Un ... Trois ... G ... Trois ... Encore G ... S ! ... Quatre ... Encore Quatre! ... Et un autre S ! ... Cinq ! ... S ! ... Cinq ?! ... C !
Heureusement, Apple s'occupe de la technologie, et non de l'éducation. Nous ne pouvons qu'imaginer à quel point le ABC et le 123 des élèves de maternelle serait embrouillé si l'enseignement se faisait à Cupertino.
A part la nomenclature folle, nous étions impatients de nous attaquer à ce tout dernier iPhone. Tellement impatients en fait, que nous avons envoyé un des nôtres au pays des kangourous pour nous en procurer un.
Rejoignez-nous pour la dissection de l'iPhone le plus récent, et quand vous avez fini, faites ce que nous avons fait et jetez également un coup d'œil à l'intérieur de l'iPhone 5c !
Autrement, vous nous trouverez sur Instagram pour des photos de folie, sur Twitter pour des bons mots, et sur Facebook si vous voulez être amis.
Ce dont vous avez besoin
Vidéo d'introduction
Une sortie d'iPhone signifie un voyage dans le futur — l'équipe de démontage d'iFixit a voyagé 17 heures en avant dans le temps pour obtenir l'iPhone 5s en avance.
Nous souhaitons remercier très chaleureusement nos très chers amis de MacFixit Australia pour nous avoir permis d'utiliser leur bureau à Melbourne pour le démontage. Ils stockent des mises à niveau/accessoires pour Mac et iPhone, et également nos kits d'outils iFixit.
Pour tout prévoir, nous avons confirmé avec nos meilleurs linguistes que l'envers de 5s est toujours 5s.
En parlant de kits d'outils, pour ce démontage, nous allons utiliser le set de tournevis Pro Tech flambant neuf d'iFixit.
Pendant que nous nous préparons à explorer les entrailles exquises de l'iPhone 5s, vérifions quelques caractéristiques techniques :
Processeur Apple A7 avec architecture 64 bits
Coprocesseur de mouvement M7
Stockage 16, 32, ou 64 Go
Écran Retina de 4 pouces avec 326 ppp
Appareil photo iSight 8 mégapixels (avec pixels plus large de 1,5 µ) et caméra FaceTime de 1,2 mégapixels.
Capteur d'identité par empreinte digitale intégré au bouton home
Disponible dans trois couleurs différentes : gris sidéral, argent et oooooor (ou comme nous les appelons, pas-du-tout-la-couleur-des-étoiles, médaille de la seconde place, et bling !)
Apple continue l'éternelle tendance à vouloir verrouiller les utilisateurs avec les vis Pentalobe. Heureusement, nous nous sommes préparés. Nous avons sorti notre fidèleiPhone 5 Liberation Kit, et à notre agréable surprise, cela a fonctionné !
Malheureusement, nous sommes mal équipés côté couleurs puisque nous avons uniquement les vis cruciformes grises et noires en rechange.
Nous sommes actuellement engagés dans du lobbying intense auprès de notre concepteur de produit pour créer des vis de rechange en or 14k. Une vis coûtera 50$ et s'abîmera la première fois que vous essayerez de la dévisser, elles seront donc parfaites pour l'iPhone. Restez informé !
Après avoir suffisamment libéré notre iPhone 5s, cela nous rappelle d'autres démontages d'iPhone en motif à pois dans un avenir proche...
Fini les futilités, il est temps d'ouvrir ce petit bébé ! Tout comme l'an dernier, nous faisons appel à une ventouse pour retirer l'écran du boîtier arrière.
Contrairement à l'année dernière, nous passons un petit tour délicat de spudger (spatule), juste au cas où...
Please tell me what's going on witg my iPhone 5s I'm repairing it for my mom. The whole screen literally just came off but there's a silver and black plate that won't come off. So idk what this part is called??
Outil utilisé dans cette étape :Spudger$2.99
Notre tour de spudger (spatule) a payé. En bas du téléphone, un câble connecte le capteur d'empreintes digitales du bouton home au port Lightning.
Nous avons survécu à ce premier piège et déconnectons rapidement le connecteur de câble du capteur d'empreintes digitales avec l'aide d'un spudger (spatule).
