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Contribution: Réponse à : « Bypass passcode without factory reset »
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Votants: oldturkey03 (Décision de l'Admin)

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Bypass passcode without factory reset

Had a problem this past weekend my daughter buggered off and something happened in those 2 days . She's grounded and the ipod is now mine the only way to find out what happened is to wait..... or get into this iPod. I don't want to factory reset and need to bypass the lock screen


Basically what you're trying to get is data. Without the passlock, you'll never get in. Even if you restore it, you'll need the email and password. You can try some combos, but the device will lock you out for a period of time. The time will continue to increase after each false answer. If you can't figure it out, or get her to tell you, you're never getting in. Might wanna try the carrot, before the stick