Excellent guide, thanks for putting it together! We got a brand new Strongarm we couldn’t return so I followed your guide to take it apart. However, nothing was broken.
We noticed the barrel rotated fine when manually pulling the mechanism when the blaster was apart, but it wasn’t rotating when screwed back together. I applied some Super Lube grease to several areas in the mechanism where I thought friction might be introduced and, voila! The blaster fires and slam fires reliably.
Without your guide I would’ve been really stuck, though. Thank you!
We got one on eBay. It was actually a LeapPad (original, not a LeapPad 2 Explorer) that would not boot. I figured the screen would be ok, even if the logic board was bad, and it turned out to be true. Our LeapPad 2 Explorer now works great. Bit of a pain moving the screen assembly from the old model to the new one, but it fits fine and works perfectly.