Hélas ! Notre premier coup d'œil à l'intérieur du 5s. En comparant avec l'iPhone 5, nous ne remarquons que peu de différences, dont la plus importante est l'absence de la languette pour retirer la batterie.
Outil utilisé dans cette étape :iOpener$17.99
Avec notre set de tournevis favori, nous retirons quelques couvercles de connecteurs métalliques et nous embarquons dans la bataille épique de retrait de la batterie.
L'absence de la languette de la batterie, bien qu'apparement inoffensif, indique un problème plus important pour le remplacement de la batterie : la colle.
Peut-être que le "s" dans 5s signifie "stuck" pour "coincé", comme dans "cette batterie est coincée à l'intérieur avec beaucoup de colle", ou "j'espère que vous ne voudriez pas remplacer votre batterie — vous allez rester coincé avec celle-ci".
Même si nous aimons retirer la batterie sans outil comme nous l'avons vu dans d'autres téléphones, nous nous contentons d'un retrait thermique de la batterie à l'aide d'un iOpener.
Sacré adhésif ! Il semble qu'Apple a abandonné l'adhésif minime de l'iPhone 5 en faveur de ces deux énormes pistes d'adhésif blanches qui maintiennent la batterie de l'iPhone 5s (coincée) en place.
Mise à jour : Beaucoup de gens nous ont notifiés que les bandes adhésives sont de nature à être retiré. Nous avons acquis plus d'iPhones pour les tutoriels de réparation, et nous ajusterons le score de réparabilité (si nécéssaire) après avoir enquêté sur le sujet.
The battery tape is a command type tape guys
Guess the battery is removed in totally wrong way. the tape should be pulled off from side, and the bettery will be removed without any trouble. refer: and
The first photo for this step needs updating. It shows screws being removed from the cover at the top of the phone, but in the subsequent photos, that cover is still in place. A different cover, next to the battery's recycle logo, on the other hand, was removed to expose the battery connector.
YES, Please change this photo! I ripped off the cable attached to my battery because I removed the cover shown in this photo and not the one for the battery (as indicated my Shamino).
rfs -
Peelable? I did not see any tabs on my iPhone 5s. And I accidentally punctured the battery and I got lithium poisoning.
Hi balkicityfossils! This is a teardown and shouldn't be followed as a repair guide! Check out our iPhone 5s battery replacement guide to see how to remove the battery strips!
Le 5s a une autonomie revendiquée de 10 heures de conversation en 3G, mais des rumeurs disent que le iOS 7 ne fera aucun faveur.
L'unité en or du Desay Battery Co., Ltd à Guizhou en Chine arbore une batterie de 3,8V - 5,92Wh - 1560 mAh. En comparaison :
iPhone 5 : 3,8 V - 1440 mAh - 5,45 Wh. Temps de conversation : jusqu'à 8 heures en 3G. Autonomie en veille : jusqu'à 225 heures.
Samsung Galaxy S4 : 3,8 V - 2600 mAh - 9,88 Wh. Temps de conversation : jusqu'à 7 heures. Autonomie en veille : jusqu'à 300 heures.
Motorola Moto X : 3,8 V - 2200 mAh - 8,4 Wh. 24 heures "d'utilisation mixte".
Could you compare the weights of the batteries? It would be interesting to know, what would be iPhone total weight, if they would go for e.g. that 2600 mAh, so almost doubling the battery life. I guess that majority of users love such change and it would be huge advantage comparing to Android, as they would have to have about 4000 mAh batteries to gain the same real life stamina.
Hello! Is the iPhone 5S battery compatible with the iPhone 5? It would be great to replace the one in the iPhone 5.
Hi, the 5s battery is NOT compatible with the 5.
The connectors are different:
Your jokes are not funny or helpful. You don't specify which bits to use. Overall your guide is trash.
La batterie étant démonté en toute sécurité, nous nous engageons maintenant sur l'étape suivante de notre journée de démontage : retirer l'écran Retina 326 ppp (inchangé).
Quelques tours de spudger pour déconnecter les câbles de la caméra FaceTime, la vitre tactile et du LCD, et l'écran est retiré.
