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I want to use my asus chromebook C202SC for stuff like youtube and stuff but i found out its managed by an extension...
Plus d'informationSo.I was using my PS3 super slim and it said “A system file is corrupted so we need to restart your system”.Or something...
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The burn may have done damage to the off button.Tear it down and see if anything is wrong.
Plus d'informationGet another battery or another charger.Be sure the battery matches the original one.Or the charger.
Plus d'informationThis is not an answer but PLEASE go here and copy & paste to others https://www.change.org/p/principals-let-s-stop-xtramath
Plus d'informationwho still uses the gameboy?!? whatever if you want it i think it is ethier it is how old the system is or it is the battery inside the game not the console.Idk why it refuses to save though :/
Plus d'informationDid an error appear during the touch id? If so did it look like this ——————————————————————— | Touch Id | | Unable to activate Touch ID on this | | iphone. | |————————————————————— | |___ ________________OK_____________________ |
Plus d'informationDid you check inside the phone? I think that’s why the phone is doing it.If I were you Id be more focused on the PHONE than the cables.
Plus d'informationGot it! I think its because of Probably you have a problem with the Power Supply. I don't now the model of your PS3 but there is one solution for this with PS APS-250. I think that APS-270 is the same but I am not sure. If the model of your PS is the same you can try. First disassemble the PS. In the up-middle side you can see two potentiometers. Mark them and turn them left around 5 degrees.pictures can be found here:https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/1168838503... Here's how to Unplug the power supply: Remplacement de l'alimentation de la PlayStation 3 Slim
Plus d'informationIt can be the fans.You said it looked like it had very low power so if so then can you turn it back on and then if it shuts off or looks like can you check the fan?
Plus d'information(1) Press esc + refresh + power (note: refresh is the 4th key from the left on the Chromebook. It should be the swirly arrow.) (2) Press ctrl + d. (3) Press space (the spacebar) or on some Chromebooks enter (the enter key) Note: This will put you in developer mode, let your Chromebook load up everything and do NOT turn it off yourself. Your Chromebook will restart and then start initiating dev mode, that will put you off of the domain.
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My PS3 super slim was restarting and was stuck on the 47% then got to 48% after a long time then at some point the screen goes black and flickers grey and black and worse my brother said “I SWEAR i heard my voice echo.”please fix it!