About Me
Hi! My name is Lily Suggs and I am a third year Design major at UC Davis. I chose this major because there are a lot of different types of design and I wanted to try as many of them as I could so I could figure out what I want to focus on. Most of my repair experience is related to apparel, like fixing jewelry or mending clothes. I know how to use a sewing machine and I can hand stitch pretty well. I really love drawing and my favorite drawings are portraits. I am also a fan of Formula 1 racing, and a lot of my drawings are of my favorite drivers. In my spare time, I like to draw, read, watch shows, and play with my dog, Peaches.
Mes tutoriels
Mes tutoriels favoris
Lily Suggs
UC Davis, Team 4-8, Andersen Winter 2023
Mot-clé d'équipe : UCD-ANDERSEN-W23S4G8