What about the actual ribbon lengths, connector sizes, plate brackets? Could i take a 5 screen and transfer the home button then install it in to a 5S?
- Repair Technician
I always remove ALL adhesive that is in sight for easier disassembly later on if the part breaks.
Nous retirons rapidement le bouton home et Touch ID, le nouveau scanner d'empreintes d'Apple. Il est temps de relever les empreintes !
Une puce CMOS, le Touch ID est essentiellement un tas de petits condensateurs qui créent une "image" des crêtes sur votre doigt.
La technologie des capteurs, développée par AuthenTec et rachetée par Apple il y a un an, apparemment enregistre localement vos empreintes. Alors donner votre doigt à votre iPhone ne fera pas tout le chemin vers Cupertino.
Nous nous inquiétons sur comment le verre saphir couvrant le capteur peut le protéger de la dégradation au fil du temps, comme presque tous les capteurs d'empreintes CMOS. Sinon, cela pourrait devenir une bombe à retardement, comme la batterie super collée.
I bought a Swiss Army watch in 2001 in Switzerland while on vacation. it had a titanium band and sapphire crystal. It has never scratched and I wore it daily to work (not a desk job) for several years. If the sapphire Apple is using is anywhere near as good as the one on my watch, it will last a long time without scratches. Of course, someone will scratch it with a diamond and Apple will be blamed for it.
Good to hear! You gotta love a watch that can live with you. We are less concerned about the sapphire than we are about the sensor degrading from use. Since it is a capacitive sensor, each time you touch the sensor, electrons from your finger are being transferred to the chip. Comparatively, there are a lot more electrons in your finger than on the sensor, causing the sensor to wear out over time. The sapphire should act as an insulator, but it can't prevent all wear. Only time will tell how long these sensors will last...
Sorry, but there's a lot wrong with your description of how capacitive sensing works. It's complicated, but likely, the charge on your finger changes the capacitive coupling of two electrodes in a cross-bar configuration. There's no electrons being transferred from your finger to the sensor.
steve -
It is my understanding that people are worried about the Touch ID covering (sapphire) scratching to the point where there's too much interference between the finger and the sensor. The finger never touches the sensor, like on other devices, but it does touch the crystal. I don't believe the crystal will scratch and since I clean my screen regularly (just like my watch), I won't leave my finger print(s) for someone to "steal." Until someone runs a 10000-touch test on the home button, we won't know how well the sensor holds up. Since it needs a live thumb/finger, I'm not volunteering to test it. The test should also be done with a wipe between uses and well as no wipe between uses to see how long it takes for the crystal to become so dirty it's unusable. I bet dirty fingers and never cleaning the crystal will render Touch ID unusable before the sensor gives out or the crystal scratches.
plink53 -
Are you going to separate the glass from the sensor so we can see what under there?
Just curious if you have seen who manufactures the gyroscope accelerometer yet
The Gyroscope is from STMicroelectronics, the one next to Hynix's DRAM.
I would like to ask if the home button is the same size as the one in iPhone 5... If I buy a screen protector that works with iPhone 5, will it fit with 5S?
Why is removing the home button necessary when only the camera or flash is being replaced? Also, not necessary to remove the battery or the motherboard. Way too many extra steps!
Nous découvrons la caméra iSight.
L'étiquette au dos de la caméra iSight porte la référence DNL333 41WGRF 4W61W.
Selon notre ami Jim Morrison, vice-président du Technology Analysis Group chez Chipworks, "les marquages DNL sont compatibles avec les marquages sur le boîtier du module de la caméra du Sony IMX145 vus dans l'iPhone 4s et l'iPhone 5. Les marques sur le côté du module sont différentes, mais nos initiés de l'industrie nous disent que c'est du Sony.
L'étiquette en bas de la caméra porte la référence AW32 65BD 4511 b763.
Pour ceux qui comptent les étapes et comparent avec l'année dernière, nous nous trouvons sans surprise au même niveau.
Un bel exemple du design répétitif d'Apple, le 5s montre quelques rationalisations et optimisations dans sa construction intérieure.
