 5s/SE n'a pas marché.

    • Peut-être une modification pour passer à USB 3.0 ? Les spéculations sont les bienvenues.

  11. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 11, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 11, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 11, image 3 de 3
    • Nous détachons le fichu connecteur arrière de la carte mère, et admirons ce glorieux champ de silicium !

    • SoC Apple A9 APL1022 + SK Hynix 2 Go LPDDR4 RAM (comme le signale l’inscription H9KNNNBTUMUMR-NLH)

    • Modem LTE Qualcomm MDM9625M (comme pour l'iPhone 6/6 Plus)

    • Émetteur-récepteur Qualcomm WTR1625L RF (comme pour l'iPhone 6/6 Plus)

    • Circuit intégré de suivi d’enveloppe Qualcomm QFE1100 (comme pour l'iPhone 6s/6s Plus et 6/6Plus)

    • Module amplificateur de puissance Skyworks SKY77611 Quad-band

    • Vous voudrions adresser un grand merci à nos amis de Chipworks pour nous avoir aidé à identifier tous ces composants ! Jettez un œil à leur superbe vue éclatée pour encore plus de silicium !

  12. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 12, image 1 de 1
    • L'autre face regorge d'encore plus de friandises en silicium !

    • Flash Toshiba THGBX5G7D2KLDXG 16 Go NAND

    • 339S00134 (probablement une nouvelle version du module Wi-Fi Universal Scientific Industrial 339S00034)

    • Circuit intégré de gestion d'énergie Apple/Dialog 338S00170

    • Contrôleur NXP 66V10 et Charging IC 1610A3 (comme pour l'iPhone 6s/6s Plus)

    • Amplificateur de puissance duplexeur très large bande Skyworks SKY77826 et module amplificateur de puissance SKY77357 2G/EDGE (probablement une nouvelle version de SKY77336).

    • CODEC audio Apple/Cirrus Logic 338S00105 et 338S1285 (comme pour l'iPhone 6s/6s Plus)

    • Puce Qualcomm WFR1620 de réception uniquement.

  13. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 13, image 1 de 1
    • Suite de l'identification de la puce...

    • PAD mi-bande Avago ACPM A8020 (comme pour l'iPhone 6 Plus)

    • Amplificateur de puissance Qorvo (TriQuint) TQF6410 (comme pour l'iPhone 6 Plus)

    • TDK EPCOS D5255 Diversity Receive Module

    • Circuit intégré de gestion d’énergie Qualcomm PM8019 (comme pour l'iPhone 6/6Plus)

    • Module de commutation d’antenne Qorvo (RFMA) RF5159 (comme pour l'iPhone 6/6 Plus)

    • Gyroscope à 6 axes InvenSense EMS-A et accéléromètre Combo

    • Contrôleur d’écran tactile Broadcom BCM5976 (vu la première fois dans l'iPhone 5)

  14. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 14, image 1 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 14, image 2 de 3 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 14, image 3 de 3
    • Et maintenant, surprise ! Il semblerait que la nappe du bouton d'alimentation soit devenue encore plus complexe depuis la dernière fois.

    • Le support du bouton d'alimentation est maintenant équipé d'une sorte de câble de contact et plus d'une simple attache. Peut-être pour la mise à la terre.

    • Et nous voilà arrivés au boîtier arrière - il est temps d'en finir avec cette vue éclatée !

    Any clear idea where the NFC antenna is? is that it on the back, or the new "inlaid SS Apple logo?"

    I've waited YEARS for the iPhone to finally adopt NFC and Qi charging like my trusty Nexus 4, they're halfway there...!

    David Spalding - Réponse

    Im going to say that the extra bit on the power volume flex is the NFC antenna. That is the only reason for Apple to add that extra little bit. All of the other antennas look to be the same from the 5S so this would be the new antenna for NFC.

    Alec -

    The NFC antenna is the top bezel itself, the connector is the screw post on the top right of the logic board, which connects to the extra piece on the power button flex.

    Tom Chai -

    Thanks, guys!

