I’m currently a student at EWU, my major is political science and my minor is sociology. I've been a student at EWU for five years and will be graduating this next quarter. My previous profession was a wild land fire fighter, which I was in charge of crews and fire engines at various times. We had to use multiple resources and be creative to suppress wild fires. This job provided me with tons of experience in fixing small engines in water pumps, chain saws, and fire engines . Most of the time we would have to fix our own gear due to the fact we were far from civilization or any type of repair service. This allowed for continual learning, testing, and applying new knowledge gained when our equipment wasn't working. With the leadership and experience gained from constantly working with teams to achieve the same goals, as well as having to take things apart and fix them myself I feel this can and will attribute to multiple skills needed to complete this ifix it project. Also, I have familiarity in recreating the trouble shoots I went through with my personal electronic equipment to help explain to others how they can repair theirs.
Mes tutoriels
Les wikis auxquels j'ai contribué
Carlo Calvillo
Eastern Washington University, Team 1-4, Crane Fall 2016
Mot-clé d'équipe : EWU-CRANE-F16S1G4