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Lamp Light Flashing Red Or Orange
The lamp light is flashing red or orange when the projector is on.
Lamp out of position.
The lamp may need to be re-seated if the lamp light is flashing orange. Follow the steps as outlined in the Lamp Replacement Guide to re-seat the lamp.
Dirty lamp.
The lamp may need to be cleaned if the lamp light is flashing orange. Follow the steps as outlined in the Lamp Replacement Guide to remove the lamp. Clean the lamp and lamp area with an ESD safe brush or air tool. Re-seat the lamp.
Broken or malfunctioning lamp.
The lamp must be replaced if the lamp light is flashing red. Follow the Lamp Replacement Guide to install a new lamp.
Temperature Light Flashing Red Or Orange
The temperature light is flashing red or orange when the projector is on.
Inadequate ventilation
The projector temperature is increasing if the temperature light is flashing orange. Ensure that the vents are not blocked and that there is adequate ventilation around the projector. If this continues it can lead to the projector overheating.
Broken or dirty filter
The filter may need cleaning if the temperature light is flashing orange. Turn off and unplug the projector and allow it to cool. You may need to clean the or replace the filter.
Broken or malfunctioning fan
The projector fan may need to be replaced if the temperature light is flashing red. If cleaning the filter and vents does not solve the issue, follow the Fan Replacement Guide and replace the fan.
Projector Not Fully Starting Up
The projector may display status lights, but does not fully power on.
Projector boot up.
The projector is warming up when the power light is flashing green. Wait for the image to appear before continuing troubleshooting.
Light signals mentioned in previous sections.
The projector has overheated if the power and temperature light are red. Ensure that the vents and filter are clean, and that the projector has adequate space for ventilation. Restart the projector when the projector status lights have cleared.
Projector Does Not Have Power
The projector does not power on or display any status lights.
Power cord connected incorrectly.
Ensure that the cable is fully connected at the outlet and at the projector. Attempt to start the projector.
Faulty power cord.
Check the cord for physical damage. If available, use a multi-meter to check the cable for continuity. Replace the cable if it is faulty.
Faulty power supply
If the previous fixes did not work, the power supply may be damaged. If this is the case it will need to be replaced. To access the power supply go to the Power Supply Replacement Guide.
Projector Distorts Images
The image is displaying a distorted or blurred image.
Adjust focus lens.
Adjust the focus with the focus ring. The focus ring is located right above the lens and can be adjusted by turning it towards the ‘T’ will make the image thinner while turning it towards the ‘W’ will make it wider. If image issues persist, adjust sharpness settings within the image menu.
Adjust brightness and contrast settings.
Adjust the brightness and contrast settings in the image menu. To get to this menu, click the ‘Menu’ button, scroll to ‘Image’ menu and click ‘Enter.’ Scroll to ‘Brightness’ and scroll until the desired brightness is reached. The contrast menu can be reached in the same menu by scrolling down to ‘Contrast’ instead of brightness. If this doesn’t work, the lamp may need to be replaced. See the Lamp Replacement Guide for more details.
Turn on Auto-Keystone in settings.
If the image is trapezoidal instead of rectangular, ensure the projector is centered in the middle of the screen. Next, turn on Auto Keystone in the settings menu. To get to this menu press the ‘Menu’ button,scroll to ‘Settings’ and select ‘Auto-Keystone’, turning it on. Adjust the tilt of the projector until the image is rectangular.
Reset projector tracking.
If vertical stripes occur, reset the projector’s tracking and sync settings. To do this, click the “Enter/Auto’ button on the remote to automatically reset the tracking on the device. If vertical stripes still persist, use the manual tracking and sync settings to correct the issue. To do this press the ‘Menu’ button and go to the ‘Signal’ Menu. Select the ‘Tracking’ menu and adjust the tracking to eliminate vertical stripes on your screen. Select the ‘Sync’ menu and adjust it to increase the sharpness of the image. To make this process easier it is recommended that you project detailed text or images to see the results clearly in order to fine tune the device most accurately.
Dirty projector lens.
Check the projector lens for any dirt or debris and remove it with an ESD safe brush or air blower. If smudges or smearing are present, use a lens-cleaning paper to wipe the lens and follow up with a soft cloth moistened with lens cleaner. Do not use glass cleaner on the lens. If the lens is cracked or scratched, it may require replacement. To replace the lens follow the Projector Lens Replacement Guide.
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