    David Spalding -

    Hi, has anyone heard if you can move a custom colored iphone 5s housing on an SE yet ?

    andrebhr - Réponse

    If you mean a case/cover, the dimensions are the same. So cases for the 5 and 5s will fit the SE.

    Was that your question? :}

    David Spalding -

    No, i mean is the rear case replacement of the Se identical with the iPhone 5s ?

    andrebhr -

    From the x-ray shot in step 8 the screw placement and parts dimensions are extremely similar so it seems likely that a custom rear housing meant for a 5S would work. However, there are some other variables like screw size that are harder to judge from that image. It would be interesting to know for sure though.

    bryancloud -

    What material of apple logo ? It is return X-Ray )))

    Pavel - Réponse

    Does anyone know where I can get a replacement bracket? I ripped the contact cable by mistake and am having trouble finding a replacement.

    Nonstopmaximum - Réponse

  15. Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 15, image 1 de 2 Vue éclatée de l'iPhone SE: étape 15, image 2 de 2
    • Score de réparabilité de l'iPhone SE : 6 sur 10 (10 correspondant au plus facile à réparer)

    • L'écran est le premier élément démonté, ce qui en facilite le remplacement.

    • La batterie est facile d'accès, même si elle n'est techniquement parlant pas "remplaçable".

    • Le câble du Touch ID peut facilement être rompu si l'utilisateur ne fait pas attention lorsqu'il ouvre l'iPhone.

    • L'iPhone SE est lui aussi fermé par des vis Pentalobe, ce qui complique l'ouverture sans outils spécialisés.

    • Le plus dur lorsqu'on démarre une réparation, c'est de savoir comment s'y prendre. Grâce aux similarités avec l'iPhone 5s et nos tutoriels de réparation, les réparations sur l'iPhone SE sont dès lors parfaitement documentées - voyez vous-même !

    The 5s metal plate covering the home button *looks* the same as the SE’s, but I discovered it leaves the button too loose to click properly.

    Mitch - Réponse

    the touch id cable is very annoying

    Percy Tipper - Réponse

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123 commentaires

From your original picture, it appears the on/off switch in on the top. Is this correct? (I HATE the switch on the side).

Gail - Réponse

Yup! The power button is in the same top position as it was in the 5s (and older) models.

Evan Noronha -

Thanks for the clarity! I really hate the side on/off button placement on the 6's. Stupid.

Gail -

It needs to be on the side for the 6 and on as they are a lot bigger and it is ergonomically impossible to place the power button on the top or you'd have to stretch your finger to reach it. By the way I agree with you.

es-webb -

Can you confirm that the display assemblies are exactly the same? Including the mid frame latches/clips? Would the display right out of an iPhone 5 not only function, but fit perfectly as well?

The Stem - Réponse

The display on an iPhone 5 is significantly different from the one found in the 5s, however we've tested and confirmed that the displays that ship with the 5s and SE are interchangeable with respect to fitment and function (and they weigh the same to the nearest .1 g).

Evan Noronha -

Sorry, that was a typo! I meant 5s... so this confirms we should be able to use existing stock of iPhone 5s in the iPhone SE without issue?

The Stem -

Are you able to determine if the glass used on the SE is as durable as the 5S? Had my SE for 2 months now and it's badly marked. My 5S display lasted it's entire lifetime without a scratch.

Iestyn Lloyd -

I can confirm that the displays are in fact different. Using an iPhone 5S screen on an iPhone SE will work, but the screen will be flickering and also have vertical lines all over it (looks like when the touch controller is broken).

Marcus Friberg -

Marcus, they are in fact the same screen. If you have flickering then it could be due to disconnecting the battery without turning it off. If you have lines then you have FPC seating failure. I would double check your screen and quality.

Eddie -

Do you see any water resistance material added to SE?

joshua2o - Réponse

No, there is none that I can see.

Eddie -

A superb tear-down, as usual. Thank you :)

I wonder how much caffeine iFixit editors drink before writing up the copy, since the "unfunny-isms" seem to be in place, as usual - failed attempts to be "quirky and witty" fall flat on their faces. If you'd focus on the hardware, there's plenty of comedians in the world, and - sorry to say - you fail at any hope of putting them out of work.