Ces stupides câbles d'antenne d'interconnexion n'existent plus, laissant moins de choses à abîmer ou à déconnecter accidentellement.
i have the same problem :/
On dirait que nous avons trouvé un module Wi-Fi Murata 339S0205 (basé sur le Broadcom BCM4334, selon Chipworks).
Nous comparons à nouveau les modèles 16 et 64 Go :
Il semble que le circuit intégré Murata est le même pour les deux iPhone 5s.
Le design des deux cartes mères paraît identique, cependant des différences minimes dans les marquages (par exemple 94V-0 sur la droite, n'existe pas sur la gauche) peuvent indiquer qu'Apple fabrique les cartes mères du 5s à plusieurs endroits.
Sés-(a)EM(e)I ouvre toi ! Regardez, des trésors de circuits intégrés ont été identifiés :
Flash NAND SK Hynix H2JTDG8UD3MBR 128 Go (16 Go)
Circuit intégré de gestion d'énergie RFQualcomm PM8018
TriQuint TQM6M6224
Apple 338S1216
Contrôleur d'écran tactile Broadcom BCM5976
Interface tactile Texas Instruments 343S0645
Skyworks 77810
i second this!
Where can I buy a Texas Instruments 343S0645 touchscreen interface ? please, thanks
Plus de circuits intégrés !
Skyworks 77355
Avago A790720
Avago A7900
Apple 338S120L
Un très grand merci à l'équipe de Chipworks de nous avoir aidé à décoder et à découvrir ces appareils merveilleux !
Any idea which DAC they are using? Is it the same Cirrus logic chip as in the iPhone 5? I was wondering if they have improved the headphone output as the iPhone 5 went down a step in output quality versus the 4S.
I wonder if the Apple 338S120L might be the M7? It's about the right size and proportions, assuming the illustrations and comparison between the A7 and M7 in the keynote video were to scale. Alternatively, I suppose it could be an replacement for the Apple 338S1117 (Cirus Logic audio codec) from the iPhone 5, assuming the Apple 338S1216 is the replacement for the Apple 338S1131 (Dialog power management) from the iPhone 5.
I also notice that the gyroscope chip (STMicroelectronics L3G4200D) that was in the iPhone 5 seems to have vanished.
Looking at the 5c Apple 338S1164 is in the same position as 338S120L and the same position as Apple 338S1117 (Cirus Logic audio codec) on iPhone 5. However 120L is much larger than 1164 so maybe 120L has the M7 functionality along with the audio codec function?
Looks like the Gyro is still from STMicroelectronics, Next to the SKhynix's chip.
Are you guessing or know for sure?
It may be worth mentioning that during the video Apple made about the 5S, I noticed a something strange when they showed the A7 chip. The overlaid animation of the chip, showed an extra, smaller outline inside the A7. I found this strange, but I realized it just might be the M7 it's supposed to represent. Have a looksie:
Does anyone know why the RF chip configuration is different on Chipworks?
Chipworks acknowledges iFixIt's teardown, but their RF's are different and in different places:
Nous nous tournons vers le dos de la carte mère :
Apple A7 APL0698 SoC (d'après cette contribution sur MacRumors, les marquages F8164A1PD indiquent que la RAM est probablement de 1Go)
Modem LTE Qualcomm MDM9615M
Émetteur-récepteur LTE/HSPA+/CDMA2K/TDSCDMA/EDGE/GPS Qualcomm WTR1605L
Alors que nous recherchons un co-processeur M7 très attendu, nous commençons à nous demander s'il s'agit d'un circuit intégré séparé, ou s'il s'agit d'une fonctionnalité additionnelle intégrée dans le A7.
Mise à jour : le M7 a été découvert !
Notre A7 a été fabriqué en juillet.
I'm very curious about the cell chip set-up. It appears Apple is using the same chipsets in both the 5c & 5s ( What I am wondering is if Apple made a more streamlined modular organization to make it easy in the assembly process...interchangeable between both devices. I mean, they have a lot more combinations of iPhones to make: 5c comes in 2 memory sizes, 5 colors, 5s comes in 3 memory sizes, 3 colors. Add 4 cell chipsets. Compared to the non-LTE iPhone 4S, which has one cell chipset, a single global model in one memory size, 2 colors.
