I am studying Biology at The Citadel. I chose to study Biology and attend medical school to become an orthopedic surgeon. The skills I have acquired during my time at The Citadel include followership, discipline, time-management, and intersocial skills. The main accomplishments that I have obtained are Gold Stars and Eagle Scout Award. I have not had a lot of experience fixing technology. I can do basic things like cleaning the technology and very basic repairs. I have not done any sophisticated repairs like the display. At The Citadel, I am currently involved in the Pre-Health Society and Eagle Scout Association. In my spare time, I like to work out, prepare for medical school, and occasionally play video games. This project relates to me as I will have a lot of experience with a very similar laptop. I currently own a dell laptop and many of the components and layout are similar.
Mes tutoriels
Les tutoriels auxquels j'ai contribué
Richard Parker
I am currently studying Biology at The Citadel. I have very generic knowledge about technology and repairs. I use technology every day, but I am not fully able to take apart and repair the devices that I use.
The Citadel Military College of South Carolina, Team 2-11, Eggleston Fall 2021
Mot-clé d'équipe : CMCSC-EGGLESTON-F21S2G11
Just three students trying to get an A.