Stick to the tech, kill the quips.

Matt Foot - Réponse

Different people have different senses of humor. While the quirkiness doesn't make me laugh outright, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

If it really bothers you that much, I can only recommend you lighten up.

Ties Koot -

How about the prox/ face camera? Same as 5s? Or different? And volume flex? Looks like 5C

nexusnl - Réponse

Prox looks to be the same, but iFixit didn't reveal that part to us.

Power volume flex is a bit different, I believe that it has the NFC antenna on the end of it.

Alec -

They are in fact the same and you will have no issues.

Eddie -

Can anyone confirm if the SE has the same NVME storage controller found in the 6s? That's pretty much the last thing that's holding me back from purchasing the SE as I am pleased with the rest of the components I've seen so far.

Austin - Réponse

It may possibly, but I only know of this being used in the higher capacity models of the 6S? Maybe the 64 GB SE has it, but its not a guarantee.

Alec -

Is the chassis the same as/interchangeable with the 5s?

kroboz - Réponse

We'll do some further testing to verify, but yes, everything looks like it bolts right up.

Jeff Suovanen -

any news about transplanting the logic board from an SE into a 5S? only difference I found on the Pics was the battery connector.

milankieserling -

No they are different with a few of the standoffs being located differently.

Eddie -

You can install se logic board in 5s chassis, but you'll need to transplant se power button flex ,volume controller flex to 5s too.

Ariunbold Enkhbold -

are the unitbody exchangable between 5s and SE then?

colinshum - Réponse

No they are not.

Eddie -

yes they are interchangable

Ariunbold Enkhbold -

I understand that display is compatible with iPhone 5s from the writeup, but does it mean Front Facing Camera Flash is also working when iPhone SE has 5S Display?

Sudev G - Réponse

Yes! Of course, the flash is a software feature, it just lights up the screen, no special hardware required.

djlobb01 -

Thank you very much

Bruce - Réponse

Keep up the humour, ignore that other guy, you guys are awesome.

Noah O'Donoghue - Réponse

Does the new Apple logo act as some kind of antenna?

Ed Chen - Réponse

No, it's just a lump of steel.

Tom Chai -

No, it just makes it possible to remove the logo from the frame, making way for mods for said logo. (though i doubt it was intentional for that to be used for mods)

Crystal Haugh -

I think I know the answer already... But it is possible to upgrade to a 6s fingerprint sensor/button? Are they interchangeable?

Whitling2k - Réponse

That's not likely as there are a number of obstacles to overcome. First, the cable design is completely different. The 6s home button connects to the display assembly and the cable's routed through the top of the display. Secondly, the connector design is significantly different. And, if these weren't issues, you'd still need to calibrate the logic board to the new Touch ID sensor which, as of now, only Apple can do.

Evan Noronha -

The iPhone SE shipped in china seems to have a different screen. The border of the display is yellow which looks not comfortable. One of the explanations is the color temperature mechanism. But the yellow border is not uniform distribution. So l doubt the quality of the low-priced iPhone. Can anyone help me out?

Cen li - Réponse

This happened to me in America too, many of the displays are bad. Even after I replaced it I can see a dark area near the top edge on white screens, but not as badly as the first one. Most people speculate that it is a flaw due to LED backlighting yields.

I would replace it if you can, it is a defect and some people have state it can get worse over time.

jase240 -

Has there been any testing of retina flash with use of iPhone 5s display part in iPhone SE?

Is the iPhone 5s FaceTime camera installed in iPhone SE capable of taking live photos?

lukeankrum - Réponse

Any info on SE mic/speakerphone and audio/DAC components? I use my iPhone speakerphone for over 90% of my calls, so I'm curious how well it does in terms of speaker volume and clarity at both ends, also how well the DAC does for music playback through decent headphones. How do these components compare to other models? Thanks for your continued informative work!

Philip - Réponse

Ummm, wait, same display as 5s? That mean yelowing/ pink issue in all 5 family display gonna happend in SE? thats not good

skywalkercau - Réponse

So can I place SE's motherboard into my 5S? I could receive updates even in 2020, if that is possible

froggymate95 - Réponse

Wouldn't work, as quite a few of the parts don't swap. Camera, dock connector, etc.