So, is the part that contains the qualcomm chips for LTE & other cell reception one modular unit, or is it simply that they have soldered different chips on the logic board? My question is, did Apple find a way to make this part interchangeable between 5c & 5s?
This is a main reason for discontinuing the iPhone 5, as it did not support enough LTE carriers (i.e. china), so that Apple could have two LTE iPhone models for emerging markets. So this part of the phone would be the most changed from iPhone 5 (at least in the 5c).
Maybe you could comment on this after the 5c teardown?
Can you see if there are any chips under the black cover surrounding the connectors to the left? The leaked bare board showed a chip location under that cover. Thanks!
Based on picture at Chipworks, the M7 chip is under that black cover in the middle of the connectors.
The antenna switch module from Murata, also the chip Doug Freedman from RBC Capital is too blind to see, or maybe doesn't want to see so he can downgrade PSMI and buy on the cheap!
Dear All,
Is there anybody who knows the values of components located just near the Battery Connector? There are 4 passive components between Battery Connector and the metal shield of RF Part? Thanks in advance...
Il est temps d'enquêter sur le petit nouveau et il vole comme un A7. Avec le capteur d'empreintes digitales, l'A7 est un attrait majeur pour les consommateurs pour choisir le 5s à la place du 5c.
L'A7 a été annoncé comme étant un processeur qui fournit deux fois la performance du processeur A6 du 5 (et du 5c).
Nous devrons attendre jusqu'à pénétrer à l'intérieur de la puce pour connaître qui l'a fabriquée.
Samsung, or so ChipWorks says:
Incase you haven't read Chipwork's update, M7 is actually labeled NXP LPC18A1 that is located above the A7 in the middle of all the connectors
Il est temps pour ton gros plan, caméra selfie !
Quelques vis maintiennent en place la caméra FaceTime de 1,2 mégapixels.
Si la mise à jour de la taille de pixel de la caméra iSight peut attirer beaucoup d'attention, les iPhone bling bling signifient surtout être soi-moi paparazzi.
Can you elaborate on the connection of the heat shield sticker to the front-facing camera? by following another site's instructions for replacing the screen, i was told to remove the sticker instead of just leaving it all attached to the heat shield. In the process the sticker tore away from the camera module. I've ordered a new sticker but can't tell exactly where to reattach it to the camera. help?
I would also like to know if the shield sticker for the iPhone 5s and 5c are interchangeable?
Les périphériques du bas du 5s semblent très similaires à ceux du 5, cependant le haut-parleur se retire plutôt facilement dans cette itération.
Une fois le haut-parleur retiré, l'ensemble prise jack/microphone/connecteur lightning se retire facilement.
Comme avec les générations précédentes, vous devriez remplacer plusieurs composants en une fois, puisque le design n'est pas modulaire.
Nous avons trouvé une nouvelle mise à jour de matériel : le nouveau double flash.
Des LED blanches et ambrées se trouvent près de la caméra pour équilibrer les tons fantomatiques induits par le flash lors des photographies de la vie nocturne.
Hi, if you could remove the lens cover of the flash LED to expose the internal Flash LED component, it will be perfect.
can i replace just the glass on the iPhone 5s? would i be able to just use the ones that they sell for the iPhone 5. my brother cracked his screen on his brand new 5s. however its just the glass not the digitizer.
La réparabitlité de l'iPhone 5s : 6 sur 10 (10 correspond au plus facile à réparer)
Comme dans l'iPhone 5, l'écran est le premier composant qui se sépare du téléphone, ce qui simplifie les réparations de l'écran.
La batterie est relativement facile à accéder, quoique techniquement, elle n'est pas "remplaçable par l'utilisateur".
Le câble du capteur d'empreintes digitales peut être facilement arraché de sa prise si un utilisateur ne fait pas attention en ouvrant le téléphone.
L'iPhone 5s utilise de nouveau des vis pentalobes à l'extérieur, rendant le 5s difficile à ouvrir.
La vitre frontale, la vitre tactile, et le LCD sont groupés dans un seul composant, ce qui augmente le coût des réparations.
