Wiki réalisé avec l'aide d'étudiants
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-Thermostat not powering on
Device does not respond to the power button being pressed.
Loose or improperly attached wiring:
Check that you have a wire connected to the thermostat C terminal, as this is a required wire. The R wire goes with RC terminal, G wire with C terminal, W wire with W1 terminal, and Y wire with PEK terminal.
Improperly installed back plate:
If the wires are not properly connected to the back plate, the system will not power on. Remove wires that are in the way and allow the thermostat pins to insert completely into the backplate. There should be no spaces in between the system and the backplate, and there should also be an audible click when the thermostat properly connects to the backplate.
Flipped breaker box:
When there is too much power to a source, a breaker can flip and will need to be reset manually. Check the appropriate switch on the breaker box. Switch it off and wait 30 seconds. Switch it back on and give the system up to two minutes to reboot.
Blown fuse box:
Open the control panel and find where your thermostat wires are connected. Make sure that there is either a purple 3 or an orange 5 amp fuse on the boarding make sure that it’s intact. If it is not intact, replace it.
-Device not connecting to Wi-Fi
The device not connecting to wifi can be caused by router issues.
Wi-fi Issues:
Try restarting your router and seeing if it's up to date. Also, check to see if your encryption type is set to WPA/WPA-AES.
-Device not properly maintaining temperature
The device is struggling to maintain the desired settings or displaying inaccurate readings.
Low batteries:
If the batteries are running low, the device cannot give accurate temperature reading and maintain proper temperature setting.
Replacing the batteries is a simple solution. Please remove the dead batteries and add the new ones. Please also make sure to replace the right kind of batteries.
Blocked vents:
The thermostat will not be able to reach the desired temperature setting if something is blocking the vents.
Please check the vents around the home and make sure any items such as furniture is not in the way of the vent's airflow.
Please also make sure all of your vents are open too.
Uncalibrated thermostat:
If the device is not correctly calibrated, it cannot maintain the temperature setting and present the accurate temperature. One or both issues mentioned above lead the AC unit to work inefficiently, which costs greatly, wears, and tears more parts of the unit.
Calibrating the thermostat is easy and should be done once a year. To do so, tape or place an accurate thermometer near the device on the wall, wait 15 minutes and check the temperature reading on both devices. If they match, the thermostat is calibrated accurately. If not, need to take further action. The problem is usually caused by dust accumulation and improper thermostat installation.
Please always recheck the calibration after the calibration process is complete to get an accurate reading.
Gunk buildup on thermostat:
Built up dirt and dust on the thermostat can interfere with the device temperature reading and setting.
It can easily brush away dust or dirt on the thermostat touch screen by spraying water or any mild, non-abrasive household cleaner on a clean cloth.
Smart thermostat does not need to clean the inside.
Dirty or clogged air filter:
Dirty or clogged air filter can be the cause of the thermostat reading the wrong temperature.
To find the air filter, please locate the furnace first. Once the furnace is located, take out the air filter and check if it needs to be replaced or not. If the air filter is dark and built up with gunk and grime, then it needs to be replaced.
Please be sure to replace it with a new air filter every three months.
Improper location for thermostat:
Poor location is one of the most common reasons why the device is not reading the correct temperature.
A thermostat should be centrally located, about five feet from the floor, away from direct sunlight, and away from any hot or cold drafts.
A thermostat should not be in a room that gets warmer or colder than the rest of the house. If that is the case, the thermostat needs to be moved to a proper place. It is also recommended not to put the thermostat near fireplaces, windows, or kitchens.
If the thermostat’s placement does not meet one or more of these requirements, it will likely read the wrong temperature of the house and not maintain the desired setting.
-Sensor malfunction
If the sensor malfunctions it may be caused by a low battery, it may not have been paired correctly, wifi issues, and the sensor may be placed incorrectly in the house.
Low battery:
Try changing the battery. You can try seeing if the battery works in another device just to double-check that the battery is the issue.
Device won't pair:
You must make sure that your device is up to date.
Device won't connect to wi-fi:
Try checking your router settings.
Incorrectly placed sensor:
Try moving the sensor away from heat-emitting sources and anything they would cause an interference.
-Device not connecting to AC unit
Thermostat is working and user is able to adjust temperature, but air conditioning unit is not responding to user inputs from the thermostat.
Water buildup in HVAC system:
HVAC systems need to drain either through a drain pan or a drain tube. If system is draining improperly and has water buildup, the HVAC system will shut off and the AC will not turn on.
Wrong settings for "Compressor Minimum Outdoor Temperature":
Thermostats have a minimum temperature that they will not run below. There is a factory default, but this can be adjusted as needed depending on the climate where you live. Check settings and make sure that you're setting it at a temperature at or above the minimum.
Loose or improperly attached wiring:
Check that you have a wire connected to the thermostat C terminal, as this is a required wire. The R wire goes with RC terminal, G wire with C terminal, W wire with W1 terminal, and Y wire with PEK terminal.
Un commentaire
You should also include if a unit has a dehumidifier unit with a drain pump. Ensure that the drain pump is working. If the drain pump is not emptying the runoff, then the shutoff switch on the drain pump will cut power to the unit when if fills up.
Donald Noble - Réponse