Todd -

Would the new bigger battery from this SE swap into a 5s? Sounds like an easy way to gain a few miliamps...

Todd -

"Despite the apparently interchangeable displays, the SE's battery connector differs from that of the 5s. So, no chance to supercharge your old 5s, unfortunately." No, you would need to swap motherboards in order to do that(

froggymate95 -

Like never before? You mean with removable battery and SD card slot?

ZippyDSMlee - Réponse

Hey guys,

Is it possible to replace touch id in iPhone SE with home button from iPhone 4S ? Have you tried that ?

uzza17 - Réponse

4s? did you mean 5s? No touch ID is interchangeable for Touch ID function. But as a home button only yes the 5s/SE will work either way.

Eddie -

I'm no apple fanboy but pentalobe screwdrivers are pretty much everywhere. Every screen you buy comes with one. I don't think it has ever ever increased the difficulty of a repair for me.

Rob Etere - Réponse

True, but for those that this is their first repair then it can cause a hiccup.

Eddie -

I'm no apple fan boy and i know they are proprietary but pentalobe screws don't make it more difficult to repair. Pentalobe screwdrivers are pretty much in most kits. It's never stopped me replacing a screen. In fact everytime you buy a screen you get another screwdriver.

Rob Etere - Réponse

Some don't ship with kits. Just depends on where you buy.

Eddie -

Does anyone know if the Apple used the higher strength aluminum for the SE?

Ed Chen - Réponse

In Australia we have great distances between towers and I've found it near impossible to get any specs on receptivity. Anyone help? How do iPhones compare with each other?


Stuart - Réponse

Has anyone got some specs on reception quality. Are these SE's as good as the 4S on reception ?

Stuart - Réponse

Can you provide any info on how strong is the back camera lens cover glued to case? Can it be easily pushed in from the outside?

This happened on my old iPhone 5, when I accidentaly applied a little pressure on camera lens cover with my finger (like the adhesive would give up or something). And I am wondering if iPhone SE is also vulnerable to this (if it has the same design around the camera at all)? If anyone else has/had the similar issue, let me know, thanks.

Mirage - Réponse

Does the an iPhone 5s lcd screen fit on the iphone SE?

FixLounge - Réponse

yes it does.

Eddie -

I would be curious to see if these parts could fit into this back housing

would be an interesting project and if it works, you'd have an SE the way it should have looked.

timbsales - Réponse

Done it with my SE and it looks amazing. I got the mini ip7 rear housing from aliexpress instead tho.

neil robinson -

Step 9

Do you think they could have put the 5mp front camera from the 6s in?

steelersfan2493 - Réponse

hi friends, i have a question

The Touch ID are the same the iPhone 5s, so i see one different --the rubber-- covering the lens between the Tocuh ID and Case of iPhone, this piece that prevents dust and water from entering.

the iPhone SE hasn't ?

thank you for you answer

zaerohell - Réponse

Is it possible to stick all the SE insides into a 5c. Looks like 5c runs like a Se

japanthejoelious - Réponse

Unfortunately no.

Eddie -

SO the camera is not interchangeable?

Joe - Réponse

The front facing camera is interchangeable but the rear camera is different

Eddie -

is it possible to install motherboard iphone se to back cover iphone5s? is them are same?

an le - Réponse

i really want to know that, too.

milankieserling -

No it is not the same and can not.

Eddie -

Hi i'm from indonesia. I want to ask you, can the case of iphone se replace on iphone 5s? So it's look like iphone se but the machine is still iphone 5s. Thanks

molisibarani - Réponse

the cases for the iphone 5s and the SE will be the same.

Eddie -

I have a damaged SE body with broken screen and im planning on replacing the body and display, as far as you said I can replace the screen with a 5s. Can I buy a body from a 5s and migrate all the components of the SE to the 5s body? As far as i saw are most likely the same but you said no and then the last comment confused me

aguila50003 - Réponse

I can confirm that you can a use iPhone 5s housing with Iphone SE inturnals.

simonruddick2 -

what is the screen on the se made out of

Ruben Larrosa - Réponse

I keep seeing that the 5S and SE have the exact same display, front camera etc. However iFixit says that the full screen assembly that includes the front camera, ear speaker and everything is not compatible with the SE, just the screen digitizer is. Does anyone know why this is???

robhopkins - Réponse

Different connectors, presumably.