The one score down is totally unfair. Apple chose the command tapes for easy removal, and you guys took one score off just because you didn't know how to use them. This device should get at least 8, very modular design and straightforward repairs. The only frustration is the fused display
I also generate this image to make it clear which piece I am talking about:
I found it! ;)
Thanks anyway
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64 commentaires
Good Morning or Good Night All........Any hint yet of the Mfg of the 5S Gyroscope Accelerometer?
Yeah, anyone knows?
They forgot to peel the black sticker between the connectors, pretty sure it's beneath it
Tom Chai -
Hi, if you could remove the lens cover of the flash LED to expose the internal Flash LED component, it will be perfect.
No, the connectors are different.
Hello from Italy. Is the vibrating motor the same "noisy" as the iPhone 5? I may appear as crazy, but I didn't change my iPhone 4S to 5 because i LOVE the silent vibration of my iPhone 4S and HATE the noisy vibration of iPhone 5, which is as loud as the iPhone 4...
The S's stand for silent, so you really should've expected it to be louder.
yep it is the same counterweight vibrator as the 5. I think Apple stopped using the one from the 4s because it had to be sourced from samsung.
iFixit, what's the deal with the condescending tone?
'Give Apple the finger' 'M for marketing'
Less snark, more details please.
details on what lol
Stop complaining about Apple. Your !@# wouldn't be in business if not for them. People come to your site to view stuff about their devices.
Stop being !@#$%^&. Thanks.
you forget about samsung, and this is not a repair guide, this is a teardown.
Any hint on how much RAM the 5s has, 512 or 1G?
There is H6PPOP-1GB-DDR on top of CPU.
Is there any teardown details about all the different antennas? Where are they all located? What type of antennas, etc.?
It remains the same with iphone 5. The bottom coax connector goes to the primary antenna, which is the lightning connector, the speaker and the bottom case metal band. The contact pad on the very top of the logic board goes to the diversity/GPS antenna, which is the top case metal band. The coax connector near the camera goes to the wifi/ Bluetooth antenna, which is adhere to the top case glass inlay.
Tom Chai -
Actually, to remove the battery adhesive from the 5s and the 5c, you pull up the hidden flap at the bottom of the battery, cut the flap in the middle and begin pulling the strip out from the bottom working around the bottom corner as you pull. It is actually VERY easy to remove the battery including the adhesive; the only problem is, you will have to either get new adhesive strips or figure out your own mounting adhesive. :) Hope iFixit Reads this and publishes it to help people not struggle.
Why do you need to replace the adhesive at all? The battery has no room to move inside the phone anyway. It seems the battery is only glued in to discourage DIY replacement.
lens42 -
you need to replace the adheisive because the slight moving around the battery can do, over time the friction could mess with the volume flex cable under the battery.
I'm thinking the 5 and 5S are the exact same digitizer. Can someone confirm this?
So if i wanted to replace just the glass part of the screen because the digitizer is still in tact. Would i be able to just replace the glass portion which is usually 7-10$..
thank you in advance
LOL, using a pentalobe screw makes it 'difficult' to repair? Since when is a repair 'difficult' because you don't have the right tools? Get where you are coming from, and it's a pita having to buy the right tool, but please explain how is this ANY DIFFERENT from any other job you don't have the proper tools to accomplish?
You're completely correct - all jobs are somewhere between difficult to impossible to do if you don't have the right tools. The big difference comes when a manufacturer starts inventing new proprietary tools - that most definitely makes a repair harder. We don't want you to have to buy proprietary tools (from us at iFixit, or from anywhere else) in order to do your repairs. (So that you know: iFixit only has Pentalobe screwdrivers available because we reverse engineered the screw, and started manufacturing our own screwdrivers.)
For your consideration - what if the phone had Phillips screws instead? Almost everyone owns a Phillips screwdriver already. Even if you don't, chances are very high that your neighbor or friend has one you could borrow. When a manufacturer invents a new, proprietary screw bit, then doesn't make the matching tool available, it makes repairs unnecessarily difficult (and expensive!), and that's something iFixit has taken a stand against.
i tried taking mine apart but stopped while taking the retina plus out, i disconnected all 3 but put them all back on & screwed the plate back over it then connected the finger print menu button, put all back together & now my screen is messed up why is this?
