As a Certified Technician for many brands and models of laptops, do not.. I repeat... DO NOT use any "paste" to fix your screen. Use 3m Two Sided Adhesive Tape. Get a .03mm thickness or less full sheet and cut to size.
The customers screen was Spider-Webbed pretty badly, and it was a brand new phone basically so the new adhesive was very sturdy. With a few attempts at reheating well under the point you couldn't touch it and finding the text that states to start at the left side of the top speaker, it broke free. The screen was sturdy enough to apply heat and use a jimmy to pull up while attempting to evenly distribute the weight and it worked. Took some force pulling up, somewhat effort commanding to do while making sure you aren't using any part of the internal organs or cosmetic exterior as leverage. With the brand new old spidered screen now out of the way, the rest of the clean up process was a breeze. I did not quite get though why I was provided with a T2 in the screen kit that didn't fit. I am glad I had the client spend the extra for the tool kit with the T2, T3, and T4! I do have them as well in another kit, but I would rather not use a toolset designated for different tasks. Great guide and genuine parts as always. Thanks again! 1.5 Hrs.