Nikola Wozniak -

I bought the full screen assembly for 5s trying to put it in my SE. had ease installing the part, however it does not work

Kent Hubbard - Réponse

How bout body quality its still same as 5s? Because i see abit different ok se with abit dark colour on space grey. And apple logo also different.

Jack Yui - Réponse

Would i be able to put the internals of a 5S into an SE body?

Looking they would fit and be mint but unsure

maddog256 - Réponse

alguien sabe si se puede pasar las piezas internas como batería,placa,jack de carga,cámara y pantalla de un iPhone 5s al cuerpo de un iPhone 5se

davidolivares29 - Réponse

yo tambien estoy en eso

ivan kurunzi -

is i phone se and iphone 5 are compatible? just like the board?

yvonedconcepcion - Réponse

Can i use a 5s housing for my iphone se motherboard?

pookiejj08 - Réponse

Is is possible to place the internals of an SE in to a 5c case? From the images, it looks like it shouldn't be too difficult...

Nikola Wozniak - Réponse

is it possible to put iPhone 7 rear front facing camera in iPhone SE?

kelvin danso - Réponse

Hi I have the iPhone SE and have been experiencing issues with network and have done everything suggested up to removing and replacing the SIM card and still saying searching. Would this be a disconnected antenna and is there a way to determine if this is what the problem is? I have all other services and capabilities working aside from the phone use

Tim Steer - Réponse

I have the iPhone SE and having problems with phone capabilities of tried everything up to removing the Sim card and reinstalling everything else is working. could this be an antenna disconnect?

Tim Steer - Réponse

Is the speaker (speakerphone) in the SE same/lound as the one that is in the 5S. Thanks in advance.

Mike - Réponse

Yes I have the both

martinezsaul73 -


Wait so a iPhone 5s camera can fit inside the iPhone se and function well I'm talkin about the rear

martinezsaul73 - Réponse

Can i put everything in my SE into an empty 5s/5 case? (se case banged up but phone works really good, screen is scratch-free)

Tuncay Yuksel - Réponse

I cannot do/ tap anything on my screen, What should I do? (cannot restart because in order to restart you have to swipe across the screen in iphone se

Leo Lai - Réponse

Try the reset combo - power plus home button

es-webb -

Is it possible to use a 5S powerbutton/volume-flex in a SE?

Jo Christian Sandvik - Réponse

i’m so sad - no iPhone SE X-ray wallpaper blogpost? :(

Esa Ruoho - Réponse

I want to use iPhone 5s Touch IC in iPhone SE ? If I use the 5s Touch IC in iPhone SE ? Does anyone know ? Thanks..

iosobserver - Réponse

Would it be possible to swap the Processor from an SE and put it into a 5s as a performance upgrade?

Sean Troop - Réponse

Help… i recently swapped out the back housing and there is a flex cable that tore behind the power button. It isnt the power + volume flex cable… its a long skinny cable that gets screwed on into the case… what is that cable and where do i find a replacement?

Cesar Grijalva - Réponse

Do you guys know if the iPhone SE body is interchangeable with the 5S? I’m wondering because i’m doing a repair, a full body one.

Cameron White - Réponse

Dear editor, I am a user from China. I recently found dust inside my iPhone SE camera. I want to open the phone and then I want to buy a sponge pad on the camera inside. I only have one problem. Is the iPhone 5S camera dustproof sponge mat and SE interchangeable?

Zhang - Réponse

Hey, my brightness has been messed up since I replaced my screen three days ago. It only messed up this morning though. Is it fixable? What should I look for, if it is fixable ,when I go back in to check it out?

Rainbow Fire - Réponse

Hi Rainbow Fire, something might be blocking your ambient light sensor. If you want to open the phone and take a look at the upper sensor cable, you might find some film blocking the sensor, or that it’s not properly placed in the display. If you do opt to open your phone, be sure to use our sensor assembly guide and not this teardown!