You may have put the screws to the display in wrong. If you put a screw from a different hole into the bottom left hole. You will ruin your screen and you have to get a new logic board. Also you might wanna take all the connectors off and put them back on and see if fhat helps. Otherwise it's pretty expensive.
YOU are BY FAR, THE WORSE "TAKE APART" guide website online. Seriously. T-H-E W-O-R-S-E. Instead of keeping focused, precise steps and pictures on whatever you are taking apart, the information seems to be written by a 12 year-old girl, such as infantile unnecessary "Holy adhesive!" remarks, or with irritating description of a step, like "We survive this first booby trap and swiftly disconnect the Touch ID cable connector with the help of a spudger", forgetting to mention and leaving Important information that is really what the reader wants to know: HOW to disconnect said cable? Which end first? There's a screw to be removed? Is not even mentioned that. And the pictures help nothing.
God you are terrible. Sucks because your crap website litter the first three pages of a google search for a tear apart guides, so you just stay on the way of GOOD take apart websites that can REALLY help us users.
Hope you guys go bankrupt
Hi Joey - I think you might have missed the point. iFixit's Teardowns are 'first glimpse' looks inside a device, created the day that a device is released. They are meant to be a summary overview of the highlights of a device - infused with some humor.
If you're looking for a complete set of free, thorough, and detailed disassembly and maintenance guides, just look at the 23 guides on iPhone 5 Device Page: iPhone 5. Hope this helps!
Perfect guide! Thanks!
I have a question ....
I have a silver 5s and I broke the finger print censor. I bought a 5s locked with an iCloud account. I bought it for parts only.
What functionsof the device won't work without the finger print censor besides reading the fingerprint?
Will the parts of the 5s gold work on my 5s silver, and if so, what parts do I need to exchange?
Good morning I changed u2 chip and reassembling came out a piece that does not know anymore where to mount it . can someone help me? the piece is main logic board loud speaker bracket .
Any idea which company made the speaker?
hi i was wondering what the sockets name was that connect the volume power button to
How can i convert my Iphone 5S LTE to VOLTE? Because i am not able to use Reliance Jio (VOLTE)sim card for calling facility in India.Please help.
Hi I've replaced the digitiser and LCD on the 5S, the screen lights up and display is fine however the touch screen won't register, any ideas??
How can i convert my Iphone 5S LTE to VOLTE? Because i am not able to use Reliance Jio (VOLTE)sim card for calling facility in India. Help with us here!
This is a first-look teardown meant to show components. It is not a repair guide. Please refer to the repair manual for step-by-step guides.
So.... how do you remove the shielding on top of the Apple A7 Chip? Thanks!
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александр 65 лет.
Hello, guys!
I am from Brazil.
Thank you! Thank you!
This "Guide Teardown" helped me a lot
Olá, galera.
Sou do Brasil.
Obrigado! Obrigado!
Este "Guia da Destruição" me ajudou muito.
Dear Sirs, I am from Santiago-Chile, I’m the owner of a iphone 5s . Since 3 weeks ago I can not use my movil. As
oI connect I have the message “The phone is desactivated, connect to iTunes”. I have consulted to Mac locals, with no solution to my problem,
I can tell you that my movil has not any password, as nobody (Movistarsellers) did not advised me to incorporate a password, Neither they provided an instruction information.
I would appreciated very much your pront answer and help !!
Sorry it is almost a month and till now I did not have any answer to my requirement of help neither a
reception note of my comment. I would appreciate letting me know if you can help or not, Yours faitfully.
Franco Rabagliati , Santiago, Chile January 14th, 2018
Merci pour la démonstration détailler; et merci pour la traduction.
Hi I want to get my iPhone 5s back camera repaired and battery replaced, please let me know the way
Could you pls post a pic of this phone’s internals? I’d be very very grateful if you’d do this.
My phone fell down and went off and i dont knowbwhats wrong withit or what to do it doesn't came on again
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This class suck never coming Back here to do any thing