Hello! My name is William Girard and I am a freshman majoring in Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Following college, I hope to work in the field of Computer Science. My biggest interests in my field are robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
I am currently developing my skill-set at UMass Dartmouth. I have experience with Java, JavaScript, and C++. Additionally, I have extensive troubleshooting and technical writing experience from my time at a vocational high school.
My biggest accomplishment was graduating in the top 5 from my high school. Some of my favorite projects were an AC to DC voltage converter, a water pressure to voltage project, and programming a robotic arm.
For repairs, I have fixed a laptop screen, a GameBoy game, and helped my dad repair a tractor. I think it would be fun to fix actual GameBoy SP systems instead of just the games.
My hobbies include: video games, playing with my dog, and playing the piano. I think this project will give me valuable experience in repair and a deeper understanding of technology. Thank you for viewing my profile.
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William Girard
UMass Dartmouth, Team 1-1, Mellen Spring 2022
Mot-clé d'équipe : UMASSD-MELLEN-S22S1G1