Sam Goldheart -


I dropped my phone and took it to a shop to be repaired and they came back saying its unrepairable is that possible they said the board is badly damaged is it possible to change it.

sassy_tashxxx - Réponse

yes it is replaceable, you just need to source out a new board.

Crystal Haugh -

Does the 5 and 5s or 5SE have the same internal layout? I mean the screw hole placement, cables location. I wanna change my iphone 5 back cover to the iphone 5s or se cover.

afifyolopico - Réponse

Ich habe ein kleine Großes Proplem…! Und zwar ist der anschluss für die touch erkennung kaputt am Logic board. Kann man das irgendwie wieder in ordnung bringen?

9.3 - Réponse

Does anyone know where the EEPROM chips are located. Specifically the anti-Rollback EEPROM (U0900) and the Baseband EEPROM (U_EEP_RF)? I am considering a board swap and I will also need to exchange these two chips.

Philip P - Réponse

Don’t forget that Touch ID only works if you remove the home button (3 screws) from the damaged screen and install it on the working screen you’re replacing it with. And transfer the metal home button cover plate from the damaged screen to the working screen too, even though it looks identical to the working screen’s plate. If you don’t, the button won’t click properly.

Mitch - Réponse

Me atreví a desarmarlo y al montarlo La batería se gasta aun apagada y no hay señal con ninguna operadora a pesar que es iphone de claro y est liberado

Josué Heber Mamani Chambilla - Réponse

reassemble iphone se

keith broadbent - Réponse

Hello folks,

do you know where the proximity detector is located?

osvaldo - Réponse

hi folks

do you know where the proximity detector is located and how does it work?

Thank you

osvaldo - Réponse

Hi osvaldo, the proximity sensor is on the front camera and sensor cable behind the speaker on the back of the display. You can look at the iPhone 5s guide for more details. Here you can read how the sensor works (optical photoelectric sensor):

Tobias Isakeit -

so no anti-static equipment is needed?

Ernesto Quintanilla Jr - Réponse

Perfect thanks

Fares - Réponse

My phone got submerged in water and i took the logic board out and all the water indicators are red. There are no signs of corrosion. Has been cleaned with 91% isopropyl alcohol. But it seems some of the logic board is encased. I would think there is corrosion in there. How would I get to that. I’m just trying to get photos of my child from there.

Ps. Phone does not power on. Have tried other logic boards and phone powers on.

Tony - Réponse

hola se puede cambiar la carcasa del se por el 5s?? tambien la pantalla??

ivan kurunzi - Réponse

parece que la carcasa o chasis si pero la pantalla segun veo dice que parpadea y tiene lineas verticales esto es asi??

ivan kurunzi -

Would it be possible to get the internals of the SE and put them in the 5c case?

Jackson M - Réponse

iPhone se modrbodo

Pabitra Bhitria - Réponse

I've swapped out the screen on many broken SE's past for a quick and relatively easy fix for my (now vintage?) SE. Sadly, this procedure no longer fixes the digitizer- the screen and everything else works though- it just doesn't react to touch at all. What, besides the screen/digitizer assembly could be the culprit now? Would love to revive this snazzy old phone of mine! Thanks for any help!

Kevin Dahlquist - Réponse

I replaced battery on phone and now my screen doesn’t work. Screen works fine on separate SE but not the one I replaced battery. Is is possible I have disconnected something and missed reconnecting? Or is there a piece I may have messed up and need to replace? Screen is black on replaced battery phone but works completely perfect on other phone. Screen from good phone works on good phone but not replaced battery phone. Any help is appreciated.


Dan - Réponse

Hello, I have changed my battery today and unfortunately I also managed to damage this curly shaped ribbon - in photo 15 - it is still the part remaining in the upper back casing this is a close of the bit I am talking about. and this is a photo of my actual phone / part

Does anybody know what this might be, and more importantly, can it be replaced / repaired?

I suspect it might be to do with WIFI signal, as it dropping in and out now, and showing poor signal strength.

thanks for any advice,


Carl Tabs - Réponse

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