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Touchpad Inoperable
You are unable to use the touchpad of the laptop.
Disabled Touchpad
Ensure the touchpad is not disabled. To enable the touchpad, press the Fn+F9 or F5 keys with this marking:
Outdated Drivers
Sometimes an outdated driver could be the reason for the touchpad not working. To update the driver, go to the Toshiba website and download the appropriate driver for your laptop’s operating system.
Faulty Touchpad
If the above mentioned steps fail, replace the touchpad using our Touchpad Replacement Guide.
Keyboard Keys Sticking
Your keyboard keys remain in the pressed position while typing.
Debris Stuck In Keyboard
Clean out the keyboard. Turn off the laptop and disconnect any accessories. Turn it upside down and shake it over a trash can. You can use a small brush to get out larger crumbs. You can also use a can of compressed air to blow around and under the keys. If you suspect there is a liquid, you can use rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab to clean the keys.
Faulty Keyboard Keys
If, after cleaning the keyboard, the keyboard keys continue to stick, remove and replace the keyboard keys as described in our Keyboard Replacement Guide.
Noisy Computer Fan
Your computer fan is excessively noisy while operating.
Dirty Computer Fan
If your computer fan is noisy while operating, it may be dirty. To clean the computer fan, turn off your laptop and remove the battery. Unscrew the access panel and remove the fan. Do not use compressed air to clean the computer fan as it will only force dust deeper into the mechanism. Instead, use a lint-free cloth to wipe down the fan blades. Use Q-tips or a lint-free foam swab to clean the areas that you cannot reach with the cloth.
Faulty Computer Fan
If the computer fan continues to make noise after being cleaned, you may have a faulty computer fan. Refer to our Fan Replacement Guide to correct this issue.
Battery Issue
Windows has warned you that your battery has reached extremely low capacity.
Extremely Low Battery Capacity
Laptop batteries fail over time. If Windows has warned you that your battery has reached extremely low capacity and software issues are apparent, remove and replace the battery using our Battery Replacement Guide.
CD/DVD Drive Inoperable
Your CD/DVD Drive does not read inserted media.
Outdated CD/DVD Driver
If your laptop does not read your CD or DVD's when inserted, the CD/DVD Driver may be outdated. To fix this, go to the Toshiba website and download the latest driver for your operating system.
Faulty CD/DVD Drive
CD/DVD Drives eventually wear out and must be replaced. Use our CD/DVD Drive Replacement Guide to complete this task.
Hard Drive Crash
Your computer hard drive begins to malfunction.
System Errors
If a system error reads “Windows Has Detected a Hard Disk Error,” backup your files to another source and proceed to the next steps. First, click “Start” and left click on “Computer/My Computer.” The hard drive will usually be the first drive in the list. Right click on your hard drive and choose “Properties.” Next, select the “Tools” tab and click “Check Now” under “Error Checking.” Click “Run” and when the process finishes, click “Schedule Disk Check” and it will ask to reset the computer.
Faulty Hard Drive
If the hard drive continues having problems after running “Disk Check,” it may need to be replaced. If the hard drive begins making a loud clicking sound known as the “Click of Death,” this means the hard drive has failed. If possible, make a backup of your files using a flash drive and continue to replace the hard drive using our Hard Drive Replacement Guide.
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