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I suspect you experienced the same issue I had. I had to extract the hard drive I put in, format it for mac use, and reinsert it. Transmac is useful for that on any WIndows machine assuming you don’t have another mac to work from.
(I know this response is waaay late but I figured better late than never.)
I actually had to use my 6H torx. my 4/5/6’s wouldn’t grab. Whether its from stripping or whatever the 6H worked fine.
Can someone confirm the m.2 type on these units?
Suggestion… reword it… “relocate warranty cod if…” sticker…;)
Thanks! Very helpful and to the point!
You ARE TECHNICALLY missing one step however, removing the fabric ribbon from the old battery at the end. Yes, it seems like common sense but…
Anyways, thanks.
Thomas Keats
Servicing computers for 